Whoopsie Baby! Sandoz recalls Generic BC pills: Introvale

Sandoz  has voluntarily recalled Introvale  brand of birth control pills,  because the placebo pills are in the wrong position of the pack.

If you have lot number : LF00478C, LF00479C, LF00551C, LF00552C, LF00687C, LF00688C, LF00763C, LF00764C, LF00765C  or  LF01261C,  distributed only in the US between January 2011 and May 2012,  your pills could be less effective than usual for whatever reason you were taking them.

Click the top for the FDA warning.

Abby Johnson Announces “And Then There Were None”

Planned Parenthood Mtg on Overbilling Govt: “We Won’t Get Caught” | LifeNews.com.

Above linked is an open letter to abortion clinic workers, telling them about the fraudulent billing in the industry,  other law breaking activities of the industry, and the fact that the clinic workers have been thrown under the bus in these cases.

Abby announces her new ministry website  And Then There Were None, offering assistance to abortion clinic workers who would like to bail out of the industry.


Korea: Morning-after pills changed to OTC status, Daily BC pills changed to prescription only

Morning-after pills can be bought OTC.

South Korea used to sell most forms of birth control over the counter, with the morning after pills being prescription only. They have reversed this trend, putting nine of eleven brands of morning after pill over the counter. Note: the articles in English do not specify if prescription status of Ulipristal acetate is affected in this change.

The KDFA justification for changing daily administered birth control pill brands to prescription status is due to their side effects, which were listed at the Korea Herald as: thrombosis, thromboembolism, thrombo puerperalis, myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral thrombosis among others. The pills are banned from being administered to women with breast cancer, endometrial cancer, hepatitis and thromboembolism. Their use is also restricted among women who are over 40 years old, obese, have headaches, depression or other related conditions.

The Korean association of OB-Gyns is not in favor of putting morning after pills over the counter, citing studies that show that their availability does not reduce abortion demand.
The Catholic Diocese of Cheongju has registered opposition, stating that they will call for KFDA head Lee Hee-sung to resign.

In the above linked report, as with most news articles in countries where abortion has become controversial, there is the unsupported claim that the BC works only by affecting ovulation.

In opposition to this, the Drinks Business Review reports:
“KFDA officer Cho Ki-ho said  according to their panel of experts, the main mechanism behind the emergency pills is the interference of hormonal action, linked to interference of implantation.”

“”We are hoping that the wider access to the morning-after pill will prevent unwanted pregnancies. Because the drug is effective within 12 hours from sexual intercourse and at utmost 72 hours, time and access to the drug is very important. The pill is not an ordinary contraceptive. It is for very limited, urgent and frightening situations only,” Cho said.”

United Methodist Church pro-abortion ideology might have aborted Jesus | Bound4LIFE

United Methodist Church pro-abortion ideology might have aborted Jesus | Bound4LIFE.

Susan Michelle Tyrrell has noticed the same thing that Pharmer noticed awhile back, that the United Methodist Church is an abortion supporting organization and a member of the “O”bominable Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
She quotes directly from the United Methodists Social Principles in its Book of Discipline: “The beginning of life and the ending of life are the God-given boundaries of human existence. While individuals have always had some degree of control over when they would die, they now have the awesome power to determine when and even whether new individuals will be born.”

Yes, this church presumes to take over the decisions which should be regarded as exclusively in the purview of the Creator. Tyrrell notes that the Church has many pro-life members who might not be paying attention to what the church leadership is doing with their donations.

The United Methodist’s support of abortion is unmistakable: “Our belief in the sanctity of unborn human life makes us reluctant to approve abortion. But we are equally bound to respect the sacredness of the life and well-being of the mother, for whom devastating damage may result from an unacceptable pregnancy.”

Tyrrell notes that the United Methodists rationale for supporting abortion would have encompassed the socially unacceptable pregnancy of Mary. Yes, it would have been ok with the United Methodists to abort Jesus.

Pharmer has had to make the same kind of decision that Tyrrell appears to be asking the pro-life members of the United Methodist Church to make, and that is to avoid funding the support of abortion.

Pharmer’s parish appears to be picking churches from the member list of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice for service experiences for the grade school kids. Yours truly has had to keep her number three kid home from the Jr. National Honor Society service trips, and the eighth grade service trip in order to avoid indirectly supporting this organization and its member churches. It’s kind of sad to have a feeling of not fitting into one’s parish for ethical reasons, and for that to be affecting the kids adversely. Fortunately there are Clergy and administrators who try harder to avoid complicity with the culture of death, and Pharmer is keeping an eye out.

Celestial Discharge: Ray Bradbury Author of Fahrenheit 451

R.I.P. Ray Bradbury, Author of Fahrenheit 451 and The Martian Chronicles.

At the age of 91, Ray Bradbury, renowned author and Tea Partier, has passed on to the next life.

Bradbury wrote science fiction classics that astronauts cut their teeth on. In his later years, this anti authoritarian turned towards conservatism, which fit his thinking patterns better than the nanny state model of the left.

One of Bradbury’s notable beefs with Obama concerned the administrations destruction of the NASA space exploration initiatives.

