Lefties Invent Race Controversy, Republicans Fall in Line

The leftists have invented a False Racial Controversy out of some comments made by Cliven Bundy, the famous Nevada Rancher. It’s totally bogus, but, just as expected, weak minded republicans are denouncing Bundy, because this is what the lefties tell them to do. We really need to get rid of these politicians, and unfortunately that seems to include Rand Paul.   It has now become racist to say that the stupid government policies are are screwing up the lives of various minority people.

Click THIS, or the pic to hear what Cliven Bundy really said: that for Blacks, living on government subsidies is no more freedom than when they were picking cotton down South, and is possibly worse, due to destruction of the family structure. He also gives some interesting comments on immigration.  Of course some buzz words are there, and no brainless acolyte of political correctness could pass through them to hear the real message. In addition, the destruction of family is high on the leftist agenda.

The lamestream media managed some editing, so that the Republicans would denounce Bundy as fast as Pavlov’s dogs salivated. They never fail to disappoint.

Cliven Bundy FAKE Racial Controversy
Cliven Bundy FAKE Racial Controversy

UPDATE:  Rip Curl at Truth Revolt has provided text and a bit of commentary on the media editing hack job of Cliven Bundy.  The NYT has acted similarly to  NBC, editing the 911 call by George Zimmerman, to smear him as a racist.  This is defamation.

“Burn Baby Burn” Aborted Canadians Used for Energy in Oregon

The Covanta Waste to Energy treatment plant in Brooks, Oregon was featured at WillametteLive.com in an 2007 article entitled Burn Baby Burn. Years later we find out that this is exactly what has been going on at this facility, which converts biomedical waste to energy.  The original article addressed public concerns about the possible toxic or hazardous effects of incinerating imported medical waste.  The possibility of dioxin or mercury contamination of nearby bodies of water occupied the minds of those who objected to this facility.

A present day article reveals that part of the medical waste imported from British Columbia to the Covanta facility, for incineration, is comprised of aborted Canadian babies.  This admission comes from the British Columbia Health Ministry, acknowledging that these babies have become part of the electricity supplied by the facility to the residents of Oregon.  Specifically, the aborted Canadians are burned, along with other Canadian body parts, in a pair of huge boilers, at a temp of 2000 degrees fahrenheit.  The heat transfers to water tubes, creating steam to drive turbines, which in turn generate electricity. Read more at Lifesite News, which notes that Oregon joins the UK in the practice of  using the remains of aborted babies to supply energy.   RECYCLING!!!

UpdateMarion County Chairperson, Sam Brentano is upset at hearing that aborted Canadians are being burned for electricity at the Covanta Facility.  There is a plan to suspend burning medical waste while this issue is investigated.  Brentano apparently does not want to do anything to “facilitate abortion”.


From The Leftgurl Voter Base Comes UK’s Version of Sandra Fluke

This product of apparent parental neglect, Josie Cunningham, complete with NHS provided silicone prosthetics, is advertising her impending abortion, at 18+ weeks, because she does not want a this baby to spoil her chances to be on the “Big Brother” unreality show.

Just a couple weeks ago she was tweeting about being able to get free dental work from the NHS because she’s preggers.  Now she says she’s aborting, as much for her two sons, as for her personal career ambitions.
The Mirror has some choice quotes from Josie, bound to elicit responses from their readership:
–“Channel 5 were keen to shortlist me then they found out I was pregnant.Then they suddenly turned cold. That was when I started considering an abortion. After the operation I will be going back to them and asking if they will still consider me.”
–“I want to be famous for being me – Josie Cunningham, a glamour model and celebrity in my own right. If I want to do that I need to put my career first.“I want the attention to be on me, not on who fathered my child.”
–“I’ve had five miscarriages so the one good thing about the pregnancy is that it has shown me I can still carry beyond 12 weeks.

The Mirror features  a video clip of Josie which provides enough discussion of the issue to allow one to believe that the crazy quotes above could be real.  Appended to the article  is a survey, asking if their readers would boycott Josie Cunningham if she appeared on Big Brother after her abortion.

This is Devolution. We have our work cut out for us.

Come Alive- Easter 2014

Working in health care messes up the religious events, as well as any other holidays, but it’s important to mark the highest Christian celebration of the year. Rushing from the all nighter to Church, there wasn’t time for power of this day to hit home  til Pharmer caught this song, Come Alive,  on the radio. Click the pic to hear it.

Jeremy Camp explains how the song came to him, watching a bunch of people in Central Park hurrying about their lives, HERE, in another vid.

