Flamingo Air Offers Opportunity to Join the Mile High Club

Captain Dave McDonald pilots Flamingo Air’s Flight of Fancy, a Piper Cherokee 6 which is missing it’s middle row seats. This conformation provides horizontal space for couples who don’t intend to fly in the upright position. Business is booming around Valentine’s day, when, for $425, couples can join the mile high club.

From the website:
“The flight package includes :
Private Curtained Aircraft

Flamingo Air is based in…. drum roll………
Cincinnati, Ohio!

FDA is Too Busy Going After Small Farmers to Effectively Deal With Drug Shortages.


That Dangerous Daniel Allgyer guy, Amish, capitalist seller of unpasteurized milk must be STOPPED, and his farm shut down!
That kind of regulatory activity is top priority.

Meanwhile, there are shortages of vital medications like never before.
Afflicted health care institutions must promulgate politically correct excuses for these shortages, but we know that the role of government in exacerbating this situation has been predominant.

The U.S. has some of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. Big Pharma has many incentives, from this, to the OSHA and environmental regulations, to push its production to other countries.
Inside the U.S., if a company wishes to change the site for manufacturing a product, a two year approval process awaits. This means that adapting to drug recalls and shortages is painfully slow. There are tight constraints on production quantities and schedules imposed by the FDA.
A gray market has grown around the shortages. If you know how ticket scalping works……. there are analogous drug scalpers. Since reimbursement for drugs is fixed by medicare and medicaid and other health insurers, health care institutions and providers really can’t afford the gray market prices. There is a need to allocate a team of specialists to manage adaptation to the shortages and a website for clinicians to keep current on the day to day changes and substitutions. The administrators at Pharmer’s workplace have resolved to continue to deal with the shortages without resorting to purchases from the gray market.
Who are the biggest losers? The patients!

The long term result will be to reduce the load on medicare and medicaid, and the government needs that cost containment, especially since the designers of Obamacare have admitted that their cost projections were totally wrong.

So the FDA has more incentive to attend to those dastardly small farmers, than they have to deal with the GINORMOUS drug shortage problem.

Megadeth Frontman Backs Rick Santorum

Megadeth frontman backs Rick Santorum – POLITICO.com.

Dave Mustaine says: Anyone but Obama.    “I’m just hoping that whatever is in the White House next year is a Republican,” he said. “I can’t bear to watch what’s happened to our great country. Everybody’s got their head in the sand. Everybody in the industry is like, ‘Oh, Obama’s doing such a great job. …’ I don’t think so. Not from what I see.”

What caused Mustaine  to take a good look at Santorum?   That time out he took  during the Florida primary campaign, to take care of his daughter, Bella, when she was sick.   The veteran rocker  prefers Santorum’s style of campaigning over the others:  more issues and less strident attacks on the other primary candidates.

Mustaine has some interesting things to say about his own long career, and the state of the music and recording industry in his interview at musicradar.com . Fellow  rockers  will want to take a look.

Bad Bugs: Antibiotic Resistant Gonorrhea

Experts Warn of Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea: MedlinePlus.

Be afraid, very afraid……..  it’s getting harder to kill those gram negative diplococci, Neisseria gonorrhoeae .    A double whammy of third generation cephalosporin  (cefixime or ceftriaxone)  plus azithromycin or doxycycline is needed to kill the little buggs.   After those regimens fail,   the doc’s don’t know what to try next.

There’s a  strain in Japan  (H041) which is apparently resistant to everything.  Researchers are studying its mechanism of antibiotic resistance and  transmission of this trait to other strains.

Think about that next time you want  to party without your pants.



The Democrats Lost on Abortion, Now Reframe It As Fight for Contraception

Dick Morris has a theory that the Democrats are inventing a mission to save contraception from Republicans who want to ban it
. This is interesting, since there are no Republicans trying to ban it, although there are some who don’t believe that tax payers should have to foot the bill for these recreational drugs.

Abortion is not a big winner with the public. Most, however, have not been informed that using hormones which alter their physiological systems 24/7/365, in order to have a little additional indoor sport, is not medically sound. Face it gurls, you are not your original self while on the pill. The public still thinks it wants birth control. No one is even trying to get rid of it. Pharmer is living decades into the future on this issue, and thinks people will turn to less physiologically disruptive means for reproductive self regulation.

Right now, Dick Morris thinks that the left is putting up birth control as a human right in the place of abortion, and inventing a fight between the Democrats and Republicans on the issue during this campaign. He says it was signified by Stephanopolous questioning Romney on whether States could ban the pill and if they had a right to do so. Santorum was also questioned on the issue. Neither candidate has any history of attempting to ban birth control. Historically such a ban was dealt with in the Griswold vs. Connecticut Supreme Court decision.

Of course a state could do ANYTHING it wanted to until it is stopped. Obama is doing that now, with his insurance mandate making people buy things that they don’t want to.
In North Carolina, a state agent has been caught taking away school kids lunches and billing the parents for substitutes fed to the kids from the school cafeteria. School lunches must now meet USDA standards. Romney’s own state made people buy health insurance. So yes, a state could ban birth control until someone stopped them. But such a ban is not an issue now, and not a thing which the Republicans care about.

