Obamacare Expected to Cover up to 111,500 Abortions Yearly.

Twenty seven states and the District of Columbia have laws permitting them to offer abortion supporting insurance plans in their Obamacre exchanges. Twenty three other states have Hyde Amendment-like laws which forbid elective abortions from their medicaid plans and they have likewise banned abortion covering insurance plans  from their exchanges.

Seventeen states (thirteen by enforcement of court order) fully fund elective abortion using state money in their health programs for the poor.  Obamacare also provides for medicaid expansions for states which agree to sign on, and this is a secondary mechanism to fund abortions.

The result, according to the Charlotte Lozier Institute analysis, is that 71,000 to 111,500 abortion per year will be heavily subsidized by federal tax payer dollars.  Click HERE for the short story from Institute’s president, Chuck Donovan.

Those being forced to get insurance through the government exchanges will likely be prodded towards the abortion supporting insurance programs  by such euphemisms describing their complete coverage of women’s health care  Watch out for that.   Just say no to insurance that covers elective abortion.  Help keep civilization alive for a year or two longer.

Check out the full story here. 

Cursing the Children – The Party that Brought You Obamacare

When the Lefties  tell you about how much they care for the children, remind yourself that this love and compassion often comes  to a screeching halt when they lose their tempers.

Professor David Guth is suspended at the University of Kansas for his response to the (Obama supporting) gunman who killed a douzen peole at the Navy Yard in Washington DC.

He tweeted:  “#Navyyartshooting  The Blood is on the hands of the #NRA. Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters. Shame on you. May God Damn you.” 

What a delightful guy.  He was even able to embarrass a University with his vitriol.  David Guth, who stands by his tweet,  is the poster boy of academic tenure.

Next up is Allan Brauer, the current communications chairman of the Sacramento, CA Democrat party.  Check out what he had to say Amanda Carpenter, in response to her tweet exhorting Republicans to stop Obamacare.  Allan’s first luminous COMMUNICATION:  “@amandacarpenter May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.” Amanda Carpenter  retweeted his curse, saying that he “deserves some unfollows” from Twitter-ites.   You’ll have to click the above link to see Allan’s further replies, which describe infestations by cestodes  and pthiris species.   This Dem Communicator has perhaps been cruising the underbelly of the internet too long, and has REALLY forgotten how to behave in public.

Later, feeling a loss of popularity, Allan Brauer apologized for the death curse on Amanda Carpenter’s kids, but, as of this afternoon, no  such statement was forthcoming from the Sacramento Dems, nor California Democratic Party spokesman.

Write Your Congressman: DEFUND Obamacare Friday

As soon as Friday, (Tomorrow) 9/20, the House of Representatives might be voting to defund Obamacare.  Tell your congressman that you really want Obamacare defunded, no fake bills, no shell games, no loopholes.   Pharmer always has a quick route to your congress-critters on the sidebar under LINKS.  Please use it whenever you feel the need.

Here they are, pulled up for your convenience.  Use the U.S. Representatives link today, put in your zipcode to find your Rep. fast, …...and tell your congressman how much you think Obamacare sux.



The Nobel Peace Prize Winner Wants to Start a War with Syria

Obama wants to start a war with Syria, but is going to ask for Congressional approval so that it can be blamed on the Republicans.

You know that war is routinely started by Democrats and blamed on Republicans, and here we go again!!

Additionally, it appears that al Qaeda and the Muslim brotherhood will benefit from the planned intervention.  So if you want to call and write your representatives, now would be the time.  Don’t forget to mention defunding Obamacare and stopping the fake “immigration reform” while you’re at it.

Obama “Recovery” Hurts More than Bush Recession

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the inflation adjusted REAL median annual household income has fallen twice as much during the “recovery” (between 6/2009 and 6/2013) as it did during the preceding recession.

That horrible economic plunge, at the end of the Bush term coused a 1.8% decrease in household income, falling $1002 from $55480 to $54478.  During the period which Obama’s media has labeled a “recovery” the median income fell 4.4%, or $2380, from $54478 to $52098.

