Worlds Biggest Tick Fails to Have Insider Trading Conviction Overturned

Soros fails to quash insider trading conviction –

No luck with the European Court of Human Rights for George Soros, the World’s Biggest Tick.

They still think he’s a Tick – a parasite, an inside trader. The original case deals with his hedge fund  trade in the stock of Societe Generale, 14 years ago.

There is one last recourse for Soros to dodge the fine for breaking French trading law, and that is an appeal to the grand chamber of the same court.  It’s viewed as an unlikely possibility.

‘Darn Tooting!’ Obama Brags About HHS Reg Catholic Bishops Call Attack on Liberty |

‘Darn Tooting!’ Obama Brags About HHS Reg Catholic Bishops Call Attack on Liberty |

Obama discussed his health care debacle with his fundraiser audience in St. Louis, creating a permanent record of deception regarding health insurance.

Insurance companies have highlighted coverage of mammograms for years, but in his comments, Obama pretended that his plan would put coverage where there had been none.   Quite the opposite.  With his administration came  a sudden reversal of  medical opinion: USPSTF says women do not need annual mammograms anymore.

Most (socialized) countries no longer offer annual mammograms for women  because their health programs cannot afford it.

“Insurance companies can no longer discriminate against women just because you guys give birth”.  (A little sex confusion from Obama  the orator.)

What Obama was really discussing is the birth control and abortion coverage.   The insurance companies are being forced to cover birth control (including the  forms with abortive mechanism).   Surgical abortion coverage is also in the pipeline despite many denials to the contrary.

To bridge the abortion gap, the FDA approved Ella in Aug 2010.  Ulipristal acetate is an analog of mifepristone, RU-486, now marketed as a morning after pill.  Doses can be accumulated to provide for abortions at home, many of which will be completed at hospitals out of necessity.

In this way, the Obama administration has co opted the cooperation of every hospital in the practice of abortion.

After years of ignoring these warnings about the government coercing participation in abortion,  the US Catholic Bishops have been awakened to deal with the problem.

On their website is a request for people to urge their congressional representatives to  legislate a reversal of this aspect of Obamacare.

The bishops face an uphill battle after the issue of abortion and birth control has been downplayed for so many years. Use of hormonal birth control is rampant among Catholics who were raised in a vacuum of information concerning Catholic teaching on the matter, as well as the means by which the drugs operate. The Bishops are now trying to persuade people who use the pill to tell the government not to have it covered in the health care plan.

Late-Term Abortionist Martin Haskell Allowed to Avoid Ohio Law |

Late-Term Abortionist Martin Haskell Allowed to Avoid Ohio Law |

Much to the disgust of Sharonville Mayor Vergil Lovitt,  late term abortionist, Martin Haskell,  has been granted a special variance to skirt the Ohio law requiring him to have a transfer agreement or priveleges at an area hospital in order to operate an abortion clinic.

Governor  Ted Strickland allowed an exception which permitted the opening of Haskell’s new clinic in Sharonville,  the Women’s Med Center at 11250 Lebanon Road.  His health department director, Ted Wymyslo subsequently liberalized the variance, so that it extends indefinitely,  past the retirement of Haskell.   The clinic operates by having his partner, Roselyn Kade and two off site doctors,  David Schwartz and Walter J Bowers handle emergency situations (botched abortions).

Mayor Lovitt says that there have already been such mishaps within a year of the clinic opening, and specifically mentioned two of them.  Says the mayor: ” These complications are difficult to track and there are probably more than we know.” 

One of the functions of the HIPAA regulations is to generate fear of reporting such events as abortion complications, and medication related adverse effects, so the Mayor is most certainly correct.

Other  Haskell abortion facilities  continue to operate in Dayton, Ohio, and Indianapolis, Indiana. 


Brief Vacation from Obamunism

Pharmer’s 16 yo daughter enjoyed about 90 minutes of respite from Obamunism today. This is a phenomenon, perhaps related to daydreaming or absence seizures, that can occur in the minds of young people. She attended a convocation at her high school honoring a soldier from this area who had recently suffered serious injury and loss of his legs while serving in Afghanistan.
The possibility of a visit from President Bush for Veterans Day had been discussed at the High school. It is projected that our soldier might be sufficiently recovered to return home and be present for this year’s Veterans Day celebration. Pharmer’s daughter contemplated a possible visit from the President, and just then said: “Oh I just remembered, Obama is our president, not Bush. I forgot that for about an hour and a half….. It felt so good. I miss President Bush. If I actually saw him, I’d want to give him a hug.” (That’s remarkably more effusive than usual for her.)
Yep…… the grrl had a blissful moment of unreality brought on by that convocation today.
Thanks to our Army Infantry soldier for his sacrifice and service to our country, and even for bringing on that little vacation from Obamunism.

House Republicans Call for Special Counsel to Probe Eric Holder

House Republicans Request Special Counsel To Probe Holder On ‘Fast And Furious’ | Fox News.

Eric Holder has been stonewalling the investigation of the ATF  Fast and Furious operation in which the ATF apparently bought guns in the United States and gave them to the Mexican Drug Cartels.  This was for the purpose of convincing the public that the U.S. is a source of guns to criminals, and that more gun control is necessary.

Congress has reached the conclusion that Eric Holder cannot investigate himself to find out whether he committed perjury in his testimony to the House Judiciary Committee on the Fast and Furious operation.  He had claimed no knowledge of the operation.

At this time there is much movement of ATF personnel and attorneys within the Justice department.  They are cleaning house, in preparation of the troubles to come.

Pretty much is already known, however, and it it is up to the White House to determine if Eric Holder should be the fall guy, or if they should all go down together.