The Newer, Better Shingles Vaccine

The April Pharmacists Letter came out with some talk on the new Shingrix, shingles vaccine, which is said to be preferred by the CDC over Zostavax.

There’s another reason, besides markedly superior efficacy, to like the new vaccine offered by Glaxo SmithKline.  Merck’s Zostavax is not so highly purified, and has the liability of having been developed with that MRC-5 strain of cells obtained from the pulmonary tissue of a 14 week, electively aborted, male human fetus.

If you prefer human organ and parts donations to be voluntary, then you have a few good reasons to choose Shingrix over Zostavax for preventing shingles.   Shingrix is made using hamster ovary cells rather than a cell line from a killed human fetus.  The GSK product is highly purified, has undergone extensive clinical trials, and is showing better efficacy and longevity of protection against shingles than Zostavax.

The source of the MRC-5 cell line is no secret.  But you might want access to the drug information from Merck and Glaxo SmithKline to have certainty about how these vaccines are made.  Click them, look for the section called DESCRIPTION and compare.

Remember the folks at who keep a comprehensive repository of information about vaccines and other medical products which have ethically controversial origins, as well as available alternative products which can be used in their place.

ACOG Admits Abortion Pill Mifepristone is an Underdose

If it were real medicine, we would say that the currently prescribed dose of mifepristone (RU-486) in the abortion pill regimen is “subtherapeutic”.  Since abortion isn’t therapy, ‘underdose’ is a better description.  In this long article from July, 2017, the NYT informs us that the ACOG (American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) admit that mifepristone fails 30 to 50 percent of the time.

Your’s truly thinks it fails more often than that, and that the misoprostil does the heavy lifting of a chemical abortion, by causing the embryo or early fetus to be expelled, most of the time.  Then the rest of the patients show up in our emergency departments, with an incomplete abortion.

Planned Parenthood saved money by cutting the original FDA approved 600mg mifepristone dose down to a third, in their chemical abortion regimen.  After many years, they persuaded the FDA to approve that lower dose  with a claim that there’s no difference in efficacy between 600 and 200mg.  Dr Daniel Grossman has claimed that mifepristone fails to starve the embryo or fetus out, up to 46% of the time.  He implies that it is mostly the lack of the second drug, misoprostil which is saving babies, when women change their mind about an abortion, rather than progesterone doses that are given as an antidote to mifepristone.

Isn’t that interesting?   Perhaps mifepristone has largely been a boondoggle all these years.  In other parts of the world, mifepristone is skipped, and misoprostil alone is used for a chemical abortion.   It is said to be 75 to 85 percent effective in expelling an embryo or early fetus in the first trimester, when used by itself.

One thing is certain.  The chemical abortion regimen has turned hospitals into abortion mills, whether they intended to be in that business or not.

Another John Jenkins Fail at Notre Dame

Dr. Gerard Bradley, Professor at Notre Dame’s Law School, has taken down Fr. John  Jenkins for failing to exercise the religious freedom now being respected by the federal government under President Trump.  Jenkins apparently likes to cover those birth control pills for Notre Dame staff and students.   He started out by retaining the entire Obamacare birth control policy, but, under pressure, decided to repudiate the morning after pills, while keeping coverage of what he called ‘contraceptives’.   Read Dr. Bradley’s worthy article HERE.

Fr. Jenkins likely has not enough understanding to know which birth control is abortifacient.  This pharmacist suspects that he really doesn’t care.  Just to clarify for everyone who DOES care:

The levonorgestrel morning after pills don’t work very well, and when they do, they can stop the life of an early embryo.  The (anti-progesterone),  ulipristal acetate, morning after pill  also has abortive mechanism.

Progestin only birth control pills, shots and implants are not very effective at suppressing ovulation, so a significant portion of their mechanism operates after fertilization (kills early embryos).  In addition, as the patients who  use these forms of birth control grow in size, (a side effect),  their ability to stop baby production decreases.

All combination birth control pills, with both estrogen and progestin analogs, can sometimes work after fertilization, possibly to impede tubal transport or implantation, thereby killing early embryos.

When Father Jenkins says yes to birth control other than condoms and diaphragms (which are also too artificial for adherent Catholics),  he is involved in stopping human life, not merely preventing it.

The Catholic Church has been shrinking itself in stature and number by saying “never mind” to so many of us who tried to take the Church’s teachings seriously.  I have found so many other Christian denominations catching on to the natural law that Catholics used to teach. Those groups will be growing, while the likes of Fr. Jenkins run faithful Catholics off.

Thanks to Dr. Gerard Bradley for giving a cogent update and analysis of Fr. Jenkin’s latest failure.

Cecile Richards Planning to Relinquish the Reins of Planned Parenthood

After about a decade at the helm of USA’s largest abortion mill and baby parts supplier, Cecile Richards is reported to be planning her exit strategy.  At age 60 she perhaps finds the pace of the various state and federal hearings, concerning her establishment’s Mengelian practice, to be exhausting.  Keeping morale up, while pushing her employees to score more abortions, is not an easy task.  The available SNRIs might not be powerful enough to allow her to keep up with the demands of her position.   Cecile has had to live through the years of Live Action Film coverage, along with the Daleiden Adventure, which exposed their procurement of baby parts for sale.  She has had to pretend to advocate for women who are sexually assaulted, while Planned Parenthood was covering up the abuse of so many women and girls who were having abortions.  Those kinds of gymnastics are grueling for a woman rocketing past middle age.

Your friendly Pharmer would like to encourage Cecile to make a total break, and avail herself of the counseling services at ATTWN, which assists those workers who desire to leave the abortion industry.  It’s never too late!