Come Alive
Come Alive -Jeremy Camp

Masters of the Obvious Discover “Babies Show Racial Bias”

Wow, CBS Seattle is excited over new Ground Breaking Research.

If you need to learn human instinct, just follow the researchers at the University of Washinton. They have DISCOVERED that babies show racial bias.  <–Read how these crack academicians are spending their resources.

Who was tapped to fund this “study” to confirm the obvious? The article cites a “Grant” from Wake Forest University.  (Does this mean that it comes from tax dollars??)  

Humans are tribal and of course babies would have an inherent bias towards people who look more like their mama. That would be inherent to a survival instinct, particularly during their extremely dependent stage of development.

Michael Bloomberg: Thinks He Could Tell God What to Do

Michael Bloomberg: ‘I Have Earned My Place in Heaven’ | The Weekly Standard.

Crazy former NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg is contemplating his afterlife: “Pointing to his work on gun safety, obesity and smoking cessation, he said with a grin: “I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven. It’s not even close.””  -the Weekly Standard.

Yes, Bloomberg possibly thinks his avid support of abortion as well as birth control for underage kids has prepared him a place of honor in heaven.

His religion is very different….

Stupid Educator Trick: Western Washington U Striving to Become Less White

University calls the amount of white people on campus a ‘failure,’ asks for ideas on how to have fewer.

Races of people gradually ‘melt together’ and become Brown, whenever they mix in the same locale.  The race batting lefties have  bent over backwards to halt this natural process.

Racism and bigotry is on the rise as the left pursues its agenda to divide and conquer America.  The latest example comes from Western Washington University, where its President, Bruce Shepard, Stupid Educator Trick personified, is pushing to make the university less White.

The problem always has been how to keep minorities in the college system after freshman year.  More minority students  have trouble with being raised up, and attending  school in ‘war zones’, and missing out on the educational material necessary to succeed in college.

The usual stupid educator tricks involve closing the best urban schools (as Obama did in Washington DC), giving affirmative action admissions to minorities in college, and dumbing down the curriculum to make up for declining quality of early education. The latter two jobs being eagerly pursued at Western Washington University, which is openly looking for more ways to make the school “less white”.  It’s a recipe for American failure, just as the lefties intended.

Universities would have naturally become less White, without any affirmative action or dumbing down of curriculum, had the left not had such strong programs of 1) encouraging people not to work for a living, and 2) aborting minority babies at rates so much higher than whites.

Can we name a single human endeavor that the lefties have not screwed up?

ELECTILE DYSFUNCTION- J.D. Winteregg Slams John Boehner

John Boehner’s young political primary challenger, J.D. Winteregg  has come out of the box with a hilariously effective ad.  You won’t forget this one.  Click HERE for a look. 

It’s so good, you might even donate to the Winteregg campaign after you crack up laughing.

if your Boehner lasts more than 23 years
if you have a Boehner lasting more than 23 years
can't punch its way out of a paper bag
inability to  punch one’s  way out of a paper bag
your electile dysfunction could be a question of blood flow
your electile dysfunction could be a question of blood flow
J.D. Winteregg for Congress
J.D. Winteregg for Congress

The Debts of the Parents are Collected from the Children by the IRS.

Apparently the IRS has begun the practice of seizing the tax returns of citizens in order to satisfy supposed debts of their parents to the government.  It seems that they are not required to supply proof of said debt, nor are they giving effective  prior notice before taking the money.

Tax payers now have another reason to attempt to pay only what is owed on their taxes so that no return is due after they file.

From the Washington Post comes a story of a woman whose tax return mysteriously disappeared into the bowels of the IRS. When she sought explanation, she was told that a social security overpayment (stemming from the death of her father)  to her now-deceased  mother was being collected from her, as the one of her remaining siblings who 1) has an income, and 2, could be located.

This woman, Mary Grice was able to file suit, in order to find out what was going on.  It seems that the IRS initially seized the entire $4,462 tax returns, but after the Washington Post inquired about the case, some of this was returned, as the supposed debt was only for $2,996 dollars. Grice wants all of the money back, because she is not the one who incurred the supposed debt.

Get ready for some surprises from the IRS if anyone in your family has overdrawn government benefits.  It seems that this new practice was authorized by the farm bill, 110th Congress Public Law 246, extending the ability to collect debts beyond.  10 years.  In 2011, the Treasury dept started grabbing this money more agressively, and this year has collected $75 million on debts, which are more than 10 years old, and stopped a total of $1.9 billion from tax refunds.