Getting to Know Planned Parenthood through its founder


Hat tip to Tamminator at Hillbuzz who tells us that planned unparenthood has gotten itself into a Los Angeles high school, where it can pollute the kids, dispense birth control, and refer for abortions, all without parental intervention. Planned unparenthood can employ its trademark chemical and abortive methods for regulating the population of the mostly Latino student body of Roosevelt High School from within the facility.

Politico Presents a Pornified Obama

Obama’s joke? – POLITICO.com.

Byron Tau, of the Politico perceived this statement made by Obama at a Los Angeles  LGBT Leadership Council fundraiser  in Beverley Hills on Wednesday night, as a joke.

From the Pool Report:

“Michelle outdoes me in pushups as well,” he said, after saying that she’s taken some criticism on her technique “because she doesn’t go all the way down” – a line that he let hang, naughtily, provoking laughter from the crowd.”

Obama quote from the transcript given at the Guardian:  by Oliver Burkeman

“I want to thank my wonderful friend [Ellen DeGeneres] who accepts a little bit of teasing about Michelle beating her in pushups – (laughter) – but I think she claims Michelle didn’t go all the way down. (Laughter.) That’s what I heard. I just want to set the record straight – Michelle outdoes me in pushups as well. (Laughter.) So she shouldn’t feel bad. She’s an extraordinary talent and she’s just a dear, dear friend – Ellen DeGeneres. Give Ellen a big round of applause.”

Mr Burkeman appeared to think that the remark was not intended to be nasty, and that  Americans are dirty minded.   However,  the Politico is a news organ of the WhiteHouse, and it is the vehicle by which this little gaffe was brought to our attention.

Buzzfeed votes with Politico on the matter, and the world is aTwitter with the news.

Obama needs to stick with his teleprompter. Every verbal blunder and misstep is going to be magnified from now until November.

Update: a video of the double entendre is below, along with Obama media apologists trying to take back what the Politico initially presented.

How to Drain the Abortion Industry of Human Resources

Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood Clinic director, is offering a webcast to explain her new ministry to abortion clinic workers. She has mechanisms for us to help set them free. The webcast is monday, June 11 at 8 pm EASTERN daylight time.  Reaching 9000 clinic workers and helping them find new jobs is a laudable and plausible goal.

CLICK HERE for the registration page  and look for the yellow button

For NYT, Evaluating Birth Control Mechanisms is Classed as POLITICAL SCIENCE

Science at Issue in Debate on Morning-After Pill – NYTimes.com.

Pharmer is immensely amused by the NYT Political Science article purporting that Plan B, levonorgestrel (a progestin – synthetic progesterone analog) delays ovulation but has no effect upon post fertilization mechanisms. This claim certainly has a relationship to political ideology, but not to pharmacological science.

There is the suggestion that Plan B can operate to impede ovulation even when taken 72 hours after intercourse.

The usual life of sperm is 48 hours, and The usual lifespan of secondary oocytes (eggs) is 1 day. The most fertile time for a woman is the day of, and the day after ovulation.

Laughably entertaining is the suggestion that there is no time for levonorgestrel to affect thickness or receptivity of the uterine lining, but there is time for it to always work by delaying ovulation. Scroll back up to the lifespan of the gametes and THEN ponder that it takes about 7 days for the early human embryo to travel down the fallopian tubes into the uterus and implant in the uterine lining.

Seven days is not long enough for the morning after pill to affect feedback inhibition, transport, endometrial tissue, and implantation processes, yet 48 hours is claimed to be long enough to exert a perfect 100 percent mechanism for delaying ovulation so that sperm and ‘egg’ don’t meet.  (Remember when a woman is most fertile, the day of and the day after ovulation?)   It’s pathetic when leftist ideology replaces scientific analysis and inquiry in such a blatantly obvious manner.

James Trussell (population controller of Princeton) has changed his tune about the efficacy of Plan B. Now he wants to say that the pill is ridiculously ineffective, so that condoms, rhythm, and withdrawal are far superior in efficacy as birth control. This is what he needs to admit in order to claim that the Plan B doesn’t work if a woman has ovulated.

Progesterone hormones have multiple mechanisms of action. Progesterone receptors are found in various tissues, and their preponderance and activity undergo cyclic changes. These hormones largely affect gene expression. These effects are not instantaneous. The physiological effects of progestins on reproduction vary with the timing of their use. The morning after pill’s modes of action will vary depending on when in the cycle and how long after intercourse they are used.

One cannot prescribe progestins to patients to mitigate hypermenorrhea (excessive bleeding), and at the same time claim that they don’t affect the uterine lining.

Progestins given on a scheduled basis fail to prevent ovulation in about half of patients. This has been attached to the labeling of progestin only pills, which have been used to control excessive bleeding, as well as to prevent pregnancy.

Plan B is a progestin. Ella is a selective progesterone receptor blocker (like mifepristone, RU456). Each one will affect the reproductive processes in different, dose dependent and time dependent ways. Political Science author Pam Belluck needs to consider the drugs separately when attempting to evaluate them mechanistically.

Plan B, levonorgestrel, like ALL hormones, operates on many physiological processes, by many different means.

If the leftists ever manage to develop effective birth control drugs which operate ONLY by preventing the union of sperm and egg, we may proceed with the constitutional amendments to accurately define human life with no further impediments.

More at Jill Stanek’s place. and right HERE.