Complaint Portal for Those Suffering Discrimination Based upon Religion or Conscience

Here’s where You Should File a Complaint if you are suffering discrimination based upon your religious or conscientious beliefs. This includes ALL health care professionals who are being pressured to do things (such as killing, maiming, or fraud) which violate their conscience.

Tired of those bogus state and federal morning after pill mandates?

Tired of those State mandates that you have to tell women where to get an abortion?

Click here.

Though Pharmer focuses on health care professions,  everyone else has First Amendment rights too.  The Trump administration is much friendlier to people of conscience, and is listening.

It’s That Time Again!

Just in case you haven’t heard enough about the election:  Today there is still time to line up all of those local candidates and pick the least freaky ones. State candidates are pretty straightforward, and nationally, it’s a no-brainer.

Your’s truly is a run of the mill pro-lifer who liked Cruz the most and decided to settle for laughing-pig-trumpstyleTrump.  Trump has been in the public eye for decades and we all know what an oinker he could be.  But it seems that the media has made his life an open book, while concealing the incredible moral turpitude of the Clintons.   Those who haven’t been sifting through foreign and alternative media sources for decades have NO idea.  Hill and Bill make Donald look like a boy-scout.

Settling came early.  In the days before the Indiana primary, there was a weighing of the possibilities.  Knowing that the both media and the RNC would attack either candidate, Trump became the only logical choice.  He has mastered the media, taking advantage of their greed, and utilizing their Pavlovian hate responses to his advantage.  Cruz did not have that instinct.  Though this gurl is one of the Indiana residents who caused Cruz to suspend his primary campaign, a contribution was made directly for his effort to continue his senate career.

Trump did not disappoint.   He has continued to play the media, and provide an incredibly entertaining campaign for those of us who have come to disrespect the DNC-RNC-media complex.  Trump has shown himself to be friendly to those of us with religion, and with his choice of advisors, has demonstrated that he intends to allow us to live in accordance with our consciences. He has shown respect for the rule of law, and for those who have served in the military.  Despite his imperfections, Trump has put forth a  persistent and consistent message that he wants to give back to the country that made him rich.

In contrast, Hillary has persistently demonstrated that government positions are for her self enrichment.  She has been selling access to the U.S. government for decades.  Banks, large corporations and foreign governments have purchased her favors during her time in the senate, as secretary of state, and in anticipation of her being elected president.

Despite Mr Comey’s fear of Hillary, (and dropping her email investigation, for now), the FBI continues to investigate the Clinton Foundation, which is the major vehicle for selling access.

Hillary has clearly demonstrated that rape and sexual abuse are OK, as long as government funded abortion comes with it.  If she is elected, women will be further pressured  to accept a more sexually subservient role that is bound to have deleterious health consequences.

There is hope that enough Americans will still consider the well-being and autonomy of this nation to be above such things as a government check, government run health care, abortion under government direction, and euthanasia ordered from Washington DC.  With a crumbling economy, how long are the “freebies” going to last, anyway?

There is hope that enough Americans will decide to try one more time to resuscitate the American dream, and wrest governmental control from the corporatist, social engineers who pretend to know what’s best for us, while not having any real concern at all.

Ex-Gays Fighting Repression from the LGBT cultists

If it’s considered OK to change from one sex identity to another, why are gay activists and their leftist friends fighting to shut down the opportunities for those with unwanted same sex attraction to affirm their desired sexual identity?  Does type of coercive behavior identify the activist groups as cults?

Christopher Doyle is a counselor who works to resolves conflicts of sexual identity for individuals and their families.   His clinical method is not to push people in a particular direction, but to work with them to achieve their own goals with respect to resolving their sexual identity.  This, however, frequently involves helping those who have unwanted same sex attraction to resolve those issues, and become what is called “ex-gay”.  His group conforms  to the APA standard of treating  same sex attraction as a variant of sexuality and not a mental illness.  He notes that while his work is acceptable to most LGBT people, the activists vehemently oppose this, and are trying to shut down the availability of such counseling to young people and adults. This has included legislation in some states which forbid the kind of counseling to allow a person to become “ex-gay”.

As the LGBT extremist activists go over the top in trying to silence all who do not agree ethically with such things as same sex marriage, and to ostracize all same sex attracted people who would rather not live a homosexual lifestyle,  Christopher Doyle notes that young people are starting to see the activist driven, sexual  “equality” movement as false.



Idaho City Forces Pastors to Officiate Same Sex Weddings or Go To Jail

You knew it would come to this, but it certainly has happened very quickly.  It no longer is a choice for Religious Ministers to participate in same sex weddings in the city of Couer d’Alene, Idaho.

A city ordinance demands the participation of local pastors, and those who refuse face jail and a daily fine of $1000 dollars.

The Alliance Defending Freedom is taking up the case of Pastors Donald and Evelyn Knapp, who declined on Friday to officiate a ceremony.   They now face a 180 day jail sentence  and $1000 dollars fine for each day they refuse to comply.

