Shabazz is Back: Black Panther Method of Gun Training

That’s what the Rebel Slaves channel on Youtube tells us…. King Samir Shabazz is identified as the survival trainer in this film.

Don’t worry about fingerprints or where you get your gun from. It’s war time, Shabazz says. You can hear it during minute 7 of the video. This is very different from the advice you get from the NRA about guns.

Also watch the way the guy waves around the loaded weapon. Pharmer bets he doesn’t know what snap caps are.

Note: This audience has young kids in it, watching Shabazz’s bogus Hollywood martial arts and gun training.

Pharmer takes some comfort in the fact that the militant extremists’ training is of such low quality, but it’s nasty to think of kids being taught so poorly.

Feds to Gibson Guitar 2009: Outsource Work To Madagascar

The information in italics comes from an INTERVIEW with Henry Juskiewicz:
In 2009, subsequent to the first Federal raid, Gibson sued to have the wood which was confiscated returned to them.
The feds, in a pleading, stated that if Gibson outsourced the finishing of their fingerboard wood to Madagascar, their troubles would go away.
The Feds have never filed charges, but will not return the confiscated wood, now totalling a million dollars. They have also requested a stay (delay) of the proceedings in the lawsuit filed by Gibson.
Total costs of two raids are approaching three million dollars.
The Feds also said in their pleadings that they don’t recognized Madagascar, but their interpretation of the law states that Gibson should not have the unfinished wood.
Madagascar has sent statements that Gibson is not violating their laws.
The case regarding the wood from India (the second raid) is similar.
Gibson has been compliant with stewardship of rare wood in the past, and considers itself a leader in this area.
There are still no charges against Gibson guitar in connection with these raids, and the Federal government is holding the fingerboard wood (likely not in correct storage). It is affecting the price of your guitars if you buy from that company.
There will be 2000 American jobs lost if the Feds succeed in killing Gibson Guitars

WSJ has more dispassionate coverage HERE, and that article recognizes the difficulty and inflated cost of doing business in other countries, with the U.S. trying to interpret their laws and their own enforcement policies.

Gibson is using the twitter hashtag #thiswillnotstand, and its facebook page to bring news of their troubles to us. Here’s their statement about the raids on their own website.

Obama moves jobs speech date to Sept. 8 | The Ticket – Yahoo! News

Obama moves jobs speech date to Sept. 8 | The Ticket – Yahoo! News.

Obama’s original plan ( to suggest a third Porkulus package)  to “stimulate jobs”   has been rescheduled.

It’s “deja vu all over again”  as the president comes off of a Martha’s Vineyard vacation and makes a speech about jobs.   The idea was to address  a joint session of congress on Sept 7,  in an attempt to upstage a republican presidential debate.

Boehner rejected the idea, and asked for rescheduling to Sept 8.

Obama has complied, and will now be up against the opening game of the professional football season.

» Man Faces Life In Jail For Recording Police -Alex Jones’ Infowars

» Man Faces Life In Jail For Recording Police Alex Jones’ Infowars.

Michael Allison, 42 year old mechanic, recorded a police visit to his mother’s home regarding old vehicles, which police claimed were not properly registered. Those cars were confiscated, and he is suing to have them returned. For the act of recording, he now faces up to 75 years in jail for five counts of eavesdropping on himself and the cops.

Allison has been offered a plea bargain, (probation for a lower class felony with no jail time) but refused in order to go through the trial. His hope is to challenge the state’s interpretation of an old eavesdropping law, and overturn it.

* Crawford County Sheriff

* has contact information for prosecuting atty. Tom Wiseman.

*analysis from Reason Foundation