Ferguson Charades

By now, many of those who have paid close attention to news of the protests in and about  Ferguson understand that they have been orchestrated in supposed response to a fictional narrative spun around a “gentle giant” Michael Brown.  From this base, leftists are trying to reenact the 60s and pretending to oppose the deteriorating race relations that they themselves  have brought about.

When confronted with available evidence, the grand jury  concluded that police officer Darren Wilson committed no crime, and refused to bring charges against him.  Despite this, he has resigned from the force.

A large proportion of protesters and rioters in Ferguson are rent-a-mobs, bussed in from elsewhere.  For example, 15 out of 16 members arrested from this leftie group of protesters was found to be from out of town says  KMOV.com. One of them was from Berkeley, CA.  CNN claimed that out of towners were inciting violence in Ferguson as early as last summer.

Most of the businesses damaged or destroyed on the first night of riots in Ferguson were minority owned.

Agents of Homeland Security have been nesting in and around Ferguson.  We were NOT supposed to be made aware of this fact,  as former employee, Mark Paffrath, discovered when he lost his job at the Drury Plaza Hotel in Chesterfield, MO, not 30 miles from Ferguson.  He reports seeing 70-plus Fed vehicles parked there, and had posted a photo and video of them online. Per Mr. Paffrath, a U.S. Navy veteran,  hotel management told him that his actions threatened a $115,000 contract that the hotel had with the Feds.

People are starting to tire of the lefties trying to reinvent and relive the civil rights movement.  More rational folks  find that protecting their own Ferguson neighborhood is more important than hosting a government backed riot.  Back in the 60s, Black people had good reasons to be protesting the unjust rule of mob, that caused extreme cases of abuse, and loss of life, as well as a routine environment of disrespect.   Now some of the new ‘civil rights’ charlatans, and low IQ media flunkies seem to be asking for the rule of mob to taint the legal process that protects our rights.

Related: Vandalized Bakery receives $230,000 in donations to reopen.

If Black Lives Matter, something will be done to fix THIS.


Vaccine Sterilization Story in Kenya Retracted

Earlier this month news emerged claiming that the Catholic Bishops of Kenya protested the vaccine program of UNICEF and WHO because HCG was found in six tetanus vaccine samples.  This was believed to represent  an effort to sterilize women in that country.
A couple of weeks later, the story is being retracted with the claim that it has been proven that none of the vaccines contain HCG, and no sterilization efforts are taking place.

By no means does the evidence and opinion that is cited in this new article “prove” that the vaccine samples tested in Kenya and South Africa did not contain HCG, therefore the headline is inaccurate. The statement attributed to the CDC, that vaccine adjuvants would “inactivate” HCG, is not adequately established or explained. Entraining HCG so that it does not act upon target receptors does not mean that it could not stimulate the production of antibodies. Those are two separate things.

This vaccine sterilization story pops up, gets squashed back down, and then pops up again in a new place. It exemplifies the distrust of the UN and the U.S, population controllers, who seek to tell Brown people how many babies they can have.

One wonders which UN overlord is threatening to pull funding from the various organizations who have put forth this latest attempt to question the integrity of the UNICEF and WHO tetanus vaccine program……..

No matter the mechanism of population control, people in third world are going to be told to accept it or risk losing any other “humanitarian aid”.

Racial Profiling of Sex Abusers by the Media

John Nolte of Breitbart.com is among those noticing that the media seems much more quick to paint Black men as rapists than White Men.

He holds up Bill Clinton as the top example of the molester in chief, who has been given a pass and a good deal of protection even up to today against the accusations of rape and sexual imposition, brought against him by Juanita Broderick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey.   Nolte points out that Bill Cosby does not enjoy media protection against 30 old charges of rape brought by a pair of women.  They are ready to throw Dr. Cosby into the trash heap of show biz history.  Likewise, dubious, and far less serious charges against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain brought a firestorm of career damaging assault from the mainstream press.  It seems as though the media is more than ready to take down a public figure who is Black, on sex related accusations, but is very protective of the White guy.

Added to Nolte’s list is the tepid media coverage of horrendous accusations brought by both males and females who have recalled being molested or raped by members of the Hollywood elite.    It’s expected that “An Open Secret”,  Amy Berg’s  documentary film addressing the sexual transgressions carried out against underage kids in Hollywood,  is not going to get much distribution.

After branding conservatives as automatic racists, it’s time for the media to face up to its own, painfully obvious, racial bias and the damage caused to women, caused by holding Bill Clinton, White-Boy-molester-in-chief, as the top rock star of the Democrat party.  Maybe it was his steadfast support of abortion that earned him this armor coat of  media  protection.

