Anti-Islam Filmmaker Donated Million Dollars To Obama Campaign

Freedom of speech has a high price tag during the Obama administration.

Anti-Islam Filmmaker Donated Million Dollars To Obama Campaign.

This highly clickable article by John Nolte highlights what netizens could surmise: that an almost unknown film that had been on YouTube for months, could not have suddenly touched off the 911-associated attacks on U.S. embassies around the world. It was much more likely that Obama had caused offense by repeatedly spiking the ball regarding the killing of Osama bin Laden, and particularly by doing it again at the democrat national convention.

Nolte points out that the little California film maker forgot to pay off the ObamaPAC fund raising machine. His competitor, Bill Maher, who skewered the Muslim faith in his film Religulous, has been exempt from blame by the administration. His film is better known, with much wider circulation. But Maher paid a million dollars to the Dems, so he’s exempt from blame for the current sad state of our foreign relations in the Muslim world.

In response to the claims that films cause terrorism, John Nolte is now demanding that the Obama administration get Sony to stop the release of Zero DarkThirty, the upcoming movie that celebrates the killing of bin Laden.

If You Still Rely on U.S. Mainstream Media, You Need to Hear This

Regarding your election choices and what the government is doing, you will not be informed by the mainstream media. Here is Proof. Click below and read how issues of foreign policy are handled. Then listen to the reporters coordinating their questions for the candidate, not realizing that a hot mic was present.

The Insane MSM Questions Romney Faced at Presser – By Katrina Trinko – The Corner – National Review Online.

Obama’s Bid for Middle East Surprise

The Dems have made a dangerous and ill conceived bid to deflect from their disastrous domestic policy by stirring up conflict in the Middle East.

The apology coming from the Cairo Egypt embassy, timed to coincide with Islamist 9-11 celebrations, was likely for the purpose of producing a pretext for violence. The extremist-Islamist responses, that any sane person would expect, are now underway. Lefties are pretending to be shocked that there would be violent backlash resulting from such incitement to violence. It is likely to be much more than they are prepared to handle. That Obama has been backing away from Israel (encouraging that country to DROP THE BIG ONE in desperation) is evidence of complete disarray in his administration.

During this time, Obama is AWOL at such important events as campaign stops, fundraisers and a Letterman appearance.
His schedule is very busy, and he has no time for Binyamin Netanyahu, the leader of Israel, a country which strategically has often acted as a U.S. outpost in the Middle East.

It’s Jimmy Carter, pre-Reagan, all over again, only WORSE. Let’s hope that Mitt Romney steps up to the plate and takes this opportunity to present his foreign policy plans, and assure the world that a more competent leader is taking the helm of the U.S..

U.S. Foreign Policy In Middle East is Decidedly Anti-Christian.

Michael Carl explains the travails of Christians in the Middle East under the Muslim Brotherhood and various Jihadist movements which have taken power after the “Arab Spring”. U.S. foreign policy has been to support these movements, under which Christians are being persecuted and killed.
The future looks very bleak for Christians in Syria, Egypt and Libya under the Muslim brotherhood.

Jesus to America: ‘Why do you persecute me?’.

MEMRITV – The Middle East Media Research Institute

MEMRITV – The Middle East Media Research Institute.

MEMRITV is a site you can visit for a video log of what’s happening in the Middle East.   Click on that site, look over to the right for video number 3272.   That one tells you of the virtue police in Saudi Arabia which held 15 female students inside a burning school, and refused to allow rescue because they were not wearing the hijab, traditional headcovering.  Death penalty without due process for not adhering to the dress code.

Apparently it  sux to be a female in a Muslim governed society.

You can also read the transcript of this video, an interview with Saudi Journalist Nadin Al-Badir, detailing the abuses of the “Authority for the Promotion of Virtue”.

IDF General Predicts Middle East War Featuring WMD

IDF general: Likelihood of regional war growing – Israel News, Ynetnews.

An IDF general is speaking openly about a “radical Islamic Winter” with weapons of mass destruction being deployed.  He cites Iran’s nuclear program, the deteriorating ties between Israel and  Turkey, and Egypt’s border problems.

Sez Pharmer: The instability of the Middle East, exacerbated  by weak, and bad policies from the U.S. and Europe, increase the chance that Israel will be cornered into  Dropping The Big One.

Obama Continues His Efforts To Start Nuclear War in Middle East

Sources: Obama Administration to Support Anti-Israel Resolution at UN Next Week | The Weekly Standard.

Obama, providing cover for the community organizers  who planned the flotilla  of arms shipments to Gaza,   is expected to join the UN plans to “investigate” Israel for it’s response to assault on it’s embargo effort.

Recall that humanitarian aid to Gaza are  permitted by Israel, but arms shipments are not.