Law Enforcement Shows Fear of Occupy Mobs

» Tea Party Group Harassed by GA Capitol Police While Occupy Wall Streeters Given Pass to Break Laws – Big Government.

It’s become obvious to Pro-lifers and Tea Partiers.  Our demonstrations and rallies are heavily regulated, and suffer considerable harassment from law enforcement groups.   But these same groups have allowed the Occupy  demonstrators to routinely break local ordinances without reprisal.

Why is this?  The local police and politicians are afraid of the lefties and their supporters.  They display a similar fear of terrorists.

Palin Haters Doing More of The Same

Inappropriate language warning for the video.

Here’s a nice sample of what we internet surfers commonly see from the Palin Haters. Some of it is event specific. No one in the media cries about hate speech unless it’s directed at a leftie, (or to deflect attention from one of their own when he acts out.) In fact some of the media has participated in similar speech to what is shown below.

Liberal outlets try to nab John Boehner for infidelity before midterm elections –

Liberal outlets try to nab John Boehner for infidelity before midterm elections –

The proposed liaison  is not cooperating with the Dems’s claim about an affair.

They might have to find a new “mistress”,  pay her to say she had sex with John Boehner,  and do a bunch of photoshopping.

There’s a plus to the lack of technical ability on the part of the lefties.

Kantor sez- quit whining for political gain, Dems

The House minority Whip, Eric Kantor, who is accustomed to real threats,  and whose campaign office apparently got a bullet through the window, told the Dems to quit pretending they’re the only ones who get threats.

The nutty left has become  increasingly Jew-hating, in the template of 1930s.  This reversal of attitude, likely comes after the massive infusion of funding and influence from the Middle e=East. – Cantor Says Campaign Office Was Shot At, Accuses Dems of Exploiting Threats.

One of the Dems,  was crying about a coffin placed in his yard to represent the patients who would die as a result of Obama-care.