Haiti medevac flights were suspended because of Super Bowl preparations | FP Passport

Shades of last year’s poor response to the ice storms around the time of the Superbowl.   Festivities kept Obama too busy to respond to the plight of the ice storm stricken Kentucky where 59 deaths were attributed to the weather.

This time the Superbowl preparations  have superceded the transport of Haitian patients to Florida hospitals for treatment

Haiti medevac flights were suspended because of Super Bowl preparations | FP Passport.

Black Children Are an Endangered Species – Christian Newswire

This billboard ad campaign is brought to you by Georgia Right To Life and Radiance Foundation, along with an associated website. It’s nice to have spotted it while writing the Clarence Thomas post.  It addresses the problem that Georgia,  is  aborting its Black babies,  and is doing so disproportionately.

Black Children Are an Endangered Species – Christian Newswire.

So many social and moral problems are connected to the cynical evil that brought America to legalize abortion and claim that it’s a right.

Rev Walter Hoye’s writing is linked to the sidebar now, as it was on the previous blog.

NYT Tries and Fails to cover Justice Clarence Thomas

Clarence Thomas spoke at Stetson University in Florida on the recent Supreme Court decision overturning of regulations against free political speech.

His address is artlessly covered in the New York Times,  relying  upon what they know about leftists, and what they think about conservatives in determining  which comments to highlight.

Certainly Justice Thomas, being a legal genius,  has much to tell us  regarding  the constitutionality of limiting free speech,  but with NYT and other left wingers, it’s all about RACE.

Highlighted in the article is a mention of the dark side of regulating corporate speech with the Tillman act, which stifled Republican corporations  apparently  based upon their favoritism to Blacks.

Yes, the Republican party really was the civil rights party,  and, in liberal think, perhaps that ought to  bother conservatives.    However the real problem to conservatives is that  education had dumbed down the citizenry to an intellectually sheeplike status.    Most people don’t know that the Republican party fueled all of the civil rights legislation.  This  educational malpractice has  led to  self destructive attachment of many minorities to the Democrats, who contemptuously patronize them, while at the same time ‘aborting them for crime control’. (Are you having trouble believing that? No problem.   LISTEN to  Senator Dick Durbin explain to Senator Brownback, the need for federal funding for abortion in Washington DC.)

Small businesses and interest groups, who did not have sufficient  legal expertise and financial resources to form the entities which sidestep McCain Feingold, will once more be able to participate in the politcal processes.   In other words,  there is increased power to the grass roots,  and this is most fearsome to the political elites.

The voices  of small business entrepreneurs and their employees, will once more be heard in politics.   Grassroots prolife organizations can also enter the game, and we thank Justice Thomas and his  right-thinking peers.


Leftist Self Destruction

There’s a cycle of misery and  abuse among the leftists, and periodically one can step back and see how the current events fit into this cycle.

The National Organization of Women has made the above cycle so plainly visible, with their objection to Tebow’s superbowl ad,  that even other radical feminists are embarrassed.   NOW grrls won’t stand for speech that promotes the woman’s choice to keep her baby.  Their programming is to sell abortion.  Why is this programming so strong?  One  can obtain a childhood history of abuse or neglect from almost any NOW gal.   Inability to recover from this has  left them with a need for vengeance against all men (including the good ones) while at the same time, a compulsion from their inner programming to deliver more of their younger ‘sisters’  into the clutches of abusers.   Abortion serves both sick needs simultaneously.   Good men can be hurt by it.  Abusive men are enabled by it.

Elevating women to more  fullness of life is NOT on the agenda of these crazy feminazis.   In fact they Hate  women who exhibit  that fullness.   Prior to hating Sarah Palin,  the feminazis  hated  ol Pharmer  during a  few brief periods of public  notoriety.

Another  example,  while this topic is bubbling, is the fashionable hatred of Christianity by the left.   Most of these people are brought up in, or next to Christian culture, but in environments of dysfunction and non-adherence.   Using the usual leftist illogic, the ethical system of Christianity is then blamed for those who fail to adhere.    As a means to display rejection  all things Christian, the lefties are embracing those who practice Islam.   Which lefties, including Obama, have enough self discipline to survive  Islamic practice?

