Anti Rape Activists are Allergic to This Prevention Measure

Anti-Date Rape ‘Undercover’ Nail Polish Changes Colour When Drinks are Spiked with Rohypnol and GHB.  is worth a click.

Four North Carolina State University Students are working on a solution to the use of spiked drinks for date rape.  They’re developing a nail polish that exhibits a color change when exposed to such things as Rohypnol, GHB and Xanax, which are sometimes used to tranquilize a woman so that she can be sexually abused.  The prospective product is funded by the school’s Entrepreneurship Initiative, and is further described as Undercover Colors on Facebook, and the newly formed company is seeking further donations to produce nail polish.

Most telling is a response coming from the left, (which traditionally abhors a solution).   Rebecca Nagle of “FORCE Upsetting Rape Culture, and Tracey Vitchers of SAFER appear not to  like any rape solution that involves self defense on the part of the woman.  Activists who would scoff at the idea of education for sexual abstinence, paradoxically  believe that guys who “at risk for committing sexual assault” (sic) can be educated to avoid this practice.

Pharmer, always a fan of self defense and any measure that helps to solve the problem, congratulates the four students, Stephen Gray, Ankesh Madan, Tasso Von Windheim and Tyler Confrey-Maloney,  on their creativity and wishes them success.


Mystery Surrounds Increase in Penile Birth Defect in Sweden.

Hypospadias describes a penile condition in which closure of the structures around the urethra are incomplete.  This cause a variety of problems, depending on where the  failure to close occurs, which may cause the affected patient to sprinkle instead of urinate, as well difficulties with sexual performance. Incidence of this problem has almost doubled in Sweden since 1990.   According to The Independent, Swedish researchers are unable to determine the cause of this marked increase in hypospadias.  Numerous possibilities are bandied about in the article, leaving out the most obvious “endocrine disruptor” of all: hormonal birth control.  For example, Medroxyprogesterone comes with a hypospadias and genital malformation warning, and there’s no way to suck the ‘Depo’  shot back out if a woman becomes pregnant after administration.

Carmichael SL, Shaw GM, Laurent C, Croughan MS, Olney RS, Lammer EJ. Maternal progestin intake and risk of hypospadias. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2005;159: 957–962

Ice Bucket Challenge Donation Sponsor ALSA Funds Embryonic Stem Cell Research |

Ice Bucket Challenge Donation Sponsor ALSA Funds Embryonic Stem Cell Research |

The ice bucket challenge is all the rage, and this manner of funding medical research to combat ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) is  heavily promoted on social media.


In an email to Religion News Service, Carrie Munk, a spokeswoman for the ALS Association, said that the organization primarily funds adult stem cell research.

“Currently, The Association is funding one study using embryonic stem cells (ESC), and the stem cell line was established many years ago under ethical guidelines set by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS); this research is funded by one specific donor, who is committed to this area of research,” she said. “The project is in its final phase and will come to an end very soon.”

Get ALSA to verify that unethically derived human tissue is NOT being used in their research before you donate.  Click the link above to learn about the possible link with EMBRYONIC stem cell research.

Live Action Films Busts a Fourth Planned Parenthood Facility for BDSM advice to ’15 year old’

In the fourth video of the Sexed series, Live Action Films busts Planned Parenthood, Eden Prairie Clinic in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN.  The Planned Parenthood employee in this vid gets pretty graphic and conveys the general idea that any sex related activity that is ‘consensual’ is normal, and OK.

Click here  to view
Click here to view

A full length and much more explicit version can be viewed at the Live Action site.

African Woman Writes Letter of Thanks to Meriam Ibrahim

After her trial of persecution for her faith, Meriam Ibrahim was finally been released from Sudan into Italy, where she has received the blessing of Pope Francis.

Obianuju Ekeocha, has penned a letter of thanks to Meriam Ibrahim for her courage in staying true to her faith and enduring the abhorrent conditions of childbirth in a Sudanese prison. See it at Culture of Life Africa. An excerpt is below.

