Jonathan Gruber: Killing for Crime Control

Mona Charen has dredged up more Jonathan Gruber sludge, linking him to the Killing for Crime Control thesis made famous in the Freakonomics book and ensuing debate.

Referencing this 1998 article by Jonathan Gruber, et al, Freakonomics author Steven Levitt and colleague, John Donahue argued in a 2002 Quarterly Journal of Economics  article  that the availability of abortion had significant influence in lowering the crime rate.  This later was made available for public consumption in the 2005 Freakonomics chapter on abortion.

Besides connecting Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber with more of his macabre plans for social engineering, this underscores another leftist inconsistency.  Usually these people are arguing to mitigate penalties against established criminals, yet here you see them supporting the idea of aborting babies from groups considered  more likely to become social liabilities.  That’s the same as a death penalty exacted before a crime is even contemplated.

Gruber’s own conclusions from 1998: “Perhaps more importantly, these findings may also have implications for the lifelong prospects of the average child born after legalization. The children not born due to abortion availability would have grown up in adverse living circumstances that other studies have shown may be detrimental to later prospects.”

What other interesting ideas from the mind of Johnathan Gruber have made their way into the intrinsic design of Obamacare?

Replace Boehner

A number of conservative groups are encouraging Congress to replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House.  Rep Louie Gohmert has thrown his hat into the ring.  A recent poll suggests that 60 percent of those still calling themselves Republican favor a new Speaker.

Yours truly has dropped email to Rep. Luke Messer, asking him to oppose Boehner as speaker.

Conservatives please  write to your representative today and suggest some fresh air for Congress.

Kara and Brittany

Kara Tippetts, who openly pleaded with Brittany Maynard not to commit suicide, remains other-directed as she takes up the final leg of her life journey. She has entered hospice care.  Tippetts has written “The Hardest Peace” addressing her own battle with stage IV cancer, and facing the end of life.

Yesterday, there appeared a post on Kara’s blog, ostensibly from Brittany’s mom, about support for a “right” to choose one’s own manner of dying. People are finding so many new “rights” these days, and with each one there is a class of slaves who are assigned the job of providing for these things.

Prayers for God to cover Kara, and her family with His peace.

Calling on Evangelical Atheists to Do Something

Around Christmas time, activity of the evangelical atheists seems to pick up a bit more.  This might be an artifact of media coverage, but we tend to see some atheists objecting to outward displays of theistic faith, and others celebrating their own intellect by trying to drive the square vehicle of scientific method into the circular gateway of spiritual matters.

This Christmas, Thomas D Williams has brought “professional atheist” John G. Messerly to the loving attention of your friendly Pharmer.  Messerly is railing against religion as vulgar superstition, delusion, and states that humanity needs to outgrow this spiritual impetus that fueled the building of Western and Eastern civilizations.

We might decide to emulate Dr. Messerly, who has built………. ummmmm some books and some articles, and memberships in cool secular think tanks.  His contributions to civilization might out weigh those of the astounding, atheist biologist P. Z.  (has he published peer reviewed scientific research lately?) Myers. But if we did follow after these leaders of thought, what would get accomplished?

Academia, under the rule of the left has pumped out prodigious numbers of underachievers, who spend a great deal of time celebrating their own intellect, but very little time building things which could advance the human condition, or that of planet Earth.

Atheist evangelists can’t seem to let go of the Creator, who has them by the tail , or is the handle within their DNA?  That’s the Pharmer theory.

If an Atheist evangelist is messing with your religious expressions and celebrations, ask him what has he done lately.   Has he invented or constructed or created anything? Does he serve the needs of his fellow humans in any concrete way?  Has he discovered some new nugget of knowledge which could advance the condition of  mankind?

Wish him God’s blessings and a REAL JOB.

Birth Control Mechanisms

Lifesite News has put up a little slide show of images showing how various types of birth control operate. Each image is taken from the pharmacology section of info that the drug manufacturers publish for health care providers. None of this information is new, and if you never heard it from your doctor or CNP………. well……

Part of birth control effectiveness is due to processes that occur AFTER fertilization.

You can learn about some more birth control at the Chemical Abortion page listed above.

Wouldn’t Want to Be the Guy Who Reported John Crawford III to 911.

