Tea Party is Working to Retire Senators Lugar and Hatch

Tea party activists push to retire Sens. Lugar, Hatch.

Both Dick Lugar and Orrin Hatch have stayed too long in Washington and the Tea Party is working to replace them.   Hatch appears to have a better chance of surviving the onslaught.  Indiana Democrats are assisting with the destruction of Lugar over such issues as residency and the cost of his hotel stays in Indiana since he has not been a resident since 1977.  Lugar has responded by returning  some of the cost of his hotel stays, and has changed the address on his voter registration.

Richard Mourdock is closing in on Lugar despite being outspent by the incumbent.

Remember…….. Lugar thought that Sotomayor,  and Kagan were acceptable Supreme Court Justices, and that Kathleen Sebelius was a competent and worthy choice to head the Dept. of Health and Human Services.   That’s an Obamanation !

Arby’s Drops Advertizing with Rush

Arby’s would be doing better if it didn’t keep shooting itself in the foot all the time. The latest e pic Fail is the restaurant chain’s tardy decision to drop advertizing on the Rush Limbaugh show, in response to Rush insulting sluts and prostitutes by comparing Sandra Fluke to them.
Naturally this decision resulted in negative  responses  from people on Twitter. Arbys decided to shoot its other foot for symmetry, says THIS article on the Blaze:  they blocked those who responded negatively to its decision.
Take time to read HERE.. You’ll be laughing at  Arbys  for pretending that if they can’t see the customer complaints, they must not be happening.

Obama Threatens Supreme Court

Some believe that Obama has received a leak about the Supreme Court’s initial decision regarding the Obamacare Mandate. Obama has delivered an address attacking the authority of the Supreme Court on the matter of overturning federal legislation. This stance is odd for a person still hoping for judicial favor of his policy.

Said Obama: “Ultimately, I am confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress” Obama also mentioned the fact that Obamacare would cease to exist without the funding mandate: “I think the justices should understand, in the absence of an individual mandate, you cannot have a mechanism to ensure that people with pre-existing conditions can actually have health care.”

In fact there is no severability clause in the bill, because the framers recognized that it could not function without that means of funding. The pre-existing condition problem has been addressed long ago with the HIPPA regulations. One of those P’s stands for portability. As people go from job to job, there is a mechanism to hold onto health insurance so that future employers cannot deny treatment for pre-existing conditions. The passage of Obamacare was done by flouting many of the usual congressional procedures, and, despite the trickery, no large majority of favor was obtained. A large majority of Americans continue to want the entire bill repealed.

From the past we know that Obama does not really respect the court functions as he flouted a district court regarding his refusal to grant oil rig drilling permits in the Gulf of Mexico. He also failed to appear when subpoenaed in Georgia on the matter of his election eligibility.

Here’s Obama’s statement that might cause the Supreme Court Justices to wonder when they’ll be thrown into the truck of a car, or die suddenly, with inconclusive autopsy results, as Andrew Breitbart did.
“For years, what we’ve heard is the biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism or the lack of judicial restraint, that an unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law,” he said at a news conference. The health-care case is a good example of just that, he said. “And I’m pretty confident that this court will recognize that and not take that step.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has taken a dim view of Obama’s disrespect for the Supreme Court, and lack of respect for the constitutional separation of powers. His Justice Department has been requested to submit a report on the administrations views regarding the authority of the court to rule on the constitutionality of federal laws.

Mourdock Nails Lugar with Gas Tax Ad

Did Lugar really support a one dollar per gallon gas tax?? Yes… it was an idea coming from the not-really-conservative Charles Krauthammer, which Lugar endorsed in the Washington Post. This was supposedly a tax on gas which would discourage gas usage, but would be offset by a cut in the payroll tax. Lugar claimed that every working American pays this tax.

Pharmer’s understanding is that every American, who is employed by another, pays this tax. This leaves the self employed to be screwed by the gas tax with no offset. This latter group has been abused too much by the government. Also the payroll tax is the funding vehicle for social security. Is it a good idea to raid the mechanism for paying social security (which is already in the hole) without reducing social security outlays first?

Lugar’s solution was for the government to make a sin tax for gasoline use, to discourage our dependency on oil, and to encourage fuel alternatives. Always a government tax solution for every problem …… he has been in Washington too long.