The last four years of Obama has seen average  household income drop almost $2400  per year. expressed in 2013 dollars.  A lot of this decrease is due to the conversion of full time jobs to part time jobs.  Has this happened to you, or anyone that you know?

You have been hearing the Obama media call this decrease in Americans’ average income a Recovery.   Do you agree with this term?    Would the media have labeled such a Decrease as a Recovery if it happened during any other president’s watch?

Do you think that Obama’s decision to put off the Keystone pipeline for another year is encouraging an actual economic recovery?  Do you think his decision to stop the construction of coal fired power plants is encouraging economic recovery?  Do you think the spectre of paying for higher priced health insurance has encouraged companies to hire more people, or do you think it might be the reason that more jobs are now part time?

Do you think that any other president would have been held more responsible for the negative economic consequences of his policies?   Does Obama get a pass because the media does not expect as much from him as they have  from other presidents?

Just Another Obamacare FAIL – Quietly Trotted Out in Summertime

Yet Another White House Obamacare Delay: Out-Of-Pocket Caps Waived Until 2015 – Forbes.

Obamacare was designed to fail, in order to crash the health care industry, and usher in total government control of your access to medical care.

It was decided that costs could be driven up for more individuals by delaying the caps on out of pocket expenses such as co-pays and deductibles.

One of the “attractions” of Obamacare is that these expenses would be reduced.  This necessarily would drive insurance costs through the roof, and either cause people to go without the plans, or move to government plans.   Unfortunately this is going to leave too many people very dissatisfied before the government controlled plans are designed.  So now Obama has delayed the caps until 2015….. AFTER THE ELECTION, the same as the delay on the employer insurance mandates.

More destructive disasters are being hidden until after 2014.

The Forbes people, neo-leftists that they are, have pre-assigned blame for shutting down the government over Obamacare to the Republicans.   Unfortunately,  the Republicans lack the cojones to fund all the rest of government programs, leaving out only Obamacare enforcement funding.  They’re too afraid that they would be held to account when the DEMOCRATS shut down the government.

Pharmer thinks that since the Republican party is already moribund, it should make the decision to go out with a bang.   Congress should defund Obamacare.

Celebrities Have Access to Vital Nutrients Which Are in Shortage at Hospitals.

“Children are dying,” says Steve Plogsted, a clinical pharmacist who chairs the drug-shortage task force of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN). “They’re not getting any calcium or any zinc. Or they’re not getting any phosphorous, and that can lead to heart standstill. I know of a neonate who had seven days without phosphorous, and her little heart stopped.” Click the quote.   This situation of parenteral (administered intravenously)  nutrient shortages, described by Alexandra Robbins in the Washingtonian is absolutely true.   Your friendly Pharmer has been adjusting physician orders, in response to this situation for years now.

At one time, the U.S. could take drastic measures to enhance the supply of  life saving drugs.  Breweries were co-opted during war time to bolster supplies of penicillin, halfway through the last century, for example.   Mired in the inertia of huge government and its regulations,  shortages of relatively easily supplied medications can no longer be managed.  Now it takes years to bring up a new production facility when an older one fails or goes out of business. There are only a few manufacturers  which provide electrolytes and nutrients for parenteral use, for those patients whose digestive tracts are not able to process food.   Very possibly, the new progressive administration, staffed with many who regard humanity as a pestilence upon the earth, is not motivated to address the shortages and mal-distribution of lifesaving drugs.

Most recently Ms. Robbins has exposed the fact that celebrities are using parenteral nutrients for cosmetic reasons, performance enhancement, or hangover treatment  while premature babies are dying for lack of vital nutrition. It seems that the clinics which provide these treatments are not put at the back of the line for products which have been on shortage.