Last summer, cops responded to a 911 call reporting Beaver Creek, Ohio shopper, John Crawford for “Playing With a Gun While Black”.  To be sure,  Crawford was without gun etiquette and safety skills, but he was not threatening his fellow shoppers.  He had picked up an unloaded, air powered, pellet gun in Walmart and had been swinging it in the corner aisle, while talking on a cell phone. Most of the time the rifle is pointed towards the floor. At one point, the muzzle is seen pointing  toward a back wall and shelf of pet food, but not at any other shoppers.

Once readers tour the Walmart video footage, they will admire the folks at Truth About Guns, who essentially got the gist of this story way back in August, before any of this info was available.  John Crawford is mainly a victim of  panicky, anti-gun propagandizing .  It also appears that cops, all juiced up for a crazy shooter, did not give the guy much of a chance to respond appropriately to their presence before he was plugged by two of their bullets.

One 911 caller will be crawling into a hole after the unwarranted death of  22 year old Crawford, as well as the untimely demise of a 37 year old female shopper, who had a heart attack following the ensuing melee.  (Naturally the left wing media is trying to tie the caller to the Tea Party.)

Given the sum total of the story, it’s not a surprise that the family of John Crawford would want to sue somebody.   They would not be able to get much out of the 911 caller who touched off this whole disaster.

Lastly, people need to be exercising gun safety and etiquette along with their gun rights.

Call a Waaaaaaaaaaambulance for Michelle


She’s Whining again.

Under experiences of racism, Michelle listed an incident during which person asked her for help getting something from the shelf in a department (Target)  store.  (It could have NOTHING to do with her height, of course).

The problem with this woman is that she doesn’t know that the little requests for help, or false assumptions about employment happen to everybody, regardless of race.   It happens to everyone who mingles with regular people.  In general, the Obamas are interpreting social experiences that happen to all of us regular people as experiences of racism. 

If Michelle doesn’t want to be treated as a regular person, she needs to stay in the Hamptons, rarified portions of Washington DC, or aboard Airforce 1.

One of the things that still rankles lefties is that America was founded without a royalty class, and the Tea Party still doesn’t want one.

Lena Dunham’s War on Women

If pop culture is on your radar, the  deconstruction of a losing battle in Lena Dunham’s War on Women is worth your time.

Dunham’s  best seller “Not That Kind of Girl”, contains a number of departures from reality, as well as a story of sexually abusing her own sister.  Among these stories is a claim that she was raped by a prominent college republican.

Breitbart’s John Nolte has investigated the details of her story, and found it to be inaccurate, with the accused not matching Dunham’s descriptive highlights.  The named individual, very unlike Dunham’s “memory” of her sex contact,  has had to retain a lawyer, and disappear from social media.   Memories of the famous Tawanna Brawley case come to mind.

Lena Dunham continues to allow the named individual, who says he never met her, who does not match her physical description, who did not graduate when she said he did, and who did not work where she said he did, to twist in the wind.

Dunham refused to press charges in a claimed case of rape.  Either she is lying about rape altogether, or she has allowed a criminal (whose name and description do not match)  to remain free to repeat his crimes.  Both of these options harm other women.

Treating People as Livestock

The CDC’s latest abortion data (2011) features some strikingly tragic statistics from New York City.  It continues to corroborate the contention that minorities are relegated to the status of livestock in leftie land.

77.56% of the abortions in NYC are of Black and Hispanic babies.  Blacks make up 25.5%, and Hispanics comprise 28.6% of the city’s population.  31,188 Black babies (46.1% of total) and 23,929 Hispanic babies (31.4% of total) lost their lives to elective abortion in 2011.   44% of NYC’s population is considered White,  and that group accounted for 12.5% of abortions.

New York City aborted 76,251 babies, more than any other STATE, in the union.  New York State’s abortion total is 103,339.  Texas trails NYC with 71,658 abortions.  Data from Illinois is not available.

The CDC report crunches numbers for only about half of the 50 states.  Click HERE for the report.

Does Your Obamacare Plan Cover Elective Abortion?

The Charlotte Lozier Institute and Family Research Council have been collecting data on thousands of plans offered through the Obamacare  exchanges to determine which ones cover elective abortions.  An interactive map is provided at their website, that delineates which states have opted out of elective abortion coverage.  Other states can be clicked to find out which plans covered abortion in 2014, and data is being collected on the plans for 2015.

Extreme “lack of transparency” on the part of  the Obama administration has made it hard to determine which plans are sequestering funds from their customers for abortion coverage.  People who have obtained such info about their own plans are invited to contact the organization, so the information can be added to their website.  Others can check to see whether their state has opted out or whether their own plan covers abortion.