Oak Park Resident May Face Jail For Planting Vegetables

in her front yard.

Click to check out this cool garden: Does Michelle Obama Know About This? | The Agitator.

The Bass family of Oak Park, Michigan  decided to plant vegetables in their front yard after a sewer line was replaced.  Since the grass was torn up, and the yard trashed, they determined  to do something useful and put in beautiful raised beds of vegetables.

City planner Kevin Rulkowski has deemed this unsuitable use of private property, and has proffered a new definition of that word, to justify prosecution of one Julie Bass, for the offense of planting vegetables in her own  front yard.

Ms. Bass has demanded a jury trial and may face up to 93 days in jail if convicted of illicit vegetable planting.

Take one more look under the top link to see that vegetable  garden.

For your convenience, the contact information for the city officials (including Mr Rulkowski) of Oak Park  is clickable right HERE.   They might appreciate  suggestions of more useful things to do besides bothering the Bass family.

Visit Julie Bass’s blog:  Oakparkhatesveggies to keep up to date.  The big showdown is planned for  July 26th.