Your friendly Pharmer knows directly that there have been shortages of many electrolytes, soluble vitamins, lipids and trace elements which are needed for parenteral nutrition.  When some shortages subside, other shortages take their place.   There is a constant need to reformulate parenteral nutrition solutions in order to rebalance electrolytes to make up for those which are unavailable.  While older patients can usually  survive for awhile without some nutrients,  the premature babies are out of luck.    It’s not good for health care business for providers to  advertise that vital supplies are missing from their institutions.   It’s not good for the current administration for the media to advertise their incompetence or unwillingness to address this problem.

Please take the time to read Alexandra Robbins two articles linked above.  Her style of writing will adequately convey the nature of this problem and its consequences to those without specific medical training.  Pharmer recommends either to  lower your expectations of health care, or call your legislators and ask them to address this problem, and while they’re thinking about health care, remind them  to defund the “Affordable” Health Care Act  this September.  Links to the Senate and House contacts are on the side bar of this blog ALWAYS.  Monitor drug shortages for yourself.  There’s an app for that!

CDC Abortion Surveillance Report Concurs with Pro-lifers: Minorities are Targeted

Pro-lifers have known for decades that abortion clinics are concentrated in minority neighborhoods.  It’s been a eugenics program all along, to regulate the population sizes of Blacks and Hispanics most particularly.

In November, the CDC Abortion Surveillance Report was published, which shows that 63 percent of the abortions in the U.S. end the lives of Black or Hispanic babies.  This wildly outpaces the proportions of these minorities in the general population, and it directly relates to the locations of the abortion clinics.

From the CDC Report comes a data set from 2009.

White women had 38% of abortions  or 8.5 abortions 1ooo women (15-44yrs) or 140 abortions per 1000 live births.

Black women had 35.4% of abortions, 32.5 abortions per 1000 women (15-44yrs) or 477 abortions per 1000 live births.

Hispanic women had 20.6% of abortions, 19.3 abortions per 1000 women (15-44yrs) or 195 abortions per 1000 live births.

Women of other races: 6.3% of abortions, 17.7 abortions per 1000 women (15-44yrs) or 243 abortions per 1000 live births.

Admittedly the CDC is not counting all of the abortions, but the analysis of data which they have been able to collect bears out what pro-lifers have noticed all along.   The placement of abortion clinics is having its intended effects.

Obama Exempts Businesses from Obamacare Mandate Until 2015

Businesses will not have to comply with the Obamacare employer mandates until 2015.  Individuals will still be required to purchase health care insurance or pay a fine.   This gives ALL businesses a chance to drop health care for their employees entirely, which will force many individuals out to the Obamacare exchanges.

This decision, NOT to enforce a major provision of Obamacare, was brought to you by Obama himself, without the review or consent of Congress.   It further cements  the illegal/unconstitutional practice of unilateral executive decisions to NOT enforce existing laws.  Obama has done a fair amount of this.

It was determined that forcing the businesses to purchase health insurance policies at the  new, exorbitant  prices under Obamacare, would be bad for the economy and bad for the Democrats in 2014.   So another disaster of Obamacare was kicked down the road.  The media increasingly has ceased using the term “Obamacare” to describe the (un)Affordable Health Care Act, as they would like to dissociate this debacle from their messiah-in-chief.

The problem is that individuals who are dropped from health coverage by their employer will have to find their own plans.   Insurers, such as Aetna and UHC have been dropping  individual policy offerings in various states, so many will be forced to federal insurance exchanges.  Many states do NOT have those federal exchanges.

Add to this the fact that 47% of the American workforce, more than ever before, has only PART TIME JOBS!!!!  While the government is claiming that employment is up, the proportion of those who are underemployed, is rising fast.  Service industry jobs are up, and generally higher paying production jobs are down.

In short, more people will be without health care insurance, (while  paying extra fines to the government) than ever before.  Obama is hoping that the fallout might hit after 2014 elections.

So the take home final point…… Obama quietly and unilaterally decided not to enforce a major portion of  his train wreck health care program, because it is not good for the democrat party in this next election season.   The fact that Obamacare is not good for Americans is not an issue for him.