Complaint Portal for Those Suffering Discrimination Based upon Religion or Conscience

Here’s where You Should File a Complaint if you are suffering discrimination based upon your religious or conscientious beliefs. This includes ALL health care professionals who are being pressured to do things (such as killing, maiming, or fraud) which violate their conscience.

Tired of those bogus state and federal morning after pill mandates?

Tired of those State mandates that you have to tell women where to get an abortion?

Click here.

Though Pharmer focuses on health care professions,  everyone else has First Amendment rights too.  The Trump administration is much friendlier to people of conscience, and is listening.

Celestial Discharge: Phyllis Schlafly

God’s blessings are requested for the  first lady of American Conservatism,  her family, and countless right wingers who will miss her presence.

The honorable head of the Eagle Forum, Phyllis Schlafly, has passed to the next life, at age 92.   It would behoove the more curious readers of this blog to enjoy Ms. Schlafly’s very last article published at World Net Daily, noting a similarity between Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump in the unapologetic forcefulness of  their respective desires to defend the U.S.A..  The rest of us should pray to remain as active and lucid as this intellectual giant, so near to the very end of our time on this planet.

The leader of the Eagle Forum, and the natural force of conservatism might be best known for her opposition to the “Equal Rights Amendment”.  Ms. Schlafly noted that the U.S. Constitution really was written as gender neutral, as she opposed the idea that women should try to adopt the physiology of men and try to function in the exact same way.  Supposed legal experts sneered as she correctly pointed out that passage of the ERA would subject women to the draft.  After Ms. Schlafly took on the ERA five more states approved it, but five other states reversed their approval, leaving the ERA with a net zero further progress, and final defeat.

Many, but certainly not all feminists held bitter opinions of Phyllis Schlafly as she earned her law degree, wrote 27 books, raised six children and led the Eagle Forum these many years.  She was the force of nature and superwoman that they perhaps wished they could be.


Government Health Care Incompetence on Display (Again)

Washington State has been persecuting  Stormans, a family owned pharmacy business, whose employees oppose dispensing the morning after pill on the grounds that it can kill humans early in development.  The U.S. Supreme Court rejected a hearing of their case, leaving them with the option of complying with Washington’s coercive, totalitarian stance towards those who try to practice health care, or run a business in accordance with their consciences, or losing their livelihood.

Since 2011, when the research was published showing that Plan B doesn’t work for average sized American women (due to their size), more states have been trying to coerce the dispensing of this bogus drug. This underscores government incompetence in the field of health care. When Plan B does work, it can operate by post fertilization mechanisms – killing the early embryo, and killing is killing, ‘no matter how small’. Research shows that it doesn’t work to delay or stop ovulation during the women’s most fertile day of the cycle, (after the luteal peak). Yes, if you’re small enough for Plan B (levonorgestrel)  to work, it can be an embryo killer (abortive).

Silver lining: The supremes at least didn’t rule that pharmacists in all 50 states have to dispense Plan B, which could have happened with this nutty court.  The Stormans could close down and bring up a business elsewhere, if they haven’t already been drained of the financial means to do so, by the onerous, and unjust state.   Unfortunately the state of Illinois, as well as the  federal government are currently  attempting to legislate that pharmacists must practice incompetently with respect to the dispensing of birth control to patients.

Here’s a related commentary, as well as the research pinpointing why Plan B is such a huge fail in America.


Winnebago County, IL Health Dept Sued for firing Pro-life Nurse

Nurse Sandra Mendoza has been forced out of her 18 year  position as a pediatric nurse with the Winnebago County Health Dept in Rockford, Illinois.   This situation stemmed from the decision by Dr. Sandra Martell to have all of the nurses trained to refer for abortion and handle distribution of faulty birth control such as Plan B to unsuspecting patients who don’t know how ineffective it is, and that it can have an abortive mechanism if it ever works as planned.  Ms. Mendoza conscientiously refused to enable the killing of unborn humans, and subsequently found herself no longer employed by the health department.   She is bringing suit based upon the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act which prohibits discrimination against health care workers who object to abortion and refuse to promote or participate in that act.

The contact form for the Winnebago County Health Department is linked HERE for your convenience, if you would like to politely address the way that Dr. Sandra Martell chooses to run her department.

This violation of Sandra Mendoza’s civil rights comes prior to the passage of Illinois Senate Bill 1564, which seeks to overturn certain protections of health care workers who have a conscience, and refuse to enable the  killing of  humans.  This bill has not yet been addressed by Governor Bruce Rauner, who can be contacted HERE.

