Is Judge Ed a Ped?

Judge to Determine if Pre-teens Can Buy Morning After Pill |

Unfortunately we have been allowing too many medically ignorant people to make  legal decisions regarding health. (We’ve also seen some of their writing invade the medical journals.)  Pharmer sometimes  speaks  with  politicians about drug issues. Even the ones who are making a sincere  effort to understand  get the glazed-eyes look when pelted with too much medicinal chemistry and pharmacology.  Others are simply disinterested in  drug mechanisms of action and their  relative risks and benefits.  A third group overlaps,  which has an agenda of increasing sexual access to younger girls, and increasing abortion business by this means.  They  have  political supporters to pay off.

A New York Federal Judge, Edward Korman has agreed to hear a case from from the Center for Reproductive “Rights” on whether the morning after pill should be placed out on store shelves.  This case was filed before the Sebelius decision regarding Plan B.

Judge Edward Korman had previously ordered the FDA to let seventeen year olds obtain the medication without a prescription, so Pharmer already feels that he likes them pretty young, at or just after the legal age of consent.

The next question is whether or not Judge Ed likes them VERY young, before they have the ability to form the first dimple of cellulite in the adipose padding of the female curvatures. Is Judge Ed a Ped?

Pro-life people have to pay a social price for not wanting to participate in killing humans.  We are ostracized,  less employable,  and pelted with every sort of obscene epithet and accusation.  Some do jail time for peaceful protesting, while the much more violent leftie protesters are left to trash public and private property as they please.    There is one law for pro-lifers and another for the lefties.

The usual response from our side  is to try to be sooooo nice and hope that the lefties learn to love us.   Someone needs to tell the USCCB , the Republican party, and various other pro-life groups that this will never happen. (Soon they might  be where the Egyptian Coptic Christians  are now.)

Pharmer is not in the mood to be nice to sexual  predators, and those who profit from them.

Maybe Judge Ed will wake up and determine that it is just too sick to let guys buy or steal these pills so easily  and use them on drugged out pre-teen runaways who have been pressed into prostitution.

But if he doesn’t…. it would mean that there’s  something hugely wrong with him and his family, that they’re abnormal.   Should your kids be allowed anywhere near such people?  Would you want to be known to socially prefer the company of sex perverts?  Would  you then  feel safe in Judge Korman’s  neighborhood or want him at your school functions?

These are the things which need to be decided. What kind of world to you want to live in?  What will you do to adjust your environment so that it doesn’t deteriorate any further?   People who are interested in the well being of their children should be protecting them from the ones who think that it’s OK for an 11 year old to be having sex and buying plan B with their school lunch money, or being fed with the pills by sexual predators.

Press Secretary Jay Carney Has Offended Peta

PETA sends letter to White House press secretary for taking bestiality question ‘lightly’ | The Cutline – Yahoo! News.

The latest defense authorization bill approved by the Senate includes repeal of military laws forbidding sodomy and bestiality.

Jay Carney dismissed questions on this from a reporter during his daily press briefing, merely saying, “Let’s get on to something more serious”.

This prompted a letter from PETA’s Director of Communications, Colleen O’Brien.   It points out that their office has been deluged with calls from people who are upset that bestiality is now permitted in the military.

From the letter:  “As we outlined in the attached letter sent yesterday to the secretary of defense, animal abuse does not affect animals only—it is also a matter of public safety, as people who abuse animals very often go on to abuse human beings.”

One of the rare bits of common sense coming from the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals  is going to fall on deaf ears, as the Obama Administration would not be sympathetic to these kinds of problems.

In fact, the FDA is again seeking to facilitate the sexual abuse of humans by putting the morning after pill, Plan B One-Step  out on store shelves with the condoms.

Ella, the new morning after pill which is chemically analogous to mifepristone (RU-486), is now distributed  through an on-line prescribing and dispensing  process.  Though it is more cumbersome, it allows  non-patients and  men to have access to the drug and accumulate doses for abortions.

By this means, the FDA has  facilitated the availability of  home abortions outside the supervision of medical personnel.  These processes are frequently completed at hospitals where the resultant, life-threatening infections are treated.

Sorry, PETA, this is one administration which is not concerned about the  abuse of  animals, (humans included).