Pharmer Would Have Just Kicked in the Two Bucks

It might set people to wondering if they really want to get rid of all the pro-life pharmacists and other health professionals.

Here’s a story of a woman who went after her albuterol refill at a pharmacy because she was in the middle of an asthma attack, and the pharmacy was closer than where she was storing her inhaler.

She and her boyfriend were less than two bucks short to pay for the inhaler, and were refused the refill.   The woman is a bit miffed now, by how she was treated at this particular CVS pharmacy, located in New Jersey.

Pharmer was in retail practice for just shy of 14 years, and does not recall such an incident of a patient with such an immediate need  being turned away with no meds.  Rather than get in trouble with the employer,  Pharmer used to kick in her own cash when the situation warranted.  Also, there were acceptable mechanisms of price adjustment  in some pharmacies, at that time, which would have solved this woman’s problem immediately.   Any normal, independent pharmacist would have just adjusted the price to cancel the cash shortage on the spot.

One would have thought the NJ   CVS pharmacist would have given over the inhaler to avoid a scene at the pharmacy, even if concern for the patient weren’t uppermost in his mind.

While we’re on the CVS topic…….   that chain has agreed to a huge fine due to violations of  governmental controls on pseudoephedrine sales.

You see………. pseudoephedrine, a decongestant, is the starting compound used  for producing methamphetamine in home laboratories.  Significant increases in meth production in California and other states is said to be associated with the laxness at CVS pharmacies over a two year period.

This fine,  75 million,  is the largest ever levied as a result of controlled substance act violations.   CVS is also expected to forfeit another 2.6 million in profits associated with the improper pseudoephedrine sales.

Thirdly,   getting to know CVS as PFLI knows CVS:  Here is a fax of the company position on conscience rights of their  employee pharmacists.

This is an example of  hard nosed corporate policy.

It’s conceivable that a CVS pharmacist, working for a company with such rigid policies,  might be afraid to adjust a price, or otherwise  assist a patient with immediate need,  in the way that would seem natural to a pharmacist in another practice setting.

Pastors Need Not Fear IRS

Another Wave of Pastors has sent their politically charged sermons to the IRS and have received no response.

David Barton, of the Wallbuilders believes, with good reason, that the IRS will not attempt to remove tax exempt status from these churches because they know they’ll lose in court.

By laying low, the IRS hopes to keep most pastors living in fear of them so as to allow only the more bold leftist pastors to exhort their congregations to political activism.

Wake Up America!!

Drudge Scoop: Michelle Stumps for Dems Inside Illinois Polling Place

……….thus violating Illinois law.
Michelle Obama exhorted fellow voters to support her husband’s agenda, and allowed herself to be photographed there.

Quoting from the article:

“A top Ilinois State Board of Elections official tells the DRUDGE REPORT that Mrs. Obama — a Harvard-educated lawyer — may have simply been ignorant of the law and thus violated it unintentionally.

“You kind of have to drop the standard for the first lady, right?” the official explained late Thursday. “I mean, she’s pretty well liked and probably doesn’t know what she’s doing.”

Obama Recants Another Fantastic Lie – Kids’ Health Insurance

You were promised that kids with pre-existing conditions could be insured for cheap or free by Obamacare, and insurance companies were to be forced to provide this.

Then the reality got in the way. People would wait to buy insurance until the kid was already sick, and insurance companies were told they’d have to cover it at the same rate.

Then the Insurance companies, knowing they’d curl up and DIE under this regulation, stopped offering new insurance plans for sick kids.

NOW OBAMA HAS RESCINDED his policy. Insurance companies will be permitted to raise the rates of these policies for pre-existing conditions on child only policies outside the open enrollment period.

Does all this sound like gibberish? Obamacare has begun to collapse even before it has started.

Obama has book thrown at him at Philadelphia rally | Mail Online

Obama has book thrown at him at Philadelphia rally | Mail Online.

The MAIL does it best again…… covering the Philadelphia rally at which a book was thrown at the oblivious  Obama, who did not react.  It is not known who fired the missile.  (Seems the secret service is sleeping on the job.)

The same rally also featured a streaker who was apparently offered a million dollars to show off his well stuffed  birthday suit.

The Mail, ever thorough with the photos,  shows Obama’s facial expression in detail, and contrasts him with the more senior George Bush, who ducked when a shoe was tossed at him in Baghdad.

World’s Biggest Tick Can’t Suck the Life out of the Teaparty

Soros: I Can’t Stop a Republican “Avalanche” –

Yep, Soros said it……… he can’t stop the conservative avalanche, and won’t stand in the way of it.

He still appears dedicated to leftist stances on  health care and the environment.

(The 80 year old Soros will  “save” the environment by ruining health care, thus reducing the human population. )

George Soros with a mouthfull
The World's Biggest Tick

Special Condemnation of this Crime from The Elites

8 gang suspects arraigned in NYC anti-gay attack – Yahoo! News.

Sure wish that the Elites, such as Mayor Bloomberg of NYC thought that abuse and  rapes of women and children merited the special condemnation that they  reserved for attack on gays  by a gang in his city.

Pharmer is one of those people who thinks that equal crimes should bring equal punishment, and that torturing and raping children and women is just as bad as doing that stuff to gays.

Perhaps there would be less of that going on if our leftie elitists felt the same way and acted on it.

Remember, Portland Oregon……… the US capital of sex slavery..…. has TWO,  count em….  ONLY TWO vice cops.