Students for Life Interviews Pro-Infanticide Soy Boy

Assuming that this soy boy is somewhat serious about his statements, and not just trolling….. If you see him in your neighborhood, put up the for sale sign fast, before he starts causing your property value to drop. He compares a two year old kid to a tree, with respect to the ability to communicate, and expresses agreement with the idea that it’s therefore OK to kill toddlers. The soy boy specimen was found and characterized at University of Tennesee, Knoxville by Students for Life of America.

Iowa Physicians Supreme Court Allows Suit for Wrongful Birth

Pamela and Jeremy Plowman, now divorced, filed separate wrongful birth lawsuits seeking damages because their son was born with ‘several medical issues, including cerebral palsy’.  (Medically savvy readers would immediately note that cerebral palsy often results from complications during childbirth, rather than something observable prenatally.)  A perusal of the court decision reveals claims that the child has a small corpus callosum, microcephaly, seizure disorder, does not walk, and is non-verbal. The Iowa Supreme Court ruled in favor of the appellants, noting that 23 other states allow such lawsuits.  The suit specifically addresses damages to the parents resulting from the wrongful birth, and does not seek compensation to address the medical issues of their child.

There is a way for health care providers in Iowa to address this problem.  In 2002, the courts came to a similar conclusion in France, resulting in a prompt response by physicians refusing to order ultrasounds to pregnant women.   A law to protect physicians from damages if they were unable to diagnose a prenatal disability was very quickly passed.  Even doctors who don’t disagree with killing the disabled could get on board with this action, since ultrasounds are far from infallible.  Many false positive and false negative diagnoses result from the imperfect technology currently at hand. The current situation in Iowa will cost the lives of many babies with disabilities, as well as those who have no such difficulties, as health care providers  increasingly recommend abortion to save themselves from this added liability.

Purdue Associate Professor States that Aborted Baby Pics are Child Pornography

Dr. David Sanders, Associate Biology Professor at Purdue, and local W. Lafayette politician, demonstrates career capping logic, in a non-debate on the abortion issue. Hear his argument conflating a liver cell and a totipotent zygote cell. The other highlight of the debate is Sanders’ claim that aborted baby pics are “child pornography“. He seems to elicit a paranoia that the forces of theocracy are out to control everyone.  Yes, his migration away from science and towards democrat politics is timely, but he might want to ponder which theocratic groups tend to be more restrictive of personal freedoms.


Trump hits ABC for Still Covering UP the March for Life

ABC aired their first interview with President Trump, who nailed David Muir on ABC’s interest in the Women’s embarrassing March, vs. their decade’s long NON-coverage of the huge, annual March for Life.

ABC is burying this as fast as possible so you have to go to NEWS BUSTERS to hear about it.

Want to see the March for Life?   EWTN is covering it HERE.  Spread it around. There’s a hashtag, #coverthemarch ,  if you want to fill up the Twitter dumpster with something that doesn’t stink.


It’s That Time Again!

Just in case you haven’t heard enough about the election:  Today there is still time to line up all of those local candidates and pick the least freaky ones. State candidates are pretty straightforward, and nationally, it’s a no-brainer.

Your’s truly is a run of the mill pro-lifer who liked Cruz the most and decided to settle for laughing-pig-trumpstyleTrump.  Trump has been in the public eye for decades and we all know what an oinker he could be.  But it seems that the media has made his life an open book, while concealing the incredible moral turpitude of the Clintons.   Those who haven’t been sifting through foreign and alternative media sources for decades have NO idea.  Hill and Bill make Donald look like a boy-scout.

Settling came early.  In the days before the Indiana primary, there was a weighing of the possibilities.  Knowing that the both media and the RNC would attack either candidate, Trump became the only logical choice.  He has mastered the media, taking advantage of their greed, and utilizing their Pavlovian hate responses to his advantage.  Cruz did not have that instinct.  Though this gurl is one of the Indiana residents who caused Cruz to suspend his primary campaign, a contribution was made directly for his effort to continue his senate career.

Trump did not disappoint.   He has continued to play the media, and provide an incredibly entertaining campaign for those of us who have come to disrespect the DNC-RNC-media complex.  Trump has shown himself to be friendly to those of us with religion, and with his choice of advisors, has demonstrated that he intends to allow us to live in accordance with our consciences. He has shown respect for the rule of law, and for those who have served in the military.  Despite his imperfections, Trump has put forth a  persistent and consistent message that he wants to give back to the country that made him rich.

In contrast, Hillary has persistently demonstrated that government positions are for her self enrichment.  She has been selling access to the U.S. government for decades.  Banks, large corporations and foreign governments have purchased her favors during her time in the senate, as secretary of state, and in anticipation of her being elected president.

Despite Mr Comey’s fear of Hillary, (and dropping her email investigation, for now), the FBI continues to investigate the Clinton Foundation, which is the major vehicle for selling access.

Hillary has clearly demonstrated that rape and sexual abuse are OK, as long as government funded abortion comes with it.  If she is elected, women will be further pressured  to accept a more sexually subservient role that is bound to have deleterious health consequences.

There is hope that enough Americans will still consider the well-being and autonomy of this nation to be above such things as a government check, government run health care, abortion under government direction, and euthanasia ordered from Washington DC.  With a crumbling economy, how long are the “freebies” going to last, anyway?

There is hope that enough Americans will decide to try one more time to resuscitate the American dream, and wrest governmental control from the corporatist, social engineers who pretend to know what’s best for us, while not having any real concern at all.

What’s Making These Gurls Merge?

We have comedienne Chelsea Handler, abortionist Erin King, and the queen bee of the abortion mothership, Cecile Richards, and they’re all starting to look more and more alike. What do you suppose is causing this? Drinking the bloody ‘kool-aid’ of abortion?

cecile number 3
cecile number 3
Cecile number 2
Cecile number 2
cecile look alike CECILE500
cecile number 1