Mysterious Explosions at Iran’s Nuclear Facilities

via Large Blast Heard in Isfahan, Iran — FARS News Agency Reports |

Monday afternoon, there was an explosion at a weapons depot in Isfahan, a city known to be a repository for experimental nuclear reactors and for uranium enrichment.   The Iranians have implied that it’s a test, only a test. Different stories have come from the various news services.

Maybe Iran  does not  want to appear weakened, especially after another nuclear missile facility, near the city of Malard,  was destroyed on November 12th this year.  Iranian officials had called this earlier incident an accident involving ammunition transport. OOPS!   Check The Blaze for some satellite photos. 

Netanyahu associate: Obama detached from reality – Israel News, Ynetnews

Netanyahu associate: Obama detached from reality – Israel News, Ynetnews.

The clueless Obama has requested that Israel retreat to indefensible 1967 boundaries, and Netanyahu, naturally has refused, since he knows this means the end of his country.

Obama is hurting from the Muslim  backlash in response to  killing Osama bin Laden, (and receiving no political benefit from it).  He’s ready to throw Israel under the bus to make  up to his radical friends, not realizing that this isn’t beneficial for most of the Middle East in the long run.

Netanyahu’s visit to the US will be interesting.

Japan stops leaks from nuclear plant – Yahoo! News

“Radioactive iodine of up to 4,800 times the legal limit has been recorded in the sea near the plant. ”   Remember that the half life of radioactive Iodine is 8 days.  So….. you could  get some great deals on flash   frozen fish from around those areas,  put it in a good freezer for awhile, then  YUMMIE!    Support the Japanese fishing industry.

via Japan stops leaks from nuclear plant – Yahoo! News.

The main deal is that the Japanese have managed to cork the leak allowing water into the sea from Fukushima Daiichi.   Expect the levels of exposure to radioactivity  to fall off  very quickly.


Nuke reader help: I Sievert = 100 Rem

For conversion purposes when reading the Nuke articles.  Sieverts radiation dose units used everywhere else, and Rems are used in the U.S.

1 sievert is 100 rem

milli is a one thousandth.

1 rem is 10 millisieverts.

It appears that the approved yearly permitted radiation dose  for workers at the Fukushima plant has been jacked up to the level that the shuttle astronauts are permitted to take per mission.

Japan wouldn’t need to ban all the food from the farms near Fukushima.  A lot of the radioactive contamination has  short half life.  The produce  would  become edible after some time in the can or freezer, even if initial levels are too high for immediate consumption, after washing.  (When the glow starts to go,  chow down.)   Moving food and processing it will be a much bigger job than usual in some of these areas.

The radioactivity in the water found in Tokyo is below safety limits thus far.

In the AM of today, some smoke is rising from the spent fuel storage of reactor 3 at Fukushima Daiichi, and the workers have scooted out of there for a bit.

Wouldn’t you know it,  the Fukushima Daiichi data is being amassed at Wikipedia. It’s a starting point for learning about this,  not the final word, and the article even indicates this  at the top.    The wiki piece is  pretty comprehensive and  appears to be  infinitely  more useful  than the garbage coming out of the media.

This timeline at Wikipedia is being kept current.

Nuclear Zone- Japan.

Elderly hospital patients left to die in Japan’s nuclear zone as more than 400,000 fight to survive in tsunami humanitarian crisis | Mail Online.

Nuclear Panic has  caused extra deaths.   Nursing home staff ran off, leaving 128 elderly to die.

The Mail from the UK brings you the pictures.   Check out their story, above, which underscores the problems of the elderly, who are holed up in shelters in cold conditions, without their prescription meds.

More chill pills to treat Nuclear Panic are below.

From the International Atomic Energy Agency, here’s the latest on actions at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants. Daichi reactor 4′  fuel  had been unloaded.

From the Nuclear  Energy Institute:

“Site radiation doses have been decreasing since March 16. Radiation dose rates are fluctuating based on some of the relief operations, such as adding cooling water to the used fuel pools. Recent readings at the plant boundary are about 2 millirem per hour. Radiation dose rates at reactor 3 range between 2,500 and 5,000 millirem per hour.”

Learn about background radiation, and what have been considered acceptable occupational levels of radiation  (varies with occupation). This info comes fom the MIT News, but it’s not news.

Federal occupational standards  allowed 5000 millirems per year for those working with radioactive sources.   That which is allowed for astronauts is much higher : 25000 milliremgs (cosmic radiation)  per space shuttle mission.

Click here (radiation protection at the EPA ) for Radiation Doses in Perspective.

Bis Sis,  who caused radiation exposure with her full body scanners, is now needlessly checking for radiation from Japan.

Daytraders: Try Buying Stock in Potassium Iodide producers

Anti-radiation drug is a hot, and useless, commodity in US.

You could take profitable advantage of stupidity this week.

People are listening to the media misinformation about the Fukushima nuclear power plants, and are buying up  potassium iodide, in their panic.

Potassium iodide addresses only extreme exposure,  specficially to radioactive iodine.  It is not useful for all age groups.  People in the U.S. are intending to take the drug in response to tales of radiation  plumes coming from Japan.

‘There’s a sucker born every minute.’

The media is responsible for marketing a useless product in the U.S.    Who could fault a good capitalist for taking advanatage of a ready-made profit opportunity? Anbex and Fleming are two companies to check out.