Futenma Watch: Unlike Obama, Hatoyama Owns His Broken Promise

Something about the culture causes  Japan’s version  of liberals   (in reality they tout  a different mix of policies than US liberals)  to be embarrassed when they break a promise, and to own up.

BBC News – Japanese PM Yukio Hatoyama resigns amid Okinawa row.

A lot of external pressure feeds this amazing behavioral phenomenon which caused Yukio Hatoyama to step down from his post as prime minister.

Yes, it’s that nagging Futenma problem again. Hatoyama promised to pull the base out of Okinawa-ken  and he couldn’t get it done with the Obama administration.  So the fourth japanese prime minister in four years,  is leaving his post.

An old problem of mal-distribution returns repeatedly to haunt Japan.  They loaded the southernmost province with the bulk of the US military bases.  Now even the mainland  Japanese (Yamatunchu)  feel sympathy for Okinawa because of this burden….. but “Not in my neighborhood” remains  a huge problem.   The even larger difficulty is extreme instability  in N.  Korea and other parts of Asia,  compounding Japan’s feeling of need for the U.S. military presence.

Fun at Breitbart.com– James O’Keefe does the Census, and Zonation brings you: “Victicrat”

Andrew Breitbart is amazed that George Stefanopoulos would even put the O’Keefe Census Sting up on ABC. Read his “Profile in Media Courage” and especially…. Click on the Video of the news segment..

Twin spin, double the fun.

Below —— check out VICTICRAT.

performed by Buddy Sostham
featuring Alfonzo Rachel
produced by Eric Elder
written and directed by Christian Hartsock
look for familiar faces…….. do you see James O’Keefe ?

More Ostentatious Consumption of Resources by Al Gore

Divorce pains the planet | Green Tech – CNET News.

Above is that little eco- reminder that divorced couples multiply the households x 2  and therefore increase the stress on the planet.

Al Gore and Tipper are going to need more gigantic properties, as they are separating after 4o years of marriage.  Pharmer estimates the Gores to inflict at least 30 times the negative impact on the planet as the usual divorcing couple.   Neither is projected to shack up with another, to reduce the impact, as their associates claim that there was no precipitating affair.

Tipper, who has an abiding interest in mental health issues,  might have become exasperated with Al for refusing to take his meds.  His persistent clinging to the Global warming issue, long known to be fradulent,  as well as his claim that the earth is 1 million degrees  at its core  (20 time hotter than the sun) indicated increasing departure from reality.  Just a little armchair, amateur psycho-analysis…..

More on the Gores HERE.

Why the flip presentation of  this couple in the throes of post mental-pause distress??

Could it be…….. the damage caused by Al Gore enriching himself from the global warming fraud, while injuring the economic and social conditions of billions of humans in  the developed and developing world -just has Pharmer in a cranky mood.

Pelosi Induces Emesis

CNSNews.com – Pelosi Says She Has a Duty to Pursue Policies in Keeping With The Values of Jesus, ‘The Word Made Flesh’.

Christians who actually read the teachings of Jesus are nauseated to the point of puking upon hearing the latest from Pelosi.

Abortion and infanticide,  Obamacare death panels,  Stealing money from others,  Ostentatious personal waste of tax payer dollars, Inflicting the military with open gayness,   Gay marriage,  are not in accordance with the teachings of Jesus.

If you have ingested something unhealthy and wish to induce emesis: