Celestial Discharge: Phyllis Schlafly

God’s blessings are requested for the  first lady of American Conservatism,  her family, and countless right wingers who will miss her presence.

The honorable head of the Eagle Forum, Phyllis Schlafly, has passed to the next life, at age 92.   It would behoove the more curious readers of this blog to enjoy Ms. Schlafly’s very last article published at World Net Daily, noting a similarity between Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump in the unapologetic forcefulness of  their respective desires to defend the U.S.A..  The rest of us should pray to remain as active and lucid as this intellectual giant, so near to the very end of our time on this planet.

The leader of the Eagle Forum, and the natural force of conservatism might be best known for her opposition to the “Equal Rights Amendment”.  Ms. Schlafly noted that the U.S. Constitution really was written as gender neutral, as she opposed the idea that women should try to adopt the physiology of men and try to function in the exact same way.  Supposed legal experts sneered as she correctly pointed out that passage of the ERA would subject women to the draft.  After Ms. Schlafly took on the ERA five more states approved it, but five other states reversed their approval, leaving the ERA with a net zero further progress, and final defeat.

Many, but certainly not all feminists held bitter opinions of Phyllis Schlafly as she earned her law degree, wrote 27 books, raised six children and led the Eagle Forum these many years.  She was the force of nature and superwoman that they perhaps wished they could be.


Celestial Discharge: Justice Antonin Scalia

Normally this would be time to recognize the contributions of Supreme Court Justice Scalia and his efforts to forestall  the slide of the U.S. into the scrap heap of civilization.   However, the circumstances and timing of his demise leave many questions, and a sense of foreboding for our future.  Most pro-life people are mourning this loss of a significant supporter of the human right to life.

Prayers for Antonin Scalia and those he leaves behind.

Bad News for Our Nation
Bad News for Our Nation

Replace the faulty Washington Politicians says Colorado Senate Campaign ad

Conservative candidate Robert Blaha points out that the Washington politicians, particularly Senator Michael Bennett D Colorado, need to be replaced. They’re not getting the job done,

from our exploding borders

If the Plumber can't fix the leak (illegal immigration)
If the Plumber can’t fix the leak (illegal immigration)

to the pain of Obamacare which was designed to fail.

The pain of Obamacare which is designed to fail
The pain of Obamacare likened to incompetently performed  proctological exam

Mr. Blaha is promising that if he can’t produce significant change in his first term, he’ll volunteer to leave office, and that if he succeeds, he will limit himself to 2 terms.

Watch the ad here.

Did the Pope Have Anything to Do with This?

One should not be trying to legislate in an incapacitated state, and so it was a sensible decision by Speaker of the House, John Boehner to resign. Thanks to him and to Matt Drudge for making Pharmer’s day.

Prayers for Boehner and for the rest of the troubled politicians in Washington DC who likewise  need to resign.


Today is a Good Day
Today is a Good Day

Why is Ben Carson’s Pro-Life Stance Confused? What About Our Own?

The inconsistencies in Ben Carson’s pro-life views have been a fairly hot topic in the alternative news.  Surely leftists (including the republican establishment)  will use this to stick a fork into his candidacy.

The truth is that virtually all pro-life people have inconsistencies in their views.  We have grown up in a culture which has a very utilitarian view towards human life, so that becoming respectful of life requires a good deal of research, thought and energy.  Becoming more consistently pro-life is a process.  Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon, probably ignored reproductive medicine and developmental biology most of the time.

Medicine has been impeded by the birth control and abortion scam since the beginning of time.  Before the birth control hormones and abortion pills, herbs and various poisons were used.

False claims touting the reliability of these modalities encouraged alterations in people’s sex behaviors, to the extent that they thought they could separate sex and reproduction. Societies have been bamboozled by a myriad of false medical claims,  Many of these affected mainstream medical practice in ways that would astonish you.  Recent retractions of prior medical dogma have changed the way hypertension is treated, and which dietary modifications are needed for weight loss or cardiovascular health.  Likewise, the birth control practices have been codified and entrenched based upon claims and assumptions which are simply not true.  None of the birth control methods and drugs work as well as touted in actual use.  Many, especially morning after pills, have become an under dose as the average size of women has grown larger.  To alter the dose would bring huge research and regulatory costs to the manufacturer.  It’s cheaper to bring a me-too or a generic drug  to market.

Chemical birth control has become an abortion selling scam, and a war on women conducted for profit.  People need to face the fact that reproductive activity causes babies.

