Sneering at a Niche Business that Didn’t Make It

Petula Dvorak – Virginia pharmacy had plenty of moral convictions, few clients.

The DMC Pharmacy, a pro life health care venture in Virginia has recently closed, due to business losses which the investor could no longer sustain.   Columnist Petula Dvorak did not pass up an opportunity to celebrate the failure of this health care establishment,  which catered to those who would prefer natural family planning to the artificial methods of birth control.

A sample of the style which ensconces Ms Dvorak  within the Washington Post:

“It makes little sense to make another stop to fill a prescription across the street for moral reasons, especially considering that Kmart is probably a regular shopping place for even the most devout Christians. I mean, where else can you get a $14.99 cubic zirconia cross, a $1.49 Blessed Mother candle, lawn fertilizer for that lawn your lovely offspring will play on and a crockpot for the church cook-off under one roof?”

Pharmer rewarded her efforts in the comment section appended to her column:

Repeating just a bit of the information given in an interview with this columnist-
The pharmacy itself grew at a rate perfectly acceptable for new chain/dept. store pharmacies, in many locations. Unfortunately since the staff was hired, and the pharmacy was freestanding, the investor needed extremely fast growth in the customer base in order to stay afloat. This was fairly unlikely for any freestanding pharmacy in  this location unless it had been mail order, and licensed to dispense in many states.
Yes, Ms Dvorak was informed about these and other pharmacy facts of life, but conveying the real business info would have robbed her of a supposed basis for sneering at another new niche business that didn’t make it.