May 1st is Blog about Pigford Day is asking everyone to blog about the Pigford fraudulent waste of tax payer dollars to buy voters for the democrats today, May 1st.   It’s a good way to allow the world to know one of the more dishonest mechanisms by which the U.S. got itself so deeply into debt.

Your friendly Pharmer already Blogged about Pigford on April 26th, and will leave further details up to the experts.  You can check that article out  HERE, and please pass it on.

It’s fun to push things, that the media has been keeping under wraps, out to be viewed by the public.

Leftist Sociology Professor Retracts his Life in Research

Diederik A Stapel has lost his position at Tilburg University after his body of published research has come under question for fraud. Stapel had become a commonly  cited reference for the leftist media, in giving their views on human behavior and motivations.  The New York Times is having to face the fact that one of their oft referenced social “scientists” has retracted nearly all of his working life.

 Retraction Watch, a very important blog used by  researchers to keep tabs on fraud, dishonesty and retractions in their fields, has been keeping a tally on the disintegration of Stapel’s sociological house of cards.  He’s flying high in the Frequent Retraction category with over 50 articles  retracted by  such resources as the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Stapel is noted for contributing so much to the body of beliefs that leftists hold about human behavior, which are simply not true…. such as the fictitious associations of 1) meat eating and selfishness,  and 2) filthy environments with aversion to people of other races, and 3) capitalism with gluttonous over-consumption.

Breitbart Celebrates -The Leftie Media Catching Up in the Pigford USDA Fraud story.

In 2010, Andrew Breitbart got into a fight with the NAACP, charging them with their very own racism.  He published a video showing an NAACP audience  which had cheered a statement in a speech by Shirley Sherrod  mentioning an initial desire  to refuse to help a white farmer in her capacity as USDA Director of Rural Development in Georgia.  Not withstanding Breitbart’s accompanying  statement that Ms. Sherrod  actually decided that she would render aid to that farmer, the lefties attempted to spin his message against the NAACP attitudes as an attack on Shirley Sherrod. An apparent basis for their spin  is the leftist assumption that their constituency cannot read, and could only take in  the video clip.   This fight grew into a firestorm, and eventually  led to Breitbart’s  investigation into a class action lawsuit of discrimination against Black farmers, from which Sherrod  and her husband had benefited to the tune of $13 million, prior to her being hired by the USDA.

This was the Pigford v. Glickman decision, which morphed into the most bloated civil rights settlement in history.

While an expected 2000 Black farmers who had been thought to suffer discrimination from the USDA’s loan grant policies, the number of applicants for payouts ballooned to 16,000.    In  2008,  Senator Obama sponsored legislation was passed, which  allowed another 70,000 people to qualify for settlements stemming from this original USDA decision.  This latter law allowed Ms. Sherrod the larger $13 million windfall from the government.

The huge numbers of people benefiting from the original Pigford and Glickman payout by the USDA  massively exceeded the total number of Black Farmers in the United States.  Breitbart had uncovered one more government boondoggle paying out billions of dollars to more than double the total 40,000 black farmers in the U.S.  He published a series of articles explaining the government fraud, which was ignored by the mainstream media, except FOX.

Now that the    New York Times has finally caught up to this web of government fraud, and payment of agricultural settlement money to people who were never farmers, is celebrating today that the lamestream media has finally noticed.  One problem with their own article is the suggestion in the headline, that the story in the New York TImes “Vindicates ” Breitbart. Wrong!………. The headline should indicate instead that the New York Times is finally catching up with Breitbart.
The erroneous idea that the NYT  is the news of record is something which needs to be corrected.
The “Gray Lady” has been exhibiting signs of dementia for years.

Why do Pro-lifers Photograph Ambulances at Abortion Clinics?

If you click the image below, you’ll see a bigger death certificate of a woman killed by abortion by Reginald Sharpe in 2008.

abortion death certificate 2013-04-01_1121

The problem is that the certificate does not really specify the cause of death. Not only that, it refers to Sharpe’s abortion clinic as a BIRTHING CENTER, on the bottom line. It’s easy to see from this one example that no one is getting an accurate count of women who are killed, along with their babies, at abortion clinics.

Now that pro-lifers are using their cell phones to record the ambulance runs to abortion clinics, and using FOIA requests to obtain 911 call transcripts, people can finally begin to understand that abortion is not nearly as safe as has been represented.
This blog is searchable, and will continue to feature some of the ambulance runs. Operation Rescue, Real Choice ,  Abortion Violence, and Jill Stanek’s blog  are good places to find more information on abortion related health hazards.

abortion ambulance run 1 sharpe 3-23-13 Summit Medical Services abortion clinic

This video is taken at the Summit Medical Services where Reginald Sharpe was in attendance on March 23, 2013. Sharpe is a new hire at this clinic, after closing his own clinics in Detroit and Livonia Michigan.   Many more botched abortions can be tracked using this means, and use of 911 records,  than by ferreting out death certificates and sifting through them to reinterpret the inaccurate information.

Obama Administration is Committed to Making His Sequester as Painful As Possible

The Sequester is not really a cut in spending at all, but a reduction in the projected increase.  The spending in 2013 will still be larger than 2012.  However Obama promised a lot of pain to be associated with the sequester, and it would appear that federal officials are being ordered to make this happen.

And example comes from an internal email exchange by an Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service official, Charles Brown.  He asked if he could spread whatever cuts might affect his region to make them as painless as possible.  The answer was that he was not to do anything to lessen the impact on fish inspections,  so that the effects  would be as dire as Obama warned Congress they would be.  Cuts in his area are to eliminate aid to prevent wildlife damage  to the aquaculture industry in 24 states.

