Did Larry Beat Harry? Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Harry Reid's Original and modified explanatios involving large rubber bands
Harry Reid’s original and modified explanations of his head and rib injuries involved  the use of large rubber bands in the bathroom.

An alternate theory to explain how Harry Reid lost the sight in one eye, and obtained a concussion and broken ribs has surfaced.  It appears that on New Years Eve, near the time  that Harry was said to be  injured, his brother Larry was apparently seen at an AA meeting, (not far from the home of his brother Harry).  “Larry” was said to be  intoxicated, to have  blood on his clothing and a swollen hand.  On New Years Day, Larry Reid was was arrested for assaulting a highway patrolman near Searchlight Nevada.  People at the AA meeting thought not much Larry mentioning a fight with a family member, and his fear that the secret service would be after him.  Later, when the story of Harry Reid’s injuries surfaced,  the pieces seemed to fit into an explanation of his injuries which is more plausible than the exercise rubber band, bathroom story.

How to Know the Attack on Indiana RFRA has Nothing to do with Civil Rights.

Tim Cook of Apple has been whining about Indiana’s RFRA, but he has been selling his products in countries which have a policy of killing people for being homosexual.  It’s quite blatant.

Google shows 2 Apple stores, a couple of Mac stores and Best Buys in Indiana
Google shows TWO Apple stores, 3 Mac stores and Best Buys within the entire state of   Indiana.


Apple Stores in Tehran There are more Apple stores in Tehran than in the entire state of Indiana.  This might be some kind of favoritism, or perhaps a death wish.  Does Cook fantasize about being snuffed by a big, strong, radical Islamist who thinks homosexual people should not be allowed to live?  That is just too weird, so what else could fuel his oddly inconsistent behavior?

Most likely, Cook will do anything to secure power for the leftists, but he really is playing with fire. Anything could happen to him once the Islamists or the leftists no longer find him useful.

Gay conservatives, and those who respect their right to life, are asking Tim Cook to account for his agenda and his display of apparent hypocrisy. 

Same Sex Marriage Anti-Narrative

The NBCI, National Black Church Initiative, is made up of 15 denominations representing 16 million Black Americians.  This group has cut ties with the Presbyterian Church USA  after the latter denomination decided to include same sex unions within its definition of marriage.

Said Rev. Anthony Evans, NBCI president, “There is always redemption in the body of Christ through confession of faith and adhering to Holy Scripture.”  He called on Christians to show ‘tough love’ to the Presbyterian church by ‘refusing to associate with the denomination until it changes its ways’.

On the another front:  businesswoman Courtney Hoffman, who is a lesbian, donated to the Memories Pizza fundraiser, and publicly supported the right of that business not to service same sex weddings.  Though she disagrees with them, she defended their right of self determination, saying that she would not want to forced as a businesswoman to support causes that she did not believe in.

Conservatives should keep in mind that the media charade surrounding the Indiana RFRA is a bogus thing, coming mostly from the leftist democrats.  It’s a tool to make conservative voters lose respect for republican wimps, and stay home from the elections.   The militant/intolerant Gaystapo, so prominently celebrated by the media,  is a relatively small group.

People might better attend to their investments, and carefully reconsider association or investments with  corporations run by those who cooperated with this latest, false media meme.

Indiana Legislature Guts its Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Dialing the phone number for Governor Mike Pence’s office gives a ‘mailbox full’ message.  So Pharmer wrote another letter asking him to veto SB 50, which guts the RFRA, and is worse than no RFRA at all.

Memories Pizza, up in Walkerton  IN had to close for the time being, due to the leftie plus gaystapo hate and death threats, but have gotten huge love from people donating at Go Fund Me.  The family intends to reopen their pizzeria.

Visit Louder with Crowder to see what happens when  a Muslim Baker is asked to make a cake for a same sex wedding.

Crowder also drives home the very important point that the leftists intend to impose their will on those who believe differently, and leave no room for dissent.

muslim bakers say no to same sex wedding cake

Twitter of HS Golf Coach Shows Threat to Burn Down Pizzaria

Jess Dooley, who coaches golf at Concord High School, Elkhart Indiana, owned the now defunct twitter page below.
She is now suspended from her job while this Klan-like  threat of violence is being investigated.

Memories  Pizza, in Walkertown, IN  gained public attention with an announcement that they would not cater same sex wedding ceremonies.

Such petulant behavior is not unexpected from the left.

Golf Coach Jess Dooley of  Concord High School Klan Gaystapo
Golf Coach Jess Dooley of Concord High School is former owner of this Twitter page.

Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act has Leftists Freaking Out!

Most lefties wouldn’t understand the Religious Freedom Restoration Act signed into law by Governor Mike Pence of Indiana.  That doesn’t stop them from melting down over it.

Actually the law is quite limited, and provides an avenue of relief from governmental bullying of private individuals and businesses who live according to a religious moral code.

This act does not protect an employee from the demands of an employer, on the job.  It’s restricted to protecting individuals such as THIS woman from being harassed by rabid state attorney generals or similar government officials or entities.

For example, the law won’t protect a pro-life health professionals from reprisals by their employers, but it could possibly help them to fight persecution from their respective state regulatory boards.

What does Hormonal Birth Control Do to the Brain?

A pair of Austrian scientists, Belinda Pletzer and Hubert Kerschbaum have published a provocative article in Frontiers of Neuroscience, asking for more research on the effects of hormonal birth control on the brain.  Of particular interest are the social and behavioral  effects of these hormones when used in younger patients whose brains are still undergoing major development and maturation.

The authors review some studies of feminizing or masculinizing hormone effects upon mood, verbal skills, spatial reasoning, behavior and mate selection,  which collectively could have profound effects on social structures in the long term.  They suggest that any behavioral studies be controlled for the use of hormones by study subjects.  Changes in brain structure caused by the various types of estrogens and progestins used as birth control, vary with the the degree of androgenicity or estrogenicity, and with duration of usage.  Changes in brain development in younger BC users may be more profound, with some expected to be irreversible.

Check the article out HERE.