Illinois Review

Celestial Discharge: Justice Antonin Scalia

Normally this would be time to recognize the contributions of Supreme Court Justice Scalia and his efforts to forestall  the slide of the U.S. into the scrap heap of civilization.   However, the circumstances and timing of his demise leave many questions, and a sense of foreboding for our future.  Most pro-life people are mourning this loss of a significant supporter of the human right to life.

Prayers for Antonin Scalia and those he leaves behind.

Bad News for Our Nation
Bad News for Our Nation

Congressional staffer Leaked Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Videos

…which had previously been blocked from publication by a Judge. The National Abortion Federation had requested a Federal Court to block videos which had been taken at their conference, with the claim that it violated confidentiality agreements.  The information had been subpoenaed by the Congressional committee investigating Planned Parenthood, and at least parts of the material have been leaked by congressional staffer(s) and placed on YouTube.

There is at least one person in Washington DC with a concience.

See more at

Update 10-23-15:  A blogger, Charles C. Johnson  and a hacker, Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer,  are credited with disseminating the blocked Planned Parenthood videos.  Neither are said to be worried about legal repercussions.

See a more comprehensive list of the videos HERE.

Planned Parenthood whines about harassment from Pro-lifers


Your friendly Pharmer is highly amused that Planned Parenthood management is so upset by the investigative work of the Center for Medical Progress. Today’s second video, featuring the “less crunchy” Dr. Mary Gatter, has PP’s top brass in a tailspin. They’re crying foul, and are claiming that pro-lifers have been attacking them in an effort to shut down their killing business.

Let the public be reminded that Planned Parenthood has been harassing pharmacists for 15 years or more, in an attempt to force the pro-lifers to dispense abortifacient drugs, with their efforts leading to success in a number of states. In fact, Planned Parenthood of Southwestern Ohio intervened directly in the employment lawsuit between this pharmacist and K Mart way back in 2001, in order to delay  the inevitable outcome.

Planned Parenthood has been attacking pro-life  health care professionals and Crisis Pregnancy Centers for decades.  Is there any reason that people should feel sympathy for the nation’s top abortion conglomerate, which kills babies and sells their body parts?

GoFundMe Kowtows to Leftist Extremists of “Gaystapo”

While the Shona Banda legal fundraiser remains up (as of 4-28-15) at GoFundMe,  the fundraisers for Sweet Cakes and Barronelle Stutzman have been removed.

Shona Banda’s house was raided by cops, after her son made comments in favor of medical marijuana at his school in Kansas.  Ms. Banda had moved to the state from Colorado where she had legal access to legal weed, said to be for a health condition.  The raid produced some cannabis oil and 2 oz of the weed itself.  Her son has been removed from the home, and felony charges are expected.

GoFundMe has given the excuse that the Sweet Cake’s fundraiser was suspended because they have been formally charged with a heinous crime [of not baking a cake for a same sex wedding].  This does not wash since the fundraiser was to benefit the mom and kids who were not present at the time of refusal.  It is obvious:  GoFundMe will raise legal defense for people found with illegal marijuana in the home, but not for the benefit of the family supported by the Sweet Cakes business, which is charged with not  baking a cake for a same sex wedding.

Businesses will have to decide whether it is in their interest to kowtow to the extremists  of the “Gaystapo”, or continue having wider access to commerce with the general population. Fundraisers and donors are encouraged to use a different venue until GoFundMe regains realistic business priorities.

Leftist Persecution of Christians: The Barronelle Stutzman Story

Barronelle Stutzman, Washington florist, being persecuted for her religious beliefs
Barronelle Stutzman, Washington florist, being persecuted for her religious beliefs

The Attorney General of Washington State wants to destroy the Floral business of Barronelle Stutzman, as well as take her home and personal assets because she does not believe in same sex marriage. Though she provided many other floral services for customers of the homosexual persuasion, she drew the line at doing same sex weddings because she believes that marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman.

Click HERE to see a video of her story. She’s being represented by the Alliance Defending Freedom, a public interest law organization which defends the constitutional rights of individuals.

So far, a state judge is ruling against Barronelle Stutzman, but her lawyers are appealing.   This case could eventually move to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Perhaps the Washington State  Persecutor of Christians,  Attorney General, Bob Ferguson will eventually  be  held liable for all legal fees and any damages to Mrs. Stutzman in this case, when it eventually comes to a conclusion.

Highest respect and prayers for Barronelle Stutzman for her steadfastness in adhering to the dictates of her conscience.

Go Fund Legal Help for Barronelle Stutzman (Arlene’s Flowers)