Celestial Discharge: C. Everett Koop, former Surgeon General

The most memorable of our surgeon generals, C. Everett Koop was celestially discharged at the age of 96, on Feb 25th.Koop with patient

Koop was well known, and disliked by leftists for his adherence to Hippocratic standards of medical ethics. A devout Christian,  he was known for praying at the bedside of his patients.  Pro-lifers saw him as a man of conviction, driven by empathy for the sick and suffering.

It remains a mystery to most of the ‘journalosts’  that a man who opposed homosexual activity would be a staunch advocate for HIV research.  Most of the media, when recounting the accomplishments of Dr. Koop, have been remarking on this as though it is somehow contradictory.   The rest of us see no contradiction or anomaly.  Helping the sick is the natural thing to do, regardless of how they acquired the illness.

Dr. Koop began his medical career as a pediatric surgeon, and by 1959 had become professor of Pediatric Surgery at the University of Pennsylvania medical school, and professor of Pediatrics in 1971.  In his 90s, he remained a professor of Surgery at the Geisel School of Medicine. He was founder and Editor in Chief of the Journal of Pediatric surgery.    Koop’s 8 year tenure as U.S, Surgeon General was at the behest of President Ronald Reagan, and up until the time of his death, he remained famous throughout the country for his  service.

Author of hundreds of articles and books on medical practice and policy, Dr. Koop remained a prominent figure in medicine decades after most practitioners retire. He remains recognized for his pioneering work in the area of pediatric surgery.  His first wife, Elizabeth Flanagan passed away in 2007, and in 2010, Dr. Koop married Cora Hogue.  She and three of his children, Allen, Norman and Elizabeth Thompson, as well as seven grandchildren and six great grandchildren remain with us. Prayers for the good physician and his family to be covered with God’s grace.

Pharmer takes this opportunity to pay respect to all of the  surgeons who pray with their patients as Dr. Koop did.  A surgeon who knows he’s not God inspires confidence.  🙂

Doctor Patient Medical Association Foundation Survey: Docs despondent over Obamacare

DPMA_SurveyResults.pdf (application/pdf Object).

The above linked survey is from May of 2012.  It shows 83 percent of survey respondents thinking about quitting due to Obamacare.  It also shows the highest ever numbers of docs opting out of Medicare and Medicaid.

Most significantly, 61 percent of docs are already finding it harder to adhere to the Hippocratic ethic of medicine.  (Bear in mind that some specialties would not run into as much conflict with this due to the nature of their practice.)

Results are from  a faxed survey of random doctors with a total of 699 respondents.