If You Still Rely on U.S. Mainstream Media, You Need to Hear This

Regarding your election choices and what the government is doing, you will not be informed by the mainstream media. Here is Proof. Click below and read how issues of foreign policy are handled. Then listen to the reporters coordinating their questions for the candidate, not realizing that a hot mic was present.

The Insane MSM Questions Romney Faced at Presser – By Katrina Trinko – The Corner – National Review Online.

Andrew Breitbart– what Fox Could Have Been

If they had more TESTOSTERONE.

Andrew Breitbart’s chain  of alternative media sites are the place to go to find stories the wimp media would never touch.    His ilk of hard hitting news venues will replace mainstream media, and he’s not too shy to say why.

At the Teaparty convention in Tennessee, Breitbart  told the state-run media people the plain truth.

It is said that the truth will set you free………. but for some it is far too late.