Barack Obama’s Brother to Make Film Debut in Anti-Obama Documentary (Exclusive Video) – The Hollywood Reporter

Dinesh D’Sousa interviews Barack’s youngest half brother in a documentary “2016: Obama’s America” set to open in Houston this week.

Not showing on this film trailer is a statement from George Obama, that the wrong Obama was elected president.

George, though impoverished, and acknowledging  his own responsibility for that condition,  has noticed the many reasons for Kenya’s ‘failure to launch’.   It is possible that he truly has more of what it takes to govern than his older half-brother Barack, simply because he seems to accept the idea of personal responsibility.

Barack Obama’s Brother to Make Film Debut in Anti-Obama Documentary (Exclusive Video) – The Hollywood Reporter.

What Happens to the Egg Donors?

eggsploitation ::: the infertility industry has a dirty little secret….

Women are selling their eggs to assist the reproductive efforts of financially well heeled people with fertility troubles.   This documentary presents the possible serious  risks of the various means of egg harvesting  to the  donor women.

These women should also be informed that the bulk of  human embryos produced from their eggs are killed.

Click above to see various film trailers.

Also see this news story, of  a slave surrogacy operation based in Thailand, using women from Vietnam. The business appeared to serve the reproductive  ‘needs’ of Taiwanese customers.

Yes, women remain second class, able to be purchased,  and useful as a medical commodity.