Dr. Wim Distelmans, the same guy who killed two congenitally deaf twins who feared that they were going blind, has ended the life of 44 year old transsexual Nathan (Nancy) Verhelst.

Verhelst, claimed to have been raised by parents who wished he had been born a boy. He started hormone therapy in 2009, followed by a mastectomy and penile construction in 2012. The results proved to be less than satisfactory. After six months of counseling, Distelmans concurred that Verhelst’s suffering was both unbearable and incurable, and proceeded to end the man’s life by lethal injection.
Belgium is currently deciding whether to extend euthanasia to children. If this comes to pass, the expense of transsexual surgeries might be eliminated, as parents who are dissatisfied with their child’s sex might opt for the faster and cheaper alternative. Euthanasia deaths are up in that country, by 25% in 2012, to a record of 1432 cases.