Planned Parenthood Files Lawsuit for Survival of Last Cincinnati Clinic

An Ohio law requires abortion clinics to have an agreement with a hospital for the transfer of patients on an emergency basis.  This regulation has contributed to the closure of Martin Haskell’s clinic in Sharonville, Ohio, and is set to cause the demise of the abortion clinic that Kresge Foundation $$ rebuilt on Auburn Avenue, near Christ Hospital in Cincinnati.

Planned Parenthood has filed a “civil rights” suit challenging the regulation requiring that patients injured in an abortion clinic have a fast track to a hospital.  Planned Parenthood formerly had an agreement with the University of Cincinnati Hospital, but that agreement has ended pursuant to another regulation banning such arrangements with public   hospitals.  The Women’s Med Center in Kettering, Ohio (Dayton’s last abortion clinic)  has a similar lack of patient transfer agreement with a hospital, and is also at risk of being shuttered.

Ohio Right to Life points out that the Federal Judge, Timothy S. Black, an Obama appointee who was chosen to preside over Planned Parenthood’s legal proceedings, has served on the Board of Planned Parenthood Association of Cincinnati, from 1986 to 1989, and part of that time as president.  One wonders if it is proper for a judge to hear a case involving a plaintiff with which he has had a such a direct association.

It’s Back: HCG in the Tetanus Vaccines Combating Fertility in Kenya

Those population controllers are always trying to tell Brown people how many babies they can have, and it looks as though an old, sneaky method of stopping pregnancy is making another round.

Popping up in Kenya this time, is the old HCG in the tetanus vaccine trick.  It has all the markers of previous suspected lacings of tetanus vaccines, given to pregnant women in Mexico in 1993, and the Philippines in 1994.  In the latter case, HCG was actually found in vaccine samples, and antibodies to HCG were demonstrated in women who had received the vaccine.  The antibodies to HCG bind to the natural hormone found in a woman’s body when she gets pregnant, and inhibit further support of the pregnancy.  A miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) ensues.

The Catholic Bishops of Kenya, getting no cooperation from the government, obtained six samples of tetanus vaccine and had them tested at labs in Kenya and in South Africa.  All six of them showed the presence of HCG.  The Kenyan government persisted in denying that there could be any HCG in tetanus vaccines provided under the auspices of the World Health Organization and UNICEF.  A press release from the Catholic Bishops of Kenya details the story, and two other articles are hosted by COGforlife.org, HERE.

Such misuse of vaccines is bound to increase mistrust by the public, and lead to the failure of legitimate programs for the prevention of disease  in the future.


Call a Waaaaaaaaaaambulance for Abortion Barbie


The Wendy Davis  campaign for  Texas Governor has gone down in flames.  She lost to Greg Abbott in a 60% to 38% landslide.

Seeing Tea Partier, Konni Burton defeat her hand picked candidate, Libby Willis has to be putting a double hurt on the pink sneakered, catheter wearing, queen of the filibuster.

Aboard the Waaaaaaaaaaambulance is plenty of sterile water for irrigating the salt from Wendy Davis’ wounds.  It’s been a hard night for that extremist, Democrat supporter of late term abortion.


Tim Cook’s Small Brick

Given that  people in China are routinely arrested for homosexual activity, and many land in jail for this type of “licentiousness”, Tim Cook’s offer of his “brick”  in the path of “justice” for gays seems not so momentous.

The CEO of Apple (which produces most of its products in China) imagines that he’s become more connected with the civil rights leaders of the past, by publicly announcing which kind of sex he likes.  Says Cook in  Bloomberg Business Week :

“When I arrive in my office each morning, I’m greeted by framed photos of Dr. King and Robert F. Kennedy. I don’t pretend that writing this puts me in their league. All it does is allow me to look at those pictures and know that I’m doing my part, however small, to help others. We pave the sunlit path toward justice together, brick by brick. This is my brick.”

After this offering……….. how is Tim Cook addressing his biiiig China difficulty?   Is it similar to the way that Warren Buffet addresses his own taxes vs. what you should happily pay?

Hilarious NARAL Ad Predicts Cory Gardner Will Bring Latex Shortage

Imagine!   NO CONDOMS!!!!  

Maybe it’s the “climate change” (weather) that will bring about this latex shortage.

This is what NARAL predicts if Republican Cory Gardner (who wants to put birth control pills over the counter) wins his race in Colorado!  Maybe this degree of inaccuracy  will be enough insult to the intelligence of women to make them abandon the Democrats this election cycle.