Did George Zimmerman get away with murder? No. Juror B29 is being framed. – Slate Magazine

Did George Zimmerman get away with murder? No. Juror B29 is being framed. – Slate Magazine.

Above are the headlines which were automatically generated when the WordPress “Press This” button was pushed on William Saletan’s  article on ABC’s treatment of  Juror B29, ‘Maddy’.

Going to the article itself, there is an apparent change, and the milder look is shown below.  The discrepancy is probably due to a need to keep the original link URLS and tags, after editors tone down the appearance of the article itself.

zimmerman hung juror Slate article grab 7-26-13

Aside from that apparent change, William Saletan has provided a good analysis of media bias coming from ABC. Their video cutting and editing provides an impression that juror B-29 thought Zimmerman was guilty of murder, but had to acquit due to the letter of the law.

When a less edited video is heard or viewed, it is apparent that the juror understood that Zimmerman was guilty of killing Trayvon, (an undisputed fact of the case) but that this was not manslaughter or second degree murder because no Intention to kill was apparent.  Saletan tells us that ABC interviewer put the phrase “got away with murder” in Maddie’s mouth.   She was repeating it  (vid link) as she analyzed the question being put to her.

Saletan gets a thumbs up for analyzing the media treatment of this case in a dispassionate way.  Click his link and read for yourself. 

You’ll meet a juror who wanted to find Zimmerman guilty of the killing, out of sympathy for the victim and his family, but knew that the charges did not fit the situation.  She put aside her feelings and  and conscientiously interpreted the law.  You will also see the ill effects she is suffering, now that she is aware of the government-fomented race war which has been generated from this case.

If You Still Rely on U.S. Mainstream Media, You Need to Hear This

Regarding your election choices and what the government is doing, you will not be informed by the mainstream media. Here is Proof. Click below and read how issues of foreign policy are handled. Then listen to the reporters coordinating their questions for the candidate, not realizing that a hot mic was present.

The Insane MSM Questions Romney Faced at Presser – By Katrina Trinko – The Corner – National Review Online.

Media Malpractice Regarding the Pro-Life March in Washington Continues

Abortion Rights Opponents Rally in Washington.

Fox News gives pathetic coverage of the rally,  purposely eliminating the fact that it has become largely fueled by the efforts of pro-life YOUTH, who register to the right of their elders on this issue.  If you watch Fox’s abominable video, you will see the term anti-choice used instead of pro-life, and no young people interviewed on the pro-life side.

‘Tens of thousands’, instead of  ‘hundreds of thousands’ is falsely used for the um-teenth year in a row to misrepresent the crowd size of the pro-lifers.

Yes, it’s true……. Fox News is little better than the rest of them on this issue.

It’s why you come here…….. to the internet to get your news, instead of watching the networks.

You might wish to head to the European press for coverage of this rally and the Obama State of the Union Show, for some information from people with less of an axe to grind.

One more shot on the Pro-life issue……….. which isn’t just about abortion, you know.

The European Court of Human Rights has published  a preliminary finding that there is NO human right to assisted suicide.

Those Muslims are really turning Europe around on the life issues.  Could it be that Christians had  turned the other cheek a little too much when dealing with the issue of other people’s lives???