In other words,  we have direct evidence that Obama is going to make  HIS sequester painful, and blame the whole idea on the Republicans.

Obama also has threatened that he  has an ability to target cuts, eliminating meat inspectors, for example, so as to reduce the available food supply.  He might not remember that his supporters will be punished most of all, as this cut would  affect the inner city “food deserts” more than the most rural areas.   (Pharmer recalls to mind  the increasingly severe cuts in DRUG supply which the nation has been experienced during Obama’s tenure.)

Since this APHIS email  came to light, the  USDA is walking back the implications of the report, saying that they will try to mitigate the effects of the sequester as much as possible.

The Washington Times also noted that the White house was facing questions on the 50 million dollar order for new TSA uniforms that it made just before the sequestration took effect.

Obama is also closing the White house to tours, and blaming this on the sequester.  Perhaps he fears blowback from  his obviously vengeful attitude towards Americans.   Inside the beltway, people are asking why Obama can’t keep the White house open, noting that President Lincoln was able to do so throughout the time of the Civil War.

Barrie Obama is no Abe Lincoln.

Soylent Brown- Double Horsemeat Fraud

Horsemeat found in British supermarkets ‘may be donkey’ – Home News – UK – The Independent.

It seems that a change in Romanian regulations has banned horses drawn carriages from the roads.   This has resulted in wholesale slaughter of horses, and is said to have precipitated fraudulent horse meat distribution throughout Europe.

Now it appears that there may be an added problem.  Some of the horse meat might actually be DONKEY!!   Is it actual donkeys, or have leftists taken their convictions about recycling to the max??  🙂

The Food Standards Agency of Europe is rejecting the idea of a ban on all meat imports.  Their claim is that all the products on sale are safe for human consumption.

Pharmer begs to differ.


Vote Early, Vote Often….. Voter Fraud in Hamilton County, Ohio

Imagine That: Voter-Fraud Allegation Against Hamilton County, Ohio Woman Who May Have Voted Six Times | NewsBusters.

Tom Blumer covers the case of Melowese Richardson, a paid  worker at the Madisonville Recreation Center polling facility in Cincinnati, who admits to voting twice in the November Election.  Her granddaughter, India Richardson, a first time voter, appears to have cast two ballots for good measure.  There is an additional clutch of absentee ballots coming from Melowese Richardson’s home address, with different voter names, all in similar handwriting.

Says Richardson:  “Absolutely. Absolutely, I’ll fight it for Mr. Obama and Mr. Obama’s right to sit as president of the United States.”

The Cincinnati Enquirer  (known as ‘Fish Wrap’ at the Whistleblower) covered this story, without mentioning the Richardsons’ names, though they are public record.

The Hamilton County Board of Elections will be issuing 28 subpoenas in connection with various falsified or fraudulent votes cast in the Nov 2012 election.

MSNBC Has ZIMMERED the Gun Debate- Caught Editing the Video Again

NBC has been the mouthpiece of the left for decades. Your friendly Pharmer was personally caught up in this, long ago, having an hour-long interview turned into a soundbite in a shill for Planned Parenthood. After that interview, all other interview requests from NBC were refused, including their nationally syndicated evening news.

No one should be using NBC or MSNBC as a news source, because their output is fictionalized by heavy and biased editing.

John Nolte of Breitbart has decided to recognize the singular efforts of Eric Wemple at the Washington Post ! for recognizing and reporting on the latest transgression at NBC.
For his efforts to fairly investigate a claim by MSNBC, that the father of a child killed in the Sandy Hook shootings was heckled while giving testimony, Eric Wemple gets links of his coverage:

Was Newtown father really heckled?

MSNBC ‘reviewing’ Newtown ‘heckled’ video

Here’s why Newtown victim’s father was NOT heckled

MSNBC, Huffington Post respond to ‘heckling’ issue

Hannity compares ‘heckling’ case to Zimmerman tape edits

The short of it is that MSNBC edited another tape to portray conservatives and 2nd Amendment supporters as insensitive troglodytes.  They did to all of us collectively, as they did to George Zimmerman, and likely it will have similar  unjust and disastrous consequences.

The proper response to MSNBC  is to stop looking at it, do not click their ads, and try to avoid supporting their known advertisers.  Give MSNBC the corporate “death penalty” for its transgressions.

Unedited Video:


Here’s a collection of NBC editing efforts on behalf of their leftist agenda.

Tiny Anti-Gun Rally in Washington DC gets Big Coverage, While the Huge March for Life is Ignored

Reuters carefully kept the camera angles low to conceal the fact that the Anti-gun rally on Saturday, in Washington DC was less than a hundredth of the size of the annual March for Life.   “Thousands” were said to have attended.  See for yourself by checking out their slide show HERE.   This would be considered a mandate from the people for the Obama administration.

But 40 years of THIS  happening every January in the capitol means absolutely nothing to the Obama administration and its useless media.  Check out the 2013 March for life slide show found by Bing image search.
Nothing for the media to see here.  NYT had been ignoring it for years, but published just a little bit on it this time.
Here’s a video by Rico Viqueira at ground level, which gives some views of March for Life 2013 passing through.


Now…….. take a look at Telegraph TV, showing you  the “1 percent” at the anti-gun rally in DC, on the day after the March for Life.

Who do you think has the ear of the Obama administration?