For example,  a thief can have his hands chopped off,  and the punishments for other criminal activities are equally severe.  Abortion, a favorite sacrament of leftists has made no further headway in the UN, mainly due to Islamic nations objections against  the practice.

Christians are hated for saying that gay sex or certain other  sex practices are against the Creator’s design of the body, and therefore sinful.    Paradoxically  there is this leftist attraction to Islam, which regards gay practice as a sin worthy of incarceration, torture, hanging, or beheading.

Moths to the flame………  yep, that’s our lefties.

* Islamic view given at  UN  Beijing Womens Conference is worth a look.


Rahm Apology Misses the Mark

Rahm Emmanuel is falling all over himself  apologizing for calling certain liberals Retarded.

The politically correct posturing misses the mark as it always does, and deflects our attention away from the  leftist   Emanuel brothers programs for KILLING the disabled.

If you recall,  the Obama administration contains two crazy Emanuel brothers, Rahm and Ezekiel.   Ezekiel is the Rationer of Health Care Resources, who would exclude the disabled from the government’s favored list of beneficiaries.  From deep within the memory division of the Pharm comes his  article in Lancet, and this video, so that we don’t forget the true attitude of these  leftists towards those with disabilities.

The Politico is following Rahm’s diversionary tactics, but down on the Pharm, we keep our eye on the ball.

Rather than pandering to people with political correctness of language, we should  stop insulting people with slow mental processing ability by using the word ‘retarded’ to describe liberals.   Retardation is slowness, and does not imply the bad judgment, immorality, lack of ethics which plague our lefties.

We should also demand that the leftists stop their programs of  killing people with disabilities prior to birth, excluding those who survive this culling from health care access, and euthanizing them.

In this blog is a treasure trove of links to the leftists own words regarding their intentions for our health care system.  Searching obamacare will dredge up quite a bit.  One example quotes Palin on DEATH PANELS, with numerous corroborating references appended.



Oscar Still Predicting Patient Deaths

Oscar the Cat had become the subject of an entry in the New England Journal of Medicine for his unusual ability to predict which nursing home patient would die next. Since acquiring, fame in 2007, he has doubled his number of predictions, sometimes with better ability than the caregivers at the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Centre in Providence, Rhode Island, which had adopted him 5 years earlier.

Oscar isn’t very sociable, under usual circumstances, but, if permitted, will curl up on the bed next to a patient who is about to get the final call home.

Dr. David Dosa, who has since chronicled this cat’s behavior in a book, suspects that the animal might be sensitive to the ketones given off by dying cells.

Nursing home employees have alerted family members based upon Oscars visits, and those involved mainly seem to take comfort in Oscar’s presence with the patients in their final hours.

Voodoo High Priest Complains His People aren’t Getting Their Fair Share

Don’t hold your breath waiting for this to change…. people help their own tribe first, before spreading the wealth. Take Obama for example, who plans to allow Unions to pay no tax on health insurance while the rest of us pay 40%.

The Haitian Voodoo high priest claims that his people are getting less aid than those affiliated with Christian churches. Pharmer suggests that he appeal to Obama for targeted assistance, since the private aid is allocated by the givers. Perhaps if he forms a union….

Meanwhile, in this article from the UK telegraph, PLEASE notice that some Haitians attribute this earthquake, to a specific judgment and action from God.

Then go back and review what Pat Robertson actually said….. and take note of the difference. It might be too fine of a theological point for those unfamiliar with religious teachings, but some people might understand it.\

Meanwhile, if you’d like to target some assistance to Haiti…… this charity is ongoing, and is dedicated to the useful task of establishing safe water supplies. 100% Pro-life.

CAIR’s financial woes

World Net Daily, which has been CAIR watching for years, informs us that the Muslim group is behind on its finances and in its filings to the IRS. Seems that the 2007 tax return is still pending.

Among other woes of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) are that it is running out of funds, hand has a 161,000 shortfall this past year. Also reports of membership have been greatly exaggerated by a factor of 10. The actual dues paying membership is a bit over 5100.

American Muslims are distancing themselves from the group, and some have indicated a desire not to have officials of CAIR praying at their mosques.

Possibly CAIR ties to terrorism have negatively affected their popularity.