Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B Anthony List, reports that Donald Trump has hired John Mashburn as his policy director. Mashburn has been chief of staff to Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina, a well known advocate of life. Ms. Dannenfelser says that Mashburn’s pro-life roots go all the way back to his service with Sen. Jesse Helms.
Learn more about the highly respected Susan B. Anthony List and it’s pro-life political advocacy HERE, and consider them as a resource for casting well informed votes.
It’s encouraging to hear that Trump is not secretly allergic to pro-life views. Maybe we can find a way to convey to him the inefficiency of relying on hormonal birth control (which is not nearly as effective as advertised), as well as the cost of the myriad health problems from these drugs, and the ensuing abortions.
Pharmers’ message to Mr. Trump: Operating in harmony with natural law is good business.
This is WORSE than when Hillary said that the “unborn human being doesn’t have constitutional rights”, and the aborto-nauts freaked out over the terminology.
This Telegraph UK article is gaga over research showing what happens when sperm enzyme acts on the membrane of the oocyte. This had not been seen using human eggs in the past. A pretty fluorescence is visible as zinc ions exit the membrane during what would be the beginning of sperm penetration.
All over the article is reference to the BEGINNING OF LIFE. So there should be a screen shot of this before it disappears, after the aborto-nauts throw another hissie fit.
Unfortunately the main thing coming out of this research is a plan to use the intensity of the flash to evaluate which test tube embryos to keep and which to toss out.
That didn’t take long…. China has suspended Apple’s music vid and iBooks. How about that!! Can you guess why? Leftists take heed. China has a strong central government which censors what its people sees. And it doesn’t like the social agenda of the West and what it’s pushing, 24/7. Apple is completely mum about this because we’d all be wondering why they hate the religious freedom states here so much, but put up with China completely suppressing their “rainbow” content. Many of our other multi-national companies are behaving the same way. Western Christians are so much easier to cow than the Chinese, Russians and the Muslims.
The LA Times reported on this event, but naturally had NO CLUE as to what would cause China to shut down most of Apples content service.
One more time, lefties. This is what’s going to happen when you build that utopia of your dreams, with the government controlling everything. There will be a decision that your habits bring about extreme financial burdens, and then………. POOF!
Pope Francis has just put out Amoris Laetitia, an apostolic letter addressing marriage and family life. The title means “The Joy of Love”, something different than “The Joy of Sex”.
Tears are falling into beers, lattes, girlie drinks, and fine vintages, as leftists quietly suffer. The Pope was never going to sign onto the political fad of same sex marriage, or any other civilization shrinking arrangements.
Analysts inform us that the Pope’s letter is full of a little more down to earth advice, and a little less academic theory. This means that Pharmer might actually pick it up and read the whole thing, and see if there is specific advice from Pope Francis on steering the marriage through “mentalpause” (which is menopause plus manopause). It could be a fun read.
As for media coverage of the momentous event of the Catholic Church holding fast to its teaching, and refusing to change……. you’ll be able to hear a pin drop, amid the falling teardrops.
Oh!!!! Please call those leftie social engineers a WAAAAAAAAAAAMBULANCE!
Beata Szysdlo, the Prime Minister of Poland calls for a total ban on abortion. This is a first step towards world peace, which requires the basic intent to protect innocent human life.
Wow, Howard Schultz peeked out of his bubble long enough to notice the rancorous division in America. He has no idea that much of this is by design. With Americans at war with each other, it’s much easier for government to grab more of our freedoms from us.
The Starbucks CEO has issued a call for civility. We’re supposed to all get together and heal now.
Howard, how about healing your barristas’ salaries a bit. They’re nowhere near averaging that magical $15 dollars an hour. 😉
Outside of the government funded rent-a-mobs stirring up hatred among Americans, there won’t ever be unity while Americans disagree on whether it’s OK to usurp and embezzle, as Washington DC does, kill babies and sell their parts, as Planned Parenthood does, or groom little kids for sex, as our government does.
Which set of “values” would you be espousing, Howard?
Standard operating procedure for the left is to tangle up a Republican candidate on the issue of abortion. Most people don’t think deeply about this issue, because they’re too busy with other things, or they Want to be too busy. Taking a stand on abortion causes cognitive dissonance for those who support it, and a social cost for those who actively oppose it. It’s easier to be a “moderate” and try not to think about it at all. Trump is the latest guy to get tangled in the web, by none other than “Chrissie” Matthews. Trump had recently declared himself to be more pro-life, rather than the “moderate” that he used to be. Obviously he hasn’t spent a long time thinking about what abortion is, and what causes it. Now he’s having to walk back a statement about whether or not there should be some kind of punishment for women who abort.
One interesting thing is that a woman does get punished if sheself aborts or purposely does something that causes harm to her unborn baby. No one seems to be fighting against those laws and policies.
The main problem with trying to invent a means to “punish” the woman who gets an abortion is that most of these abortions involve coercion from outside. This can also apply to the “self abortions”.
Trump lost it with Matthews due to his general ignorance of the coercion that accompanies most abortions.
The RNC is currently planning to support Hillary over Trump or Cruz, if either of those two is able to get enough delegate support in the primary. This will assure our downhill slide into government controlled everything.
Expect only an increase in abortion coercion as the government joins in. This is part and parcel of government run health care. Once the health care workers are required to participate, forcing abortions on women is not far behind.
Born with the name Rita Rizzo, the famous nun who ran the Catholic broadcasting powerhouse, EWTN, joined the Poor Clares at age 21, becoming Sister Mary Angelica of the Annunciation. She became one of the founders of a new monastery in Canton Ohio, and eventually won permission to build a new Monastery in the South in Feb of 1961. At that time, the Catholics in her target city of Irondale, Alabama, comprised just 2 percent of the population. With initial plans to broadcast some programs on a local station, Mother Angelica, found some other television content of that station to be severely incompatible with her own. Her objections fell on deaf ears, so she decided to build her own television station in the garage of her facility. This was the beginning of EWTN, Eternal Word Television Network, which has brought traditional Catholicism into homes it might never have reached by conventional means. This network has served since 1981, as a major support of the teachings of the Catholic Church during a period in which it is being opposed from all sides. The extensive influence Mother Angelica’s ministry has been recognized world wide by both friends and foes.
In 2000, Mother Angelica stepped down from leading EWTN, but remained actively broadcasting, even after a stroke in Sept. of 2001. During this brief period, some famous imagery of the “Pirate Nun” became available as she continued to convert people and transform lives. She later suffered a more severe stroke and underwent a thrombectomy which relieved the paralysis in her face, but led to more paralysis on the opposite side of her body, as well as damage to her speech centers. From that time forward, she stopped hosting television programs, although she taped the 2003 “Recitation of the Holy Rosary with Mother Angelica and the Nuns”.
At EWTN, it is felt that their ministry has been supported by the prayers of Mother Angelica during the many years of being effectively cloistered in the aftermath of her strokes. Her prayer became strong as her speech became weak. Yesterday, on Easter Sunday, the Creator granted Mother Angelica her Celestial Discharge. Prayers for her and her Sisters and the continuance of their ministry.
Got this hilarious pic in an email. Who did it? A search tracked it to Mike Cernovich’s site, Danger and Play. Check out his article HERE, then surf his whole site. It’s an eye opener especially for guys, and not for metrosexuals who need a safe space.
Cernovich has full awareness of how Trump gets his free media coverage, and campaigns at lower cost than Anyone!
Obama is unable to disagree with Castro’s criticisms of the U.S., and he’s amassing great photo ops, such as pic in front of a Che image, and this one…….. a classic.