Sex News from the Left

Child abusers at the American Academy of Pediatrics are touting the IUD (indwelling coathanger) as the most effective form of birth control.   Yep……. PEDIATRICS.  And in  light of this, remember that the medical records of  12 year olds in New York State can be held as private from the parents, and that there is no enforceable age of consent in the state of Washington.That’s one more salvo from the lefties in their never ending effort to groom girls as sex toys.

In another corner is Camille  Paglia, offering another of her controversial opinions that will surely bunch up the panties of feminists on campus and off.  Camille is the odd liberal who recognizes that there are certain evils that government and institutions can’t fix with their thought control.  In her latest opinion piece, she reminds the girls that the need to be vigilant and practice self defense will never go away.  The campus thought police will never be able to eradicate the evil propensities of sexual predators, says Camille, while once more reminding her readers that men and women are inherently different.


Meet James Golden ‘Mr. Snerdley’, Rush’s Call Screener

James Golden goes by the name Mr. Snerdley as he monitors Rush Limbaugh’s show, and chooses among the thousands of callers who long for a minute of fame on the biggest talk show in radio.

The Man who controls the Caller portion of Rush Limbaugh's Radio Show
The Man who controls the Caller portion of Rush Limbaugh’s Radio Show

James Golden is an articulate and engaging speaker in his own right, and is working outside the show to inspire others to be the best they can be.
Visit the Daily Caller to hear what Mr. Golden has to say about the effects of liberalism on Black communities, the non-help from Obama, as well as his own years of helping to make the Rush Limbaugh Show an unprecedented broadcast success, (5 time winner of the Marconi Award).

Programmed Death- Apoptosis via Obamacare

Obamacare Creator: Die at 75! < Click it.

 Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the foremost evil minds inspiring Obamacare believes that he (and all of us) should die by age 75.  More years beyond that are those of decline, in his way of thinking.  He has designed Obamacare with this goal in mind, to kill off the people who are no longer seen as an asset to the state.

Sadly, the mismanagement which is already rampant in Obamacare will inspire people to declare themselves as  DNR CC before age 75, just to escape the aggravation of it all.

Media Coverup: The Inherent Racism of Leftists

One of several important reasons a person should avoid affiliation with leftists is the inherent racism, sexism, and bigotry which is the basis for their social policies and personal functioning.

Leftists consider non-whites to be livestock, and treat them as such.  The left desires to herd (to the cities), feed (food stamps EBT SNAP), house, provide health care (birth control and abortions), various ethic and racial groups, and keep them as voter stock.

The media serves as cover whenever the leftist racism bubbles to the surface in their words. Certainly they have been effective in training people to believe that the conservatives, who want everyone to be free to achieve self actualization, are the oppressors, while the paternalistic left, which pushes down or kills  anyone who wants to work hard and achieve, is seen as benevolent.  In fact, non-white conservatives, who respect the family, and oppose the herding of minorities, are said to be selling out their own people.

Here is your chance to see how the media covers  up  the racist gaffes of Harry Reid, Gary King, and Joe Biden. Desperate leftie  politicians, with possible dementia reducing their ability to filter speech, have been firing off offensive comments right and left, lately, and  has been cataloging the remarks and the lack of media response.  Click the links to see: it’s still pre-civil-rights-era in the brains of the lefties.

Living in lie-cloud of the lamestream media has left many minority groups completely confused about who is REALLY holding them down in present day America.

“Four” is Unlucky Number for this Medical Student

Chinese student died of heart attack as he looked at ‘sexy magazine’ at sperm bank | Mail Online.

23 year old medical student, Zheng Gang, died of a heart attack during “his fourth visit in just over a week“, at the Wuhan University fertility clinic, says the Daily Mail.

“Four” is an unlucky number in much of Asia.  Its pronunciation is a homophone for the word for “death” in various languages and dialects.

The tragic demise of Zheng Gang, and subsequent law suit filed by his family, provide more incentive to use a substitute syllable when speaking of that number.

Protest of Gay Celebration at St. Patrick’s Day Parade Removed From DC Archdiocese Website

DC Priest Punished for Calling for End to Gay St. Patrick’s Parade in New York City.

Click the above  link to see what Monsignor Charles Pope wrote about Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s decision to rubber stamp gay pride displays during the NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade next year.   Breitbart published it for all the world to see, because this protestation was expunged from the Archdiocese of Washington DC website.

Apparently the U.S. Catholic Bishops  are revealing an updated stance on gay sex practices and gay marriage, and approving the promotion of such things publicly, in front of children, at Catholic events.  This is a far cry from simply allowing any person to march in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

If the Catholic Bishops wonder why church-going is down and there is a decrease in religious vocations,  it could be that no one respects “leaders”  who would do anything in order to be liked.

It’s Sexual Balkanization!

Jill Stanek had to translate* so that readers could better understand  Jack, a woman who says (s)he is a “femme non-binary person”, and who feels left out of the leftie narrative with respect to women’s choice, access, health.  Yep, the war on women is passing Jack by.

Jack’s story was used to illustrate a persistent theme Jill Stanek has been elucidating.  The left is by no means a unified group of people, all satisfied with their general social and political direction. There is quite a bit of dissent in the ranks.

Pharmer’s issue: People often want to put a label on themselves and fit into a special little group. And they want recognition of that special little group.
There are more labels for sexual identity than any person could memorize (and they change all the time).

Sex expression and performance has always been a sort of continuous gradient, made more plastic and variable by the endocrine disruptors pushed by the medical and other industries. Impinging on the gradient is the fact that some people will always want to step outside of occupational roles dominated by one sex or the other.

Why are people so fond if being pigeonholed? It’s as though they encourage conflict and victimization in order to fill up the time that they spend NOT building, creating, producing and uplifting.

Find your vocation.  Get a real job!   Be happy!