‘Create the family you want: Boy or Girl’: Sex selection advertized in Canadian newspapers | LifeSiteNews.com

‘Create the family you want: Boy or Girl’: Sex selection advertized in Canadian newspapers | LifeSiteNews.com.

A Seattle Fertility Clinic has been running ads in Canadian newspapers,  targeting immigrants to British Columbia.    It uses a preimplantation diagnostic procedure to determine if embryos produced by in vitro fertilization are  males or females.   This allows an opportunity to destroy those of the “wrong” sex, and implant only those of the desired sex.

In the National Post, Kelly McParland takes aim at Canadians who might be put off by this sex selection industry.  Canada has next to no abortion restrictions, and the Seattle  fertility clinic is taking advantage of Canada’s very liberal environment.    He notes that sex selection “puts feminists in the odd position of defending the right of women to decide against female babies on the basis that females aren’t as valuable or desirable as males.”

Over the Holiday Weekend, the Entertainment is Not a Barbeque

It is a weenie roast, specifically involving Rep. Anthony Weiner, D, NY.

Apparently  a bulging undie pic was sent from the congressman’s twitter account to a college student in Seattle.

No Sheeples Here Blog weighs in with the following illustrated comment: No Sheeples Here: Weinergate: Teensy Weensy Anthony Weiner, That Is.

The Blogosphere is afire with the obvious humor stemming from this gaffe, as the mainstream media pretends that nothing happened, and little censors scrub the internet  of all traces of Gennette Nicole Cordova a Whatcom Community College student and reporter for the school newspaper, to whom the questionable pic was directed.

Inquiring minds ask if Congressman Weiner will be attempting to find the supposed “hacker” of his  face book account, (but yfrog and twitter aren’t facebook)  and press charges.  There’s no hint of this yet.

Here’s another example of the avid interest in  this joke which continues to unfold  this weekend:  a massive collection of updates and links. It’s everywhere, and readily available if you need a laugh.