Even the United States Catholic Church has ceased preaching against artificial birth control. Paul Rahe professor of history from Hillsdale College has written a hugely significant piece explaining how the U.S. Bishops sold out to the socialists in exchange for the false charity of redistributing the wealth. Rahe points out that in the 13 years he has been attending Church, since returning, he has heard NO sermons or messages regarding birth control, though he has attended at many different locations. Pharmer concurs that this preaching has almost totally ceased. Many pastors try avoid the issue of abortion also, being afraid to disturb the 40 percent of females who have had abortions at some time in their lives. In doing this, they also fail to offer the women a means of healing or repentance. (Pharmer places the “healing” first, since so many abortions are coerced.)

Rahe points out that the Catholic Church is now reaping the results of its multi-generational dance with socialism. The U.S. Church, like that in Europe and Canada is losing its ability to teach its religious tenets, due to government suppression.
Yesterday 2/14, Rahe published a followup article detailing the years of Cardinal Bernardin and his influence on the US Catholic Church. Those who avail themselves of the pro-life news media have been reading and commenting on these trends for decades. Now the larger conservative media venues have noticed. We see present day referrals to what for us is OLD news. This is a trend which affects all religions, not just Catholics. The religion with the best defense against this is Islam, since it lacks a teaching to turn the other cheek.

In a nutshell you see Obama pressing an agenda to make everyone pay for other people’s recreational birth control drugs/abortifacients/sterilizations. At the same time he has possibly ordered Reid allow a vote to undo this. Simultaneously, the Dems will present Republican resistance to forcing religious people pay for these drugs, as an effort to BAN the substances altogether. It’s how the lefties campaign.

Keep your focus on the issue of individual freedom and self determination, and not on this crazy shell game that the democrats are presenting.

Related: Many rantings from your friendly rural pharmacist on the U.S. Catholic Bishops. So many of them exchanged religious freedom for state controlled wealth redistribution.

What #40dollars Means to Americans · whitehouse · Storify

What #40dollars Means to Americans · whitehouse · Storify.

You can use this venue, or tweet to #40dollars to tell what 40 extra dollars a month allows you to do.
This is a scam to glorify a two month extension on the payroll tax relief in December last year.

Rush Limbaugh highlighted the ignorance of the fraudulent O-Bots who were tweeting how they could use the 40 bucks. One of them tweeted about paying his internet bill for his own little business, so it could keep going. Rush pointed out that this tax relief is for employees only, not for the self employed.

Pharmer has some fun in mind……
Why not tweet what you think the left-guys are doing with this money? (buying Plan B One-step from Shippensburg U vending machine for their underage dates.)

What are the Occupooper demonstrators doing with their pay roll tax relief? Oops, they don’t work, so this doesn’t apply.

What they’re doing in Obama’s old neighborhood? #40dollars helps pay monthly dues at Man’s Country in Chicago.

Campus Progress tweet: #40dollars helped pay for metronidazole 2 gram, and azithromycin 1 gram. Next!!

Tweet your fun stuff with hashtag #40dollars.

Do you want to have more fun with the Obama Truth Propaganda network? Go to Obama’s whitehouse website and tell them more about that 40 dollars pulled from the social security funding mechanism, and how it could be spent NOW.

Reid will allow vote on repeal of administration’s birth control mandate – The Hill’s Healthwatch

Reid will allow vote on repeal of administration's birth control mandate – The Hill's Healthwatch.

Senator Harry Reid has changed his mind, and decided to allow Sen. Roy Blunt’s Bill to repeal Obama’s birth control/abortive drugs/sterilization mandate to pass to the full Senate for a vote.
This new decision comes after Obamanator’s unilateral “compromise” to shift the administration of the mandate to insurance companies. This includes all the religious entities which are self insured. The compromise still steps on freedom of religion, still has religious organizations paying for things they consider sinful, and still forces people to sell and to buy things which they don’t want.

Here are two possible motivations: One is that Reid’s constituency includes a lot of self insured religious organizations, and they climbed down his throat.
Another is that Obama needs to bail on this very unconstitutional mandate, and Reid has been ordered to allow Congress to rescind it.

You might want to inform your Senators and Congressmen that you expect them to kill the abortive mandate of Obama/Sebelius. It is likely that most of the Dems realize that all their religious voter support will evaporate if they don’t vote for Sen. Blunt’s legislation.

From American Life League, Just in Time for Condom Week

Planned Pedophilia (oops, parenthood,) is reaching out to your grade school kids.
Warning, this film is gross, because planned parenthood is, so don’t turn it on in front of the little kids. The older kids have probably seen it all, unfortunately.

The original video:

The updated video on Youtube, without the picture of a former planned parenthood intern who complained about the use of her photo.

The Story behind ALL’s decision to rework the video is at Jill Stanek’s blog.

Abortion Clinics Blame it on Stericycle

2 Texas abortion clinics fined for fetus disposal – San Antonio Express-News.

It would probably help if Legitimate health care facilities understood how their  medical waste disposal service operates.

Stericycle,  based in Illinois, is in hot water for improper disposal of  human fetuses killed at a pair of Texas abortion clinics.

It seems that there was no problem with Stericycle’s steam disinfection method, but in Texas,  the medical “waste”  (containing little corpses in various states of dismemberment) is supposed to be buried……. NOT thrown in a municipal  landfill. 

Stericycle has been fined 42,612 for failure to comply with the regulations.

Whole Woman’s Health Clinics in Austin and McAllen are paying up also,  a total of about $40,000 between them.    They’re placing the blame on Stericycle of course.

Take home information:  Pharmer knows that a LOT of hospitals and clinics employ Stericycle to dispose of their medical waste.  People who have  miscarriages might want to bear this in mind, if respectful treatment  of the body is a concern.