How to Know the Attack on Indiana RFRA has Nothing to do with Civil Rights.

Tim Cook of Apple has been whining about Indiana’s RFRA, but he has been selling his products in countries which have a policy of killing people for being homosexual.  It’s quite blatant.

Google shows 2 Apple stores, a couple of Mac stores and Best Buys in Indiana
Google shows TWO Apple stores, 3 Mac stores and Best Buys within the entire state of   Indiana.


Apple Stores in Tehran There are more Apple stores in Tehran than in the entire state of Indiana.  This might be some kind of favoritism, or perhaps a death wish.  Does Cook fantasize about being snuffed by a big, strong, radical Islamist who thinks homosexual people should not be allowed to live?  That is just too weird, so what else could fuel his oddly inconsistent behavior?

Most likely, Cook will do anything to secure power for the leftists, but he really is playing with fire. Anything could happen to him once the Islamists or the leftists no longer find him useful.

Gay conservatives, and those who respect their right to life, are asking Tim Cook to account for his agenda and his display of apparent hypocrisy. 

Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act has Leftists Freaking Out!

Most lefties wouldn’t understand the Religious Freedom Restoration Act signed into law by Governor Mike Pence of Indiana.  That doesn’t stop them from melting down over it.

Actually the law is quite limited, and provides an avenue of relief from governmental bullying of private individuals and businesses who live according to a religious moral code.

This act does not protect an employee from the demands of an employer, on the job.  It’s restricted to protecting individuals such as THIS woman from being harassed by rabid state attorney generals or similar government officials or entities.

For example, the law won’t protect a pro-life health professionals from reprisals by their employers, but it could possibly help them to fight persecution from their respective state regulatory boards.

AlJazeera Covers the Vaccine Ethics Issue

After Obama threw open the U.S. borders and allowed all sorts of illegal and un-vaccinated immigrants free entry into the country, the Democrats  decided to blame the associated measles outbreaks on Republicans. They also decided to pin fears that vaccines could cause autism (which originally had so much support from the left) on conservatives. The real, and very unnecessary vaccine problem has been largely ignored and suppressed by the left driven media, leaving alternative media, and pro-life news to address it. Pharmer often reads another media source which takes up the controversial issues that the mainstream media ignores… Al Jazeera. Please take some time to check out this article, addressing the fact that vaccines are sometimes developed using tissue from aborted humans, and that this causes moral qualms among those who do not condone such killing.

Calling on Evangelical Atheists to Do Something

Around Christmas time, activity of the evangelical atheists seems to pick up a bit more.  This might be an artifact of media coverage, but we tend to see some atheists objecting to outward displays of theistic faith, and others celebrating their own intellect by trying to drive the square vehicle of scientific method into the circular gateway of spiritual matters.

This Christmas, Thomas D Williams has brought “professional atheist” John G. Messerly to the loving attention of your friendly Pharmer.  Messerly is railing against religion as vulgar superstition, delusion, and states that humanity needs to outgrow this spiritual impetus that fueled the building of Western and Eastern civilizations.

We might decide to emulate Dr. Messerly, who has built………. ummmmm some books and some articles, and memberships in cool secular think tanks.  His contributions to civilization might out weigh those of the astounding, atheist biologist P. Z.  (has he published peer reviewed scientific research lately?) Myers. But if we did follow after these leaders of thought, what would get accomplished?

Academia, under the rule of the left has pumped out prodigious numbers of underachievers, who spend a great deal of time celebrating their own intellect, but very little time building things which could advance the human condition, or that of planet Earth.

Atheist evangelists can’t seem to let go of the Creator, who has them by the tail , or is the handle within their DNA?  That’s the Pharmer theory.

If an Atheist evangelist is messing with your religious expressions and celebrations, ask him what has he done lately.   Has he invented or constructed or created anything? Does he serve the needs of his fellow humans in any concrete way?  Has he discovered some new nugget of knowledge which could advance the condition of  mankind?

Wish him God’s blessings and a REAL JOB.

Supremes: Obama Can’t Force Companies to Pay for Birth Control

Congratulations to Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp, first for filing lawsuits to protect their religious freedom, and second for defeating the Obama Administration before the Supreme Court.

The courageous owners of these two companies objected to being forced to pay for forms of birth control which can have prominent interceptive (early abortive) mechanisms of action.  In a 5 to 4 decision, in which Justice Roberts and the conservatives upheld religious freedom, (and naturally the leftists did not), the two companies are excused from paying for birth control which people could most certainly provide for themselves by other means.  At issue were Plan B, Ella, and the indwelling coathangers otherwise known as IUDs.

This decision appears to be protective of closely held, for-profit corporations, but appears to  exclude non-profit entities such as Little Sisters of the Poor.

Naturally the idea of religious freedom for Christians is causing the lefties to curse, swear, and threaten lives and property of their ideological opponents.  Violence has always been integral to leftism.   Those people are anything but compassionate.