Weekend Business: Repeal of Bush’s Conscience Protections for Health Care Professionals

It’s a whisper in the news……. You’d have to dig hard to find it.  Obama gutted the  regulations Bush had put into place to protect conscientiously objecting health care professionals from discrimination.

There were essentially no new provisions in Bush’s executive order, except to cause institutions to worry about receiving federal funds if they discriminated against health care professionals who refuse to kill humans in their practice.

Obama has returned the situation to its previous state:  toothless conscience legislation, nearly unenforceable because  unemployed health care professionals usually lack  funds to bring civil redress when incidents of discrimination occur. Also,  what remains of “protection” will only apply to what is obviously recognized as abortion to a layman,   and sterilization.   Objection to chemical abortions at the early stages of human development, and use of various biotech medical devices, unethically derived drugs, vaccines, transplants, implants  (from killed humans) will not be covered.

Actually the situation is worse than it was previously, as the department of Health and Human Services has utterly no interest in hearing or cataloging incidents of discrimination.   The head of this department, Kathleen Sebelius   had no interest in enforcing medical standards applicable to abortion clinics in her home state of Kansas.

It is fortunate  that the new Congress has shown some interest in this situation, otherwise it might be missed entirely by the public.

The actual  repeal is gibberish,  unless one has intimate  familiarity with the underlying laws and regulations.  Heritage Foundation has pretty much put it in English.

The Sebelius HHS will effectively leave conscientiously objecting health care professionals without protections,  and  all should be prepared to find new jobs or careers should a conflict between the employers mandates and personal conscience ever arise.

As  previously, the protection of conscience for health care professionals will largely lie in the power of the internet, to expose  institutions  which  discriminate against health care professionals who refuse to kill, and reduce private business, and  the sources of charitable   donations, funds and grants.

Protect Life Act HR 358 Has A Conscience Clause

H.R.358: Protect Life Act – U.S. Congress – OpenCongress.

Take a look at the actual bill.  The hysterical pro-aborts are whining that women will die on hospital steps because some hospitals don’t grind up babies in  utero, and suck out the chucks and juice.  Rather they keep the kid in there as long as the mom can sustain it,  deliver the kid early if the mom can’t,  and try to keep both the mom and kid alive. Pro aborts seem to passionately hate any legitimate medical intervention that doesn’t result in the kid’s death.  Otherwise why would it bother them that some people believe in preserving the mom’s life  without PURPOSELY  killing the kid?

NARAL finds it extremely offensive that some hospitals don’t grind up the kids instead of delivering them whole.

NARAL wants more dead kids, and wants you to pay for it.

Here’s the Non-descrimination language that has pro-aborts foaming at the mouth.

‘(1) NONDISCRIMINATION- A Federal agency or program, and any State or local government that receives Federal financial assistance under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act), may not subject any institutional or individual health care entity to discrimination, or require any health plan created or regulated under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act) to subject any institutional or individual health care entity to discrimination, on the basis that the health care entity refuses to
‘(A) undergo training in the performance of induced abortions;
‘(B) require or provide such training;
‘(C) perform, participate in, provide coverage of, or pay for induced abortions;  or

‘(D) provide referrals for such training or such abortions.
‘(2) DEFINITION- In this subsection, the term ‘health care entity’ includes an individual physician or other health care professional, a hospital, a provider-sponsored organization, a health maintenance organization, a health insurance plan, or any other kind of health care facility, organization, or plan.

‘(A) IN GENERAL- The courts of the United States shall have jurisdiction to prevent and redress actual or threatened violations of this section by issuing any form of legal or equitable relief, including–

‘(i) injunctions prohibiting conduct that violates this subsection; and
‘(ii) orders preventing the disbursement of all or a portion of Federal financial assistance to a State or local government, or to a specific offending agency or program of a State or local government, until such time as the conduct prohibited by this subsection has ceased.

‘(B) COMMENCEMENT OF ACTION- An action under this subsection may be instituted by–

‘(i) any health care entity that has standing to complain of an actual or threatened violation of this subsection; or
‘(ii) the Attorney General of the United States.CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

‘(4) ADMINISTRATION- The Secretary shall designate the Director of the Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Health and Human Services

‘(A) to receive complaints alleging a violation of this subsection;
‘(B) to pursue investigation of such complaints in coordination with the Attorney General.’.

(b) Conforming Amendment- Section 1334(a)(6) of such Act is amended to read as follows:

‘(6) COVERAGE CONSISTENT WITH FEDERAL POLICY- In entering into contracts under this subsection, the Director shall ensure that no multi-State qualified health plan offered in an Exchange provides coverage for abortions for which funding is prohibited under subsection 1303(c) of this Act

Obama Attack on Abortion Conscience Clause Likely Imminent | LifeNews.com

Obama Attack on Abortion Conscience Clause Likely Imminent | LifeNews.com.

