After the Onion’s “Abortionplex” parody (which fooled a fair proportion of first time readers), comes the real thing. Any news article bears checking for fakeness, these days, so your friendly Pharmer brings the fact that Carafem, the loud and proud abortion provider, really means it.
Here’s the genuine article from, and below that is the page on Carafem’s own site, acknowledging this wonderful press coverage.

“We want to be really out loud about what we do.” -Melissa Grant. VP of health services. “Abortion. Yeah, we do that.”
So, having established that Carafem wants to be loud about abortion, do any peaceful, polite, and very creative pro-lifers want to ‘help’ them with this goal? 😀
Take off the muffler.

I really enjoyed reading this article and after reading your article, I found out that there are other ways better to do