Little Guy is the Pointman as Republican Leadership Falters

While the Republicans have allowed the fraud of Franken, and are fearfully softballing Sotomayor in her confirmation hearings, one of our military officers is taking the lead.

Army Major Stefan Frederick Cook is refusing deployment to Afghanistan, seeking a restraining order and status as a conscientious objector, on the grounds that Obama is not qualified as commander in chief due to his inability to establish natural born American citizenship.

Major Cook, defended by attorney Orly Taitz contends that he would be violating international law by faithfully fulfilling the orders of a person whose command position is not legally obtained.

This article contends with no details or proof that Obama is shown to have been born in Hawaii. As any reasonably aware person knows, there is disparity among Obama’s relatives claims, the hospital records, the passports, and a lack of actual certificate of live birth, and Obama is spending millions of dollars in legal fees in order to avoid having to produce the birth certificate.