One of the first things Obama did when he took office was to begin work on removing department of Health and Human Services ability to enforce existing conscience protections for health care professionals who refuse to kill humans in their practice.

Some of this  work will likely be completed at the end of this month with recission of Bush’s executive order allowing for removal of federal funding to the institutions which descriminate against physicians who refuse to participate in abortion.

Obama expects health care practitioners to kill humans, and this is a main reason why  both the New England Journal of Medicine and the Investors Business Daily surveys revealed that almost half of physicians intend to retire early in the event of Obamacare.

Your health care might be free, but you won’t be able to get any in a timely manner, and you might not like what remains in the professions after the ones who refuse to kill their patients leave practice.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists consider participation and referrals for abortion to be a necessary part of practice to retain their Board certification.   In other words, it may  soon be a drawback to have your baby delivered by a board certified obstetrician.

Washington Board Won’t Protect Pro-Life Pharmacists in Rules | LifeNews.com

via Washington Board Won’t Protect Pro-Life Pharmacists in Rules | LifeNews.com.

Not unexpected is the Washington Board of Pharmacy’s refusal to  amend regulations  in order to allow a latitude of practice for pharmacists who choose not to participate in killing humans.

The pro-aborts cite worries that rural people will not have easy  access to abortive chemicals.   In reality they lack concern that the rural populations have any pharmacists at all, to provide healing, pharmaceutical care.

Prepare for the Brave New  Post-Obama World.

More and more, veterinarians, and EMT or paramedics  will be needed to assist the rural populations who completely lose access to  pharmacist, physician and nursing care because of these, and other restrictive policies of Obamacare.  Young people should consider this in choosing their career paths.  Study  Chemistry.

It is good to see more sophisticated imaging and technology being utilized in veterinary medicine.   Significant, cash-only health care  business will be opened  up in the farming communities.  Antibiotic producers  might  spring up amid the meth labs. Any good brewery can assist with raw materials.

Bear in mind that one reason for Janet Napolitano to be taking up  the environmental  cause within her umbrella of authority, is to detect to the energy use required for rural production of health care essentials. It is also reason for the new interest in FDA regulation of food production on farms.

People can learn a great deal from the Chinese regarding these kinds of matters.  How have they grown up capitalism beneath the restrictive communist government?  The immigrant communities of the U.S. are  another source  of information on how to  provide  health and dental  care to the underserved, under the table.

Obama Admin Still Working to Rescind Conscience Rights on Abortion | LifeNews.com

Obama Admin Working to Rescind Conscience Rights on Abortion | LifeNews.com.

Obama began work to rescind Bush’s executive order and HHS regulations to protect the conscience rights of health care workers who refuse to kill their patients at the very beginning of life, immediately upon taking office.   He was so busy with his unconstitutional, health care debacle that this project has been in limbo.

Not to worry.  A physician shortage is integral to the rationing of care, and this can be exacerbated by denying conscience rights to those health care providers who refuse to kill in the practice of medicine.  Obama intends to  complete this project, having Health and Human Services rules promulgated  in early 2011.  Look for it.

Why The Catholic Bishops Don’t Get Donations From Pharmer

Pharmer continues the boycott of the US Catholic Bishops fundraisers, and here’s just one more reason.

This appeared in Pharmer’s Church bulletin during October, Pro-life month:

“The Indiana Bishops have asked that parishes and affiliated/associated organizations NOT distribute or allow distribution of Indiana Right To Life’s or county affiliate organization’s election materials.
The Indiana Right to Life has adopted a clearly partisan policy that effectively endorses ONLY Republican candidates for elected offices.
When the Indiana Right to Life Policy and materials are again non-partisan, with a focus on education and advocacy, parishes may be able to cooperate with the local and state organization during the election campaign once more.”

The use of the word “republican” in this announcement violates it’s own supposed non-partisan message. Thus it is internally inconsistent with the supposed spirit the Indiana Bishops are pretending to convey.

The reality is that the bulk of U.S. Bishops (outside of a persistently pro life minority) are paying lip service to pro-life ideals only due to the prodding of the pro-life Pope Benedict.

The Wallbuilders have established three years running that the churches need not fear the IRS removal of tax exempt status. Those preachers doing political advocacy from the pulpits, and sending the tapes to the IRS have yet to be taken to task. The IRS knows that it will lose this case in court, so it keeps silent, allowing the IRS intimidation of most pastors to proceed.

