Just a few people realize…. that  the life and times of Pharmer has included a short career in research science.  With that comes the interest in the life and times of accomplished researchers of the past, and a bit cogitation has caused me to REJOICE!

As you know,  the Nobel Prize WAS very frequently given after a significant career and a crowning accomplishment.   That was waaaay back when, in my “salad days”. ( A little Shakespearian literary reference there…..)

After the Nobel Prize was given, the recipient could often rest on his laurels and generate income through writing and speaking honoraria.   Tenure was often a means of being put out to pasture…


Yep,  the PRIZE often signaled the decline of serious effort in the  recipient’s field of endeavor. James Watson, the Poster Boy of early “retirement”, pastured for decades at Harvard, is a prime example.

I am placing my bets……… and am rejoicing, that Obama may now retire from his EFFORTS.

Too Little, and probably too Late

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops, which snoozed for decades while abortion and other medical assaults on those most in need of care, became widespread in the U.S.,  has written to members of Congress to announce that they’ll “vigorously” oppose the health care plan based upon three main areas of concern, one of them being abortion.

Do you suppose that Pope Benedict woke them up? 

Read the letter here.  

Markedly missing from the letter is the government plan to render private charities powerless and moot, as it becomes the sole conduit of stealing from those who earn, and giving to those who do not wish to earn, as well as those few  in need of assistance who are permitted to survive. 

More Laughter at the Nobel Committee

Another Hilarious Choice for Nobel Peace Prize.

MMM MMMM MMMM Barack Hussein Obama!

Yep, After Carter and the Terrorist Arafat got awarded for, ahem, lasting peace in the Middle East, and Al Gore was awarded the same prize for his Global Warming Hoax while the Earth is cooling……

Obama gets a prize too!!!

Is this like those grade schools in which every kid’s a winner?

Pharmer’s colleagues laughed about it this AM as they came in to relieve our shift. The m\Main Man was laughing about it upon my arrival at the Pharmhaus. He said that our daughter asked about the award: “What did he DO??” Stop the war in Iraq? Get out of Afghanistan? Close “Gitmo”? Nope, but he talked about it.

Talk radio is going to be highly entertaining today, so we’ll need to record it for later amusement.

Click Your Way to Tort Reform

Remember those suggestions to return unwanted mail to the sender (at their expense).

Roger Kimball at Pajamasmedia suggests that you go visit THIS SITE first, then find a few class action lawsuit ads for the malpractice of the day, or the latest hated drug, and click on them.

The advertisers pay a fee per click, so when you click, you are costing them money.

Same principle as the returned junk mail.

Vent your frustration, and have fun!

STOPP has a list of Planned Parenthood Clinical Trials

Right HERE.

Of interest is the use of underage girls in some of the trials. One wonders if parental permission is required for participation, noting that abortions and other birth control can be obtained in many locations without such permissions.

Research on ways to enhance compliance in birth control administration is at the top of the list involving minor as research subjects, as is the Gardasil study, targeted at increasing administration to African American girls.

Thoughts from providers on second trimester abortions

Jivin J at Jill Stanek’s blog site read an amazing article posted at the Abortioneers blog. I recommend that you follow the second link FAST. Since the pro-lifers have spotted it, the article might not remain up for long, particularly if the comments start flying.
Below is what I left at Jill’s blog, and in bold is what I asked of the Abortioneers at their blog.

I think it’s worthwhile to understand the mental processes necessary to practice abortion.

It helps to understand where a lot of them come from, which is a state of hopelessness for women and children. Early on, the optimism about the possibility of women being revered and respected for their full natural potential has been stripped away. There is also the spectre of child abuse. From the chosen nics of some people speaking on the abortion issue, their own objectification from a very early age becomes starkly apparent.

Imagine starting and living your life in the middle of a battlefield with rape and carnage all around you. You might choose to end human suffering in the same way that these people choose to, by ending the life of the victim. In the cases of abortionists, their personal lives might have some kind of analogous beginning, or perhaps they received endless video or other stimuli to mimic this situation.

The article points out that human instinct rebels against killing one’s own.

Some abortion workers quit, because the natural instinct becomes overwhelming, or they are given access to hope through contact with the Creator.

I’d choke my way through the article if I were you, so you can understand more on how the demand for abortion can be eliminated.

I don’t dream that a lifetime of adverse conditions can be wiped away quickly. Also, our own choice to avoid participating in abortion or even to avoid abortion ourselves is soon to be curtailed by the cost constraints of socialized medicine. So I instead asked this question on the abortioneers forum:

Do you think that abortion practitioners and ancillary personnel should be allowed to choose whether or not to offer second and third trimester abortion services?

Does willingness to perform early procedures in any way negate a choice to refuse to perform later procedures?

Would you support legal provisions (such as exemptions from lawsuits or loss of license) for those who choose not to perform the later procedures?

The Most Heartless Insurance Provider

The liberals are very worried about denial of health care, and this is their excuse for shoving Obamacare down our throats.

As has become routine, the facts show them to by lying once more. Newsbusters’ Tom Blumer writes to tell us of the latest exposure by Beverly Gossage, research fellow for the Show Me Institute. Gossage wanted to know which insurance provider rejected the most claims, and found the answer in the AMA Insurer Report Card.

You’re not suprised to find out that MEDICARE BEAT OUT all the other MAJOR PROVIDERS, such as Humana, Cigna, UHC, et al, for both the absolute number and the rate of rejected claims. Medicare’s number of rejections outstripped all the other insurance providers COMBINED.

Add this to the fact that it is against the law for any emergency room to turn away a patient. Though it is OK for Medicare to DENY CARE, this institution is essentially BANKRUPT.

Given this information, do you want the government to be handling all of health care NOW??? Would you like to explain why? 😉

Obama’s Vietnam

Leaving Afghanistan is not an option, says the Obama administration.

There will be a bipartisan meeting with congressional leaders, since Obama suddenly values the opinions from Republicans on the matter of war.

The Republican opinions remain utterly worthless on the matter of health care, however.

Pharmer will state it more plainly: The Obama administration needs to spread the blame for his lack of leadership in this failure of a war effort.

Any questions?

UK reports on Criminal Proceedings against Former U.S. Judge Herman Thomas

The UK DailyMail takes the lead on this story, since former Judge Herman Thomas was once the Democrat party pick for Federal Judge in Alabama. Thomas’s stellar legal career had gone awry, with accusations of sexual impropriety with prisoners leading to his resignation back in 2007.

He NOW stands accused of trading sex for reduction in prison terms for a lineup of at least 15 prisoners (fishing buddies) expected to testify at the trial. Physical evidence of the same type available from the Clinton white house is apparently available to substantiate the charges. As has become routine, there are accusations from the defendant of racially based persecution from lying felons. The difficulty with this claim is that the former and current prisoners who accuse the former judge appear to be of his own race. Thomas faces a possible life sentence, with possibilities of more of the same kind of contact, but perhaps in reverse.

This case is fodder for considerable levity regionally, inspiring this parody by Jolene Roxbury.