“On behalf of all African women, I thank you Meriam Ibrahim, for showing the world the indomitable courage that is at the core of authentic femininity. I say this because your pain and persecution were tied so firmly to your femininity. And so your triumph was a most powerful witness to life, to motherhood, to marriage, to love and to faith.

You are indeed a true picture of faith and virtue, a true symbol of strength and resilience. You are, in my humble opinion, a real woman of substance, an African woman of substance and your story fills my heart with courage and audacity in my own vocation to defend our African culture of life,marriage, motherhood, faith and family, no matter how difficult, no matter how shameful and no matter how painful for me.”

Obianuju Ekeocha is also known worldwide for her open letter to Melinda Gates, written in 2012, protesting the billionaire elitist’s  penchant for telling Brown women how many babies they should have.  That letter can be found HERE, and is excerpted below.

“Amidst all our African afflictions and difficulties, amidst all the socioeconomic and political instabilities, our babies are always a firm symbol of hope, a promise of life, a reason to strive for the legacy of a bright future.

So a few weeks ago I stumbled upon the plan and promise of Melinda Gates to implant the seeds of her “legacy” in 69 of the poorest countries in the world (most of which are in Sub-Saharan Africa).

Her pledge is to collect pledges for almost $5 billion in order to ensure that the African woman is less fertile, less encumbered and, yes, she says, more “liberated.” With her incredible wealth she wants to replace the legacy of an African woman (which is her child with the legacy of “child-free sex.”


Live Action Exposes Planned Parenthood Porn #3

Click Here for the third installment of Live Action’s film series exposing the kink-porn type of sex ed provided at Planned Parenthood.  This video features the Columbia Willamette Affiliate in Portland Oregon. The particular branch is Planned Parenthood Clackamas Center, 16068 SE 82nd Dr, Clackamas, OR, 97015.  Plans to close this facility (and two others in Gresham and Salmon Creek) were announced on June 3 at the Columbia Willamette affiliate’s website.

Episode 3 of Live Action Films series: Planned Parenthood Exposed
Episode 3 of Live Action Films series: Planned Parenthood Exposed

Unedited (full X-rated content) is available at Live Action, behind an age restricted wall of sorts.  It might be too gross for You Tube.

Dr. Susan Berry has more details at about  your tax dollars at work, teaching underage girls about kinky sex.  The silver lining is that even with federal and state tax money, Planned Parenthood is finding it necessary to close and consolidate facilities.

TFP Call to Chivalry

It’s a faith infused boot camp for the guys.

Call to Chivalry 2014 screen grab
Call to Chivalry 2014 -CLICK for video.

Read more about this 9 day camp experience at TFP Student Action.

Recently the guys were seen in front of of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic under construction in New Orleans.  It seems that construction has been stalled because no local contractors are wanting to pour a foundation for the abortion mill.   Word is out in pro-life news that the Archdiocese of New Orleans has stated that it won’t do business with contractors who work on that mill.



After Apparent Missile Attack on Malaysian Airliner, Consider Behavior Modification

This would be the best recourse for people at high risk of HIV.  Men who have sex with men, have 19 times greater chance of contracting this horrendous disease, according to the World Health Organization Sex workers appear to have a 14 times greater susceptibility, and the incidence is 50 times higher among transgender women.

What relation does this have to the loss of the Malaysian Airliner?  About a hundred of the passengers aboard that plane were HIV researchers flying to a big International AIDS Conference in Australia.  The list includes Dr. Joep Lange, former president of the International AIDS Society, and WHO spokesman, Glenn Thomas were among those lost.   This is a big disaster from the standpoint of medical progress in combating HIV, as well as a personal tragedy for many thousands of people.

Your friendly Pharmer, always a big fan of preventative medicine, suggests behavior modification as a means of preventing infection with HIV, (a rather fastidious bug) which, barring assaults, is not too difficult to avoid in most cases.

The  effects of this act of war on the Malaysian Airlines flight  MH 17 will ripple outward for many generations.