Category: Religion
Complaint Portal for Those Suffering Discrimination Based upon Religion or Conscience
Here’s where You Should File a Complaint if you are suffering discrimination based upon your religious or conscientious beliefs. This includes ALL health care professionals who are being pressured to do things (such as killing, maiming, or fraud) which violate their conscience.
Tired of those bogus state and federal morning after pill mandates?
Tired of those State mandates that you have to tell women where to get an abortion?
Though Pharmer focuses on health care professions, everyone else has First Amendment rights too. The Trump administration is much friendlier to people of conscience, and is listening.
Are You Alive Again this Easter?
Financial Analysis: Barronelle Stutzman, The Washington Florist.
The Daily Signal has 21 questions for the Washington Florist who is being sued for refusing to provide service for a same sex marriage. You won’t see this view in the mainstream media, which is why she received mountains of hate mail.
This Lady exhibits a great deal of kindness and courage, along with her (enviable) natural social skills.
From one with fewer social skills comes some financial analysis:
Mrs. Stutzman is being sued as a business owner, as well as personally. This means that ALL of her assets are up for grabs.
Who is footing the bill for this decision to punish a person for her religious beliefs, for an act which does no real harm, and does not even limit services to the affected couple? THE TAX PAYER! The costs of these kinds of frivolous litigations are borne in large part by the public, since public facilities are used and tied up by the proceedings, and since the public safety net covers those made broke by paying the damages. Most of it is mediated by government funded bureaucrats.
In addition, after all of the accumulated wealth of the Stutzman’s is transferred to lawyers, and to the gay couple, the couple will become eligible for all sorts of federal and state services, and of course, YOU, the taxpayer will be paying.
Basically YOUR money is being transferred to a gay couple, lawyers, and a bloated legal system, because ONE florist, among many, could not do their wedding on account of her religious beliefs. It is important to know that these legal proceedings were initiated by the State Attorney General, in an assault on cultural diversity.
Please think about this, and determine if you want it to continue.
United Methodists quit Pro-abortion Church Group
The United Methodists have ended their relationship with the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. This is especially good news for yours truly who had to keep her youngest kid home from school mission trips in protest of this unholy association. This decision was reached at the Quadrennial General Conference meeting in Portland by a vote of 425 to 268 (a landslide).
The rationale behind the decision calls the RCRC a “one-sided political lobby that opposes all disapproval or limitation of abortion.”
Milo Yiannopoulos Really Hates the Pill
This is one of the more interesting points of view regarding the effects of birth control hormones on society.
Not Representing Black Americans
Obama could never have been considered a typical Black American, or even in touch with them. Despite their steadfast support of the first “Black” president, they certainly have not benefited under his rule. Income, home ownership, and employment have decreased more among American Blacks than other demographic group. Probably the only major thing he has done to them is supply government funded IUDs and abortions. He did, however, make a show of pretending that he believed marriage is between a man and a woman while soliciting their votes.

Though the press has sold Obama’s acceptance of gay marriage as an “evolution”, Toledo Municipal Court Judge, C. Allen McConnell, underscores another chasm which exists between Obama and Black Americans. The Judge has refused to personally officiate same sex marriages based upon his Christian beliefs. In the past, Obama had played up to the fact that most Blacks regard homosexual activity as sinful, and this is not limited to U.S.A.. Kenya is among other African nations which are having none of Obama’s more recently outed agenda.

One wonders how many people still believe that Obama has undergone “evolution” on this matter, or whether he is like so many other politicians:

The New Campus Rebellion
Want to really stand out as an individual on campus? Are you wanting to avoid the lines at the student health center, waiting for your metronidazole, azithromycin, etc? Learn about the Anscombe Society, and think about starting one at your institution of higher education. So vigorously individualistic was the philosopher, G.E.M. Anscombe, after whom these groups are named, that she received an admiring obituary even at the UK Guardian.
At this time, a high proportion of college students are practically ‘doing it in the road’, as the concept of sexual exclusivity, and its moral and medical underpinnings have not been introduced to their minds. The most counter cultural thing you can do is to swim against this tide, and reap significant health benefits as a result.
Let curiosity get the best of you and click those links!
Did the Pope Say That About Weapon’s Manufacturers?
The latest, off the cuff comment attributed to Pope Francis is that weapons manufacturers are being hypocritical if they call themselves Christian.
The somewhat imprecise headline has spread far and wide to such places as the Times of India, which used this quote from the Pope’s speech against war in Turin, Italy. “It makes me think of … people, managers, businessmen who call themselves Christian and they manufacture weapons. That leads to a bit a distrust, doesn’t it?”
This immediately sent your friendly Pharmer to see if the Swiss Guard at the Vatican is still armed. Despite the Pope having recently dismissed a commander of the guard after 8 years of service, there is no indication that he has disarmed his protectors, who, per Wikipedia and apparently carry a traditional halberd and various small firearms as well as automatic rifles. Images of the Swiss Guard’s armory, and their firearms are provided at
The Pope is expected to be very idealistic, but risks being marginalized if he brands people in the industry which is supplying his own guards as hypocritical. The Church has not yet come out against self defense.
Environmental Impact of Family Breakdown
The Greenies have been orgasmic over the purported references to man made climate change in the Pope’s latest encyclical. Without a direct and reliable translation in hand, one can’t be sure what is actually in that document, despite media “interpretations”.
One thing that is almost never mentioned, (and we’re not hearing it this week) is the destructive impact of Family Breakdown on the environment.
When each family splits and
occupies two dwellings instead of one,
runs two furnaces,
runs two air conditioners,
runs two hot water heaters,
buys double sets of household furniture and equipment,
shuttles the kids between parents on planes, trains, buses and automobiles,
generates double paperwork for legal matters and records
“Gaia” (mother earth) is crying out from the double assault.
When moms decide that their babies don’t need a real daddy, and the government will take his place,
the paperwork is monumental, and there is an exponential increase in tree death. Social service workers charge out in their Priuses to rescue the “at risk” children. This is not sustainable.
The Pope and other religious leaders are invited to directly address this topmost assault on the environment. There’s no need to subscribe to the false religion of man made climate change to espouse practical environmental stewardship.