Democrat Style of Leadership

Remember how Obama promised in his presidential campaign debates that he would go over the spending bills line by line. We know how that turned out. In contrast to Obama, Harry Reid has provided a refreshing display of honesty on the matter of closely scrutinizing issues before making momentous decisions:

On the Sotomayor appointment:

“I understand that during her career, she’s written hundreds and hundreds of opinions. I haven’t read a single one of them, and if I’m fortunate before we end this, I won’t have to read one of them. “

View the Reid press conference at your leisure.

UK Home Secretary Jacqui Smith Quits

Ms Jacqui Smith got a name for herself in the U.S. by banning a few prolifers, and radio host Michael Savage from the UK,citing them as undesirables.

Dr. Savage saw fit to file a suit against her, in order to clear his name in the UK, and citing libelous behavior on her part as well as the issue of free speech. Basically he has the money for that type of fun stuff.

It seems that Smith might have some difficulties with handling this suit as she has been asked to leave her post due to the widening scandal over expenses in government. Seems that she tapped excessively into government funds, and also used this money to pay for her husband’s predilection for Porn.

It’s understandable that Ms. Smith finds Savage so irritating as he would be most vocal about those kinds of habits in government officials.

Get Back to Work

Continuing on…… Prolifers haven’t issued apologies for those seven murders in Chicago, nor the murder and assault at the Arkansas recruitment center. Nor did they
stop to PUBLICLY call down God’s special blessing on each victim of violence, by name, nor issue press releases thereof.

It’s time for Prolifers to stop groveling, apologizing for a crime they didn’t commit just because the victim happens to be the Second Most Favored One of Leftists, and get back to work. Remember, Bush’s order to fund the ethical forms of stem cell research was overturned simply out of spite. You KNOW all those crisis pregnancy centers are going to face harassment by the government, and they need extra support from us.

I see the grass roots getting down to work. Time for the leaders to stop worrying about what Obama would think and return to business as usual.

Awaiting Obama’s Statement

When abortionist George Tiller was killed, Obama was moved to put out a statement from the White house.

On the same weekend, there were 7 (count em : SEVEN) murders in Chicago within a 24 hour period.

There was also a shooting in Arkansas, resulting in the immediate death of one soldier and injury to another at a military recruiting center. The shooter is said to be a new Muslim convert, Mujahid Muhammad, formerly known as Carlos Bledsoe

We await statements from the White house concerning these senseless acts of violence, but are not holding our breath.

Also, there has been extra police protection assigned to other abortionists in response to the Tiller killing, courtesy of Attorney General Eric Holder.

We await assignment of extra police protection to military recruitment offices.

We are not holding our breath waiting for this, since it is quite obvious that our leftists consider abortionists to be more equal, and more valuable than other human beings.

Abortionist George Tiller Deprived of His Chance to Repent

There are two practical problems that I have with George Tiller becoming a very late term abortion victim.

Number one, my religion forbids purposeful, willful killing at any stage of development. If I were more tolerant of other beliefs, that murdering some humans is OK, maybe this method of causing Tiller’s retirement would not be a problem. But I haven’t developed this kind of respect for other people’s “choice” to kill.

Number two, Tiller has been deprived of his chance to repent. Reformed abortionists save not only themselves, but have also been observed to save lives of others after they repudiate the practice of killing humans prior to, during, and shortly after birth.

It appears from the outcry, that the leftists consider Tiller to be one of those rare humans whom they find far too valuable to be killed. There are not too many other murders which would incite such a negative response from them.

I note that the killings of abortionists ceased in the United States during the Bush terms. The last three killings were during the Clinton administration. Perhaps the feeling of hope that certain injustices could be ended by lawful means had quieted the urge for vengeance felt by some who have been damaged by abortion.

There is unfortunately a severe reduction in that hope since the government has become occupied by pro abortion extremists. In this circumstance, further violence coming from those who have lost their Faith, would not be a huge surprise.

Pro abortion leftists are the kind who blame religions for the failure of people to adhere to the religious precepts. Likewise, such irrational people will blame those who oppose killing, for the killing of Tiller. Count on this.