A LOVE Fest at Rush Hour

Rep. Baron Hill, you are in trouble, if today’s unscientific poll is anywhere near actual fact. We the Hoosiers, a group with which Pharmer Tea-parties, has demonstrations against socialized health care every Wednesday and Thursday at rush hour, along Hwy 50 in Lawrenceburg, IN. If the people in our late afternoon traffic jam at all represent the general public, Baron, you had better pack up a few truckloads and get ready to leave Washington DC. You are OUTA there if you support this health-kill debacle.
The vast majority of our fellow citizens honked, held thumbs up, waved and smiled. It was a summer day of LOVE along the main drag as we held up our signs opposing socialized medicine.
Tea Party near Newtown Park in Lawrenceburg from 4-6 pm every Weds and Thurs in August, 09.

Darrell Issa Doesn’t Like Emanuel’s Chicago-style Thuggery

Seems that some threatening letters to legislators have been the response from the white house to some of those opposing the Obama stimulus plan. Excerpts can be seen HERE from two letters, ostensibly from cabinet members, which threaten to cut off Federal funding in Arizona as retaliation for the opposition coming from Sen. Jon Kyl. Apparently other legislators, and the Governor of Arizona are supposed to shut Kyl up, or else.

Your Tax Dollars Stimulating Pervs in San Francisco

Part of the first 787 billion stimulus package went to the National Endowment for the Arts. This organization recieved 80 million to fund “worthy” projects such as the Frame house, which puts out such gems as “Thundercrack” a kinky, porno horror film.

Other worthy recipients are Counterpulse, which produces the weekly offering “Perverts Put Out”, and the Symmetry Project, about which you can read further HERE.

This Blog doesn’t need to describe all of these “glories” in detail. But you get general idea of Your Tax Dollars at Work, in this liberally enlightened age.

Student Wants Her Tuition Back

Expect a LOT of these lawsuits to pop up. Trina Thompson is suing her alma mater for tuition dollars, stating that she did not receive sufficient career placement and advice from the institution, and is still jobless after her April, 09 graduation.

Join the Crowd, Trina. When Pharmer jumped out of school with an M.S. while the U.S. was still recovering from the Carter years. Research jobs were becoming available, but the pay absolutely STANK. So… back to school (along with the low salary job).

Recovery from the Obama years is going to take a century. 😉 Trina (an IT major) might even have to retool for training tech help in India. Maybe help them untangle those phone lines……..

More Rationing from the UK

It will be interesting to follow the decision to ration the pain killing corticosteroid injections which people receive for intractable back pain in the UK.

I suspect that it’s another group decision, like the health care plans being formulated in the U.S., in which a committee of beneficiary companies and individuals belly up to the table to see how they can benefit from a forced redistribution of health care resources.

In this latest case, it could be the alternative therapy practitioners, and neurosurgeons who benefit from this decision in the U.K.

Pharmer thinks it’s a very bright idea to determine the cause of pain before giving corticosteroid containing injections, but suspects that such imaging services in the UK are not so easy to obtain.

Americans look at your future. Opiates are cheap, Relistor is expensive, and constipation will be a way of life.