This lady could be the Grandmother from Hell

A Dallas mom lost her son in a senseless street killing, but she was fast on her feet. She had a urologist collect testicular tissue for him so that he could posthumously bring forth grandchildren.

Mom says that her son was an “old soul” and had expressed his desire for children, even picking out favorite names.

Ethicists are in a quandary about this. Mind you, “ethicists” have no problem with KILLING THE UNBORN FOR TISSUE AND STEM CELLS, or even for sport, but they’re all worried about the use of a sperm donation from a dead guy. Interesting priorities. Mind you, I think that sperm donation is a ethical problem which causes more problems than it would ever solve. But at least it has a more positive motivation than the above mentioned killing business , for which ethicists have been bending themselves into pretzel shape to provide justification.

Today’s bioethicists are completely upside down and inside out. Why do people bother with them??

Practically speaking though, this Dallas lady would be so wrapped up in any grandchildren produced from her efforts, she’ll drive the kids crazy.

No Tolerance for BC pills

Oakton High School in Fairfax County, MD has suspended a student who was caught popping a pill at lunchtime.

Seems the school has a zero tolerance drug policy, so that all meds must be administered at the school office, or not at all.

In an interesting twist, however, the liberal press is a bit worked up because this student was supposedly behaving “responsibly” by taking birth control, and the suspension for this behavior is tragic to them.

Scheduling the birth control administration at noon?? This was never taken up by the Washington Post article which discusses the story. There really is no reason for the girl to need those pills at school for once daily administration. If she requires noon administration of the pill (perhaps the minipill, which requires the most regular administration) due to her late weekend sleeping habits, why can’t she wait in line with all the kids who take Ritalin at lunchtime? If Mom and the rest of the world knows that she needs to use the pill, there should be no difficulty with complying with school regulations.

Strict drug policies at schools stem from fears of drug abuse, combined with worries about liabilities for students who share drugs with friends who are allergic. Lawyers have been feeding at this trough. Obsessive caution has become economically vital.

This brings up the topic of shared birth control. Yes, those packs can be split into Yuzpe regimens which functioned as the first “morning after pills” before exclusively labeled regimens were marketed, and still function as such in many locations today. It’s a stupid idea, but certainly not new.

Reminder: The morning after pill works no better than the withdrawal method. Both stink as birth control.

And the last blast: It’s not an allergic kid’s vital need for inhalers at the ready, or an Epipen to prevent anaphylaxis, which will tone down the school drug policies. It will be the liberals WHINING about the “right” to be able to take birth control pills at any time of day, (whenever the girl happens to remember them).

Local Money

Some communities are printing their own currency as a way to encourage people to buy locally, reinvesting in their own community. Often the currency is purchased for slightly less than its face value.

There are now “cheers” in Detroit, “hours” in Ithaca NY, and Berkshares in Berkshire, MA.

The currency is legal as long as it is not passed as federal currency nor resembles it.

BIG BLUE WAVE: Dr. Laura Defends the Pope on the Condom Issue

BIG BLUE WAVE: Dr. Laura Defends the Pope on the Condom Issue

I like this cool auto link function. Some things are worth repeating, such the above linked statement from Dr. Laura Schlessinger along with my my prior acknowlegement of the Pope’s correctness on the results of condom use.

Congratulations to Dr. Laura, who has been persistently unapologetic for expecting humans to act as morally responsible creatures. Read her whole commentary here.

Oh look! Harvard’s Dr. Edward C Green submitted a commentary to the Washington Post .
We’ve found a researcher who’s not completely nailed down to orthodoxy! A rare catch.

North Korea Launched a Rocket

I don’t suppose that Obama will much to say about this, and since it was on the weekend, same goes for our mainstream media.

But the very Androgynous Kim Jong Il launched a rocket right out over Japan. The Japanese claim to have been watching for debris, but finding no problem, did not intervene. The prime minister, Taro Aso, called it a ‘very provocative act’.

There is some Bull-story from N. Korea that a satellite is now in orbit, as a result of this launch, but it must be invisible. 😉

Your friendly Pharmer is waiting for Obama to get finished arranging his new gray hairs in symmetrical order in order to deliver some form of appropriate response from the teleprompter.


A bit of Racism with that Abortion

To long time, Pro life people, this is a bit of non-news, but the uninitiated probably would find some interest in the commentary.

Marie Stopes International, a London UK abortion facility has been beleaguered by investigations into its policies of practice, since the death of a 15 year old girl who received an abortion there. To compound this, there are accusations that anaesthesiologist Narendra Sharma engaged in sex activity with sedated patients, and an atmosphere of unprofessionalism and rampant racism. A former administrator at the facility, Andrea Blair has been giving the inside view at Court hearings in Manchester, England.

Those of us who have been dealing with the radical pro-abortion element, and who understand the character of founder, Margaret Sanger, see these new tales as just more of operations as usual.

A recent case of assault against abortion protestors has the Thomas More Law Center utilizing the hate crimes laws against an abortion clinic worker. It seems that an irate Kieth Sterkeson had some choice words for protesters Eric Nelson and Kevin Rilott, in addition to physically assaulting them, calling them ‘faggot’ and referring to Nelson as halfbreed, and referring to his Black ancestry using the the now Forbidden Word.

While I am fully in agreement with legal pursuit of Sterkeson for being unable to keep his hands to himself, the hate crime concept is just stupid and needs to be abandoned.

A crime is a crime, and the finer points of motivation need not be weighed when determining the penalty. Rather, I’m in favor of the existing video of Sterkeson being used to the fullest extent, as a window into the inherently racist/bigoted mind of the pro-abortion extremist.

Congresswoman Barney Frank

Yep, she did it…….. Pelosi referred to Barney Frank as “congresswoman”. She caught her blunder, but the folks at Gay Patriot took note of it, and got a big laugh.

I’ll keep trying to grab the soundbite of that Freudian slip. It’s pretty good.