Getting to Know Planned Parenthood through its founder


Hat tip to Tamminator at Hillbuzz who tells us that planned unparenthood has gotten itself into a Los Angeles high school, where it can pollute the kids, dispense birth control, and refer for abortions, all without parental intervention. Planned unparenthood can employ its trademark chemical and abortive methods for regulating the population of the mostly Latino student body of Roosevelt High School from within the facility.

How Planned Parenthood “Helps” Women -Live Action Films

by KILLING their unborn little girls.

Here it is…… Planned Parenthood, Austin Texas, and there is no mistake about the assistance being given to this woman, to abort at five months if the baby is a girl, and try again immediately for a boy. Lady Shredder, “Rebecca”, might be obtaining some gratification in recommending a late term abortion, to be sure it is actually a girl who will be torn up.

You knew it was coming…… after the latest discussion of sex selection abortions, and Planned Parenthood’s paranoia that they were going to be stung by Live Action concerning their sex selection abortions. By the time planned parenthood gets that feeling, it’s already too late.

The definition of equal rights for women, in the minds of our feminazis is to be able to kill unborn girls, because they’d prefer a preponderance of boys. It’s Stockholm syndrome by proxy. It must be a severe and insidious kind of abuse which has twisted their brains into pretzels.

The ultimate control of women is exhibited by getting them to preferentially kill girls and call it women’s rights.

Live Action Petition Protect Our Girls

Dan Savage: Too Gross for America’s Kids

Dan Savage of the “It Gets Better” campaign is the latest favorite of the White house. Obama dumped “Safe Schools Czar” Kevin Jennings in order to clean house for the election year.  Among Jennings problems  was the underage sex issue, and the seriously pornographic stuff he had passed out to minors as sex education materials.    The alignment of the White House with the likes of the unglued  Dan Savage would be questionable in any portion of the political cycle.

Warning….. Dan Savage is the guy who invented the “google Santorum” nastiness, and he’s nothing but gross. Bear that in mind if you choose to listen to a compendium of his public comments in the video below, which ranges from fantasies about sex with the unwilling, to extremely   inappropriate advice for minors.  (Language and content warning.)  Savage  is in recent hot water for attacking Christian students at one of his so called anti-bullying rallies.

Real Men Don’t Hire Hookers.

“Real men don’t hire Hookers.” That’s what Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters is quoted as saying on the O’Reilly Factor, and Mediaite’s Frances Martel thinks that is a controversial statement.

The topic under discussion was the secret service Prostitution scandal in Columbia. Pharmer has not spending much time on that, because it distracts from Obama’s larger projects of destruction.

The left has always been the party of slavery and it continues to this day. The vast majority of the world’s prostitutes are operating under conditions of slavery.

Sometimes lefties like to mask it by railing against suboptimal employment, e.g. “sweat shops”, which for many women of the third world, are the first available alternative to prostitution. Some women don’t want the sex abuse, diseases, and botched abortions. Some parents don’t want that for their daughters. Sometimes the alternatives to starvation are quite limited. But the left doesn’t like choice.

Real men don’t use slaves.

Is This Enough to Cause You to Boycott HBO?

Angry Boys “Comedy” on HBO is  sexualizing children in a particularly disgusting way, and will likely get a pass from the left  because the kids being abused are Asian.   This falls under their category of acceptable stereotyping.

From Radar Online:  “The most offensive scene depicts a young girl sucking on a bright pink penis-shaped cup during a sketch about a Japanese mother (played by Australian star and director Chris Lilley) who forces her skateboarding son to act gay as a marketing tactic.

Here’s Radar Online’s entire article with a pic.   Remember, what has been seen can’t be unseen.

It’s hoped that this will induce  people to stop their HBO/cable subscriptions.  Please pass it on.

Reason TV Nanny of the Month: Michael Bloomberg

Nanny of the Month: Bloomberg Halts Private Donations to Homeless Shelters.  <— video linked here

Pro-lifers know there’s Nothing Right about  NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg.  This is the guy who has been harassing crisis pregnancy centers for years, and wanted to force the ob-gyn medical students in his city to participate in abortions as part of their training.  He wouldn’t touch his Planned Parenthoods, however,  even after Live Action Films busted one of them for aiding the sexual abuse of minors.

We’d call Bloomberg an oddly inconsistent nanny, even with his supposed concern for the well rounded diets of New York’s homeless.    He has banned private food donations to the city’s homeless shelters.   Apparently the  fare in the dumpsters is considered more healthy than the  food donations from area restaurants which have been supplied for generations, out of neighborly concern.


Obama Loves Planned Parenthood

Some people arrange flowers, and Pharmer arranges videos.

Obama forgets that Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms.

Mammograms are not a money maker, and Planned Parenthood does not offer them.

Planned Parenthood is caught accepting a donation specifically to abort a Black baby.

Live Action Classic films show  Planned parenthood aiding and abetting sex slavery:  Click HERE for the VIDEO SERIES that the launched state and federal investigations, which caused Komen Foundation’s attempt  to withdraw funding.  Unfortunately Komen was not able to shake free of its abuser, and is suffering as a result.   There will be repeated media reminders to Komen that they must stay with their abusive “spouse”.

Operation Rescue: Haskell Watch

Cincinnati Right to Life has reported to Operation Rescue that an ambulance has transported a patient from the Womans Med Center in Sharonville, Ohio during the morning of March 28,2012.

Dr Steven Brinn, a pediatrician in a neighboring office,  stated that the woman was being bagged (breathing assistance) and carried out on a stretcher by paramedics.

Haskell  lacks hospital privileges required for abortion practices by Ohio law.  He has a variance fpr the Sharonville clinic because two other physicians have agreed to cover his “accidents”.  One of them is William T Bowers III, who is under probation in Ohio, under criminal  investigation in Indiana, and who has lost his license to practice obstetrics in Kentucky.

Haskell operates an abortion clinic in Kettering, staffed by Roslyn Kade and Neil Strickland.  Three doctors who cover for their abortions at Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton OH,  are Lawrence Amesse, Sheela Barhan and Janice Duke.

Operation Rescue details the possible reasons why Haskell has obtained preferential treatment from politicians, and exemption from compliance with Ohio’s law requiring that abortionists have hospital admitting privileges.  Click HERE.

Haskell and former Sen John Glenn had a history of mutual assistance.  Glenn appointed Haskell’s supporting,  Federal District Court Judge, Algenon Marbley.  Haskell is vice president of Beta Theta Pi, a prestigious fraternity with such luminary members  as Sen. Richard Lugar, and former  Senators  Dick Gephart, Mark Hatfield, and Bob Packwood.

Pharmer would like to remind the public that many “accidents” at the abortion clinics, which do not occur while pro-life protesters are stationed outside, remain hidden.   Health care professionals and institutions fear reprisals if any patient identifying data  were to  be accidentally given if they were to reveal  abortion related injuries and deaths.

Blagojevich’s Last Day of Freedom | NBC Chicago

Blagojevich's Last Day of Freedom | NBC Chicago.

Blagojevich is remembered for his governor’s edict to force Illinois pharmacists to dispense ALL birth control drugs without delay, regardless of clinical (e.g. thromboembolic considerations) or conscientious (e.g. abortifacient properties) objections. Perhaps Obama and Sebelius, who are imposing more extreme mandates on insurance companies, and the health care industry, will eventually obtain a similar opportunity for meditation and reflection as has been afforded to Rod Blagojevich.