The Catholic Church in the United States ought not to specifically ally itself with any party, but it really needs to get out of bed with the pro-abortion, pro-infanticide, pro-euthanasia, pro-gay marriage, Pro-WAR, pro-slavery, anti-civil rights, Democrat party of the KKK. Those of us who know the history of the U.S. Wars and the above mentioned misbehaviors know which party has initiated and/or supported them in our government.

Any politically conscious person knows that the Republican party is not without stain, and this is why there is a TEA-party for one example. Pharmer has been boycotting the RNC appeals for many years, and assisting individual candidates in other ways.

Pro-life politicians need to find another party, because the Democrat party at the national level has been impervious to transformation on these issues, and defunds its pro-life candidates at the national level. Democrats have moved further left with their chosen president’s inclusion of actual infanticide as an extension of abortion.


The Indiana Right to Life Voter Guide has no endorsements included on the document. It has survey questions for federal and state candidates, followed by lists of the candidates (without party affiliation) and their replies to the questions.

Indiana Right to Life has issued a statement that it will back no Democrats this year, due in part  to the cooperation of Indiana Democrats with the pro abortion Obamacare.  The Democrat state officials have not allowed pro-life legislation to proceed in the Indiana legislature as well.  The Indiana Bishops are reminded of Independents, Teapartiers, and Libertarians which are active within the state, and which are not excluded from consideration.  It is revealed that the “only republicans” statement appearing in the church bulletin really means “no democrats”.

The 2010 List of Indiana Right to Life PAC endorsements- click HERE

The Democrat Party Platform of 2008 on Abortion:
“The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v Wade and a woman’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.”

“The Democratic Party also strongly supports access to comprehensive affordable family planning services and age-appropriate sex education which empower people to make informed choices and live healthy lives. We also recognize that such health care and education help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for abortions.”

“The Democratic Party also strongly supports a woman’s decision to have a child by ensuring access to and availability of programs for pre and post natal health care, parenting skills, income support, and caring adoption programs.”

Becket Fund to provide free defense for religious hospitals against government-ordered abortions

Becket Fund to provide free defense for religious hospitals against government-ordered abortions.

Apparently the members of the ACLU recognize Catholic health care to be of such high quality that they want their abortions done at Catholic hospitals, rather than those hole-in-the-wall Planned Unparenthood clinics.

Their latest push is to pressure the government to force the religious affliliated hospital personnel  to vacuum the babies out of their women.

Above is linked an article from the Becket Fund which is offering pro-bono legal help for any health care professionals who are  victimized by the ACLU’s push to force participation in this killing.

Home Depot Fires Cashier for Wearing Patriotic Button

Trevor Keezor, a cashier at Home Depot was fired for wearing an “One Nation under God” button. This occurred after wearing it at work for a year, and shortly after he took up reading a bible at lunch break.
By contrast, Home Depot has shown itself to be much more friendly towards the display of accessories showing pro-gay sentiment, and this has inspired the AFA to initiate a boycott of the company.

Christine Gregoire Backing Down from Abortion Extremism in Preparation for move to Washington DC

Washington state lawyers acknowledge pharmacies’ right to not stock Plan B :: Catholic News Agency (CNA).

Kevin Storman owned a number of Thriftway stores in the Olympia area of Washington State.   He decided to back his pharmacists decision (at Ralph’s Thriftway) to avoid stocking and dispensing the Plan B morning after pill.

This sent governor Christine Gregoire into a foaming frenzy of involving herself in a boycott of the stores, and threatening to fire members of the Washington Board of Pharmacy if they backed the freedom of pharmacists to conscientiously object to dispensing this abortive drug.

In 2009, a federal judge decided in favor of the store owners and pharmacists but that ruling was struck down on appeal and the case was remanded back to the district court.

Recently a request for summary judgment, from the Governor, was turned down, and trial was scheduled to resume in Federal District  Court in Tacoma, Washington.

This past Wednesday,  July 7, the Board’s lawyers signaled that there would be regulations enacted to protect pharmacists who would not dispense this drug, providing that they would refer the patient elsewhere.

Curiosity has arisen as to the reason behind  a Gregoire Administration reversal of policy regarding the pharmacists.

Gregoire, being crazy-pro-abortion enough,  was on the Obama Short List for Souter’s position on the U.S. Supreme court, but this position eventually went to Sotomayor.

Elena Kagan is the likely leftist body to fill the open position on the Supreme Court left by liberal Justice John  Stevens.   Gregoire is on the list to possibly occupy the solicitor general vacancy left by Kagan should she be confirmed.

Perhaps the prospect of moving to Washington DC has left Gregoire less interested in the local issues of  Washington State.

From the Becket Fund:  http://www.becketfund.org/files/final%20response%20to%20msj.pdf