Those who see human life as the most valuable thing will move further to the pro-life side as they do research and are forced to think about the issue harder.   Politicians should not necessarily be excoriated as they think out loud about being pro-life. Many politicians who claimed to be pro-life have not lived up to their promises.  We should be looking at the candidates who have not been bought out by special interests, and whose personal honor is linked to keeping their word.  If those kinds of candidates pledge specific pro-life actions, (such as de-funding abortion sellers, and protecting pro-life health care, religious and  business practice.) maybe they are the ones to support.  With that kind of help the grass roots pro-lifers could defeat the abortion disease.

How to Know the Attack on Indiana RFRA has Nothing to do with Civil Rights.

Tim Cook of Apple has been whining about Indiana’s RFRA, but he has been selling his products in countries which have a policy of killing people for being homosexual.  It’s quite blatant.

Google shows 2 Apple stores, a couple of Mac stores and Best Buys in Indiana
Google shows TWO Apple stores, 3 Mac stores and Best Buys within the entire state of   Indiana.


Apple Stores in Tehran There are more Apple stores in Tehran than in the entire state of Indiana.  This might be some kind of favoritism, or perhaps a death wish.  Does Cook fantasize about being snuffed by a big, strong, radical Islamist who thinks homosexual people should not be allowed to live?  That is just too weird, so what else could fuel his oddly inconsistent behavior?

Most likely, Cook will do anything to secure power for the leftists, but he really is playing with fire. Anything could happen to him once the Islamists or the leftists no longer find him useful.

Gay conservatives, and those who respect their right to life, are asking Tim Cook to account for his agenda and his display of apparent hypocrisy. 

The Kids are Leaning to the Right

Pharmer has been saying that the younger kids are DONE with leftism and have had enough of Obama.   Here’s some evidence.

CJ Pearson is a Georgia middle school kid with an apparent  future in politics.  He has started up a political organization and has proposed legislation to lower the age limit for service in the Georgia legislature.  CJ’s video, calling out  Obama, is going viral.

Keep an eye on the crowd source fundraisers for legal help for CJ and his family after  Obama sends the IRS after them.

Sarah Palin Channels Martin Luther King. Media Calls it a Gaffe.

Zach Noble, ‘Assistant Editor’ at The Blaze has noted the Democrats thanking Sarah Palin for some things she said during her Freedom Summit Speech in Iowa.

Zach went on to to quote what he considered to be a  “gaffe” uttered by Palin,  for which the Dems might be thankful:

““The man can only ride you when your back is bent,” she said amid stammers. “So strengthen it! Then the man can’t ride you, America won’t get taken for a ride, because so much is at stake.””

A commenter, ATEAMAMA, at the Blaze correctly  noted the source of Palin’s comment:

“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.” -Martin Luther King

Yours truly has written to Zach Noble, asking him to explain what he thinks is the gaffe in Sarah Palin’s comment, and why he finds it to be such.   He is informed that  that  his explanation will be appended to this article if he replies.

[Starting 12:57 EST]

Zach is pretty fast.  Here is his reply:

“The gaffe, as heard by this reporter and most of the rest of the media, is not so much that line in particular — its meaning is clear, despite the juvenile double entendre some other news outlets have pulled from it — but rather the fact that it came as part of what appeared to be a free-association ramble.
Her teleprompter seemed to go out, prompting lots of stammering and a rambling segment of her speech — hence the media coverage and the DNC’s “Thank you” response.

I’d love to read your post when it’s up! Please let me know where to find it.”

It appears that  what the media (not recognizing the Martin Luther King reference)  got out of Palin’s line is a big rear entry joke.

This might be the main reason why America is circling the drain.  Instead of being taught about the ideas  of significant leaders and orators,  students receive lessons on how to enter the exit.

Meet James Golden ‘Mr. Snerdley’, Rush’s Call Screener

James Golden goes by the name Mr. Snerdley as he monitors Rush Limbaugh’s show, and chooses among the thousands of callers who long for a minute of fame on the biggest talk show in radio.

The Man who controls the Caller portion of Rush Limbaugh's Radio Show
The Man who controls the Caller portion of Rush Limbaugh’s Radio Show

James Golden is an articulate and engaging speaker in his own right, and is working outside the show to inspire others to be the best they can be.
Visit the Daily Caller to hear what Mr. Golden has to say about the effects of liberalism on Black communities, the non-help from Obama, as well as his own years of helping to make the Rush Limbaugh Show an unprecedented broadcast success, (5 time winner of the Marconi Award).