Category: republican
Yuuuuuuuge: Trump is not allergic to Pro-lifers
Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B Anthony List, reports that Donald Trump has hired John Mashburn as his policy director. Mashburn has been chief of staff to Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina, a well known advocate of life. Ms. Dannenfelser says that Mashburn’s pro-life roots go all the way back to his service with Sen. Jesse Helms.
Learn more about the highly respected Susan B. Anthony List and it’s pro-life political advocacy HERE, and consider them as a resource for casting well informed votes.
It’s encouraging to hear that Trump is not secretly allergic to pro-life views. Maybe we can find a way to convey to him the inefficiency of relying on hormonal birth control (which is not nearly as effective as advertised), as well as the cost of the myriad health problems from these drugs, and the ensuing abortions.
Pharmers’ message to Mr. Trump: Operating in harmony with natural law is good business.
Trump Tripped up on Abortion
Standard operating procedure for the left is to tangle up a Republican candidate on the issue of abortion. Most people don’t think deeply about this issue, because they’re too busy with other things, or they Want to be too busy. Taking a stand on abortion causes cognitive dissonance for those who support it, and a social cost for those who actively oppose it. It’s easier to be a “moderate” and try not to think about it at all. Trump is the latest guy to get tangled in the web, by none other than “Chrissie” Matthews. Trump had recently declared himself to be more pro-life, rather than the “moderate” that he used to be. Obviously he hasn’t spent a long time thinking about what abortion is, and what causes it. Now he’s having to walk back a statement about whether or not there should be some kind of punishment for women who abort.
One interesting thing is that a woman does get punished if she self aborts or purposely does something that causes harm to her unborn baby. No one seems to be fighting against those laws and policies.
The main problem with trying to invent a means to “punish” the woman who gets an abortion is that most of these abortions involve coercion from outside. This can also apply to the “self abortions”.
Trump lost it with Matthews due to his general ignorance of the coercion that accompanies most abortions.
The RNC is currently planning to support Hillary over Trump or Cruz, if either of those two is able to get enough delegate support in the primary. This will assure our downhill slide into government controlled everything.
Expect only an increase in abortion coercion as the government joins in. This is part and parcel of government run health care. Once the health care workers are required to participate, forcing abortions on women is not far behind.
Trumpsformation: Megyn looks more like Cecile now :-P
Got this hilarious pic in an email. Who did it? A search tracked it to Mike Cernovich’s site, Danger and Play. Check out his article HERE, then surf his whole site. It’s an eye opener especially for guys, and not for metrosexuals who need a safe space.
Cernovich has full awareness of how Trump gets his free media coverage, and campaigns at lower cost than Anyone!
Trump meets Diamond and Silk
“I hope you monetized …..”, Trump said to You Tube sensations, Ms. Hardaway and Ms. Richardson, a.k.a. Diamond and Silk. One thing you can say for him: Trump is a true American capitalist, spreading the success around. Listen to the exchange at his Raleigh NC Rally HERE.

Fox Business News Helped Spread Racist Lie about Ben Carson
Your friendly Pharmer certainly likes the way that Ben Carson stands his ground, and does not back away from his views when assaulted by the media. Such stalwart behavior has scared the lamestreamers to death, and so they perpetrated a racist attack against Carson last week, led by the White House press outlet called Politico. All of them falsely put forth a story that Carson claimed to have received a full scholarship to West point. This carried with it the implication that he claimed to have applied, accepted and perhaps even attended, depending on how the words are interpreted. Carson’s biography does not state any such thing. It does say that Carson had distinguished himself in a High School branch of the ROTC, and had attended a dinner function with Gen. Westmoreland who talked up West Point, and that officials of said institution indicated that that Carson could be admitted tuition free. (Most H.S. kids interpret tuition-free, college education as a ‘scholarship’.) Carson does not claim to ever have applied to nor attended West Point.
Not many conservatives recognize that Fox news can’t be used as a reliable news source any more than the rest of the lame streamers. They’re pretty much a mouthpiece for the republican establishment. There are certain stories that are not permitted to be covered by Fox News, although their opinion shows have had more free rein. Local reporters might express interest, but their editors will snap them right back, and kill the story. This has gone on since the network was new. Increasingly we also see laziness on the part of the reporters, perhaps because of disillusionment.
Fox Business news decided to carry the ball for Politico as well as the rest of the useless media, and is now stuck with the results of its laziness and ingenuousness. Politico has had to walk back its completely dishonest libel, smearing every news venue that repeated the story.
Non-news Extra: Buzzfeed has tripped up the increasingly disappointing Wall Street Journal, as the latter attempted to take apart another story in Ben Carson’s biography. WSJ cast doubt upon Carson’s tale about falling for a hoaxed psychology exam which was offered after the first one was said to have been destroyed. Subsequently, a classmate at Yale popped up and admitted to Buzzfeed his complicity in that prank. Oops. One can forgive a blogger (who has another job or two) for not hitting the streets to investigate every story. But the journalists who are paid to report the news need to leave their chairs every so often and do some research.
Our useless media have been attempting colonoscopies on the non-establishment candidates, but demonstrably do not know where to go with the hose.
Did the Pope Have Anything to Do with This?
One should not be trying to legislate in an incapacitated state, and so it was a sensible decision by Speaker of the House, John Boehner to resign. Thanks to him and to Matt Drudge for making Pharmer’s day.
Prayers for Boehner and for the rest of the troubled politicians in Washington DC who likewise need to resign.

Should We Do Surgery on the Republican Party or Let It Die?
You decide.
If you think it can be fixed, consider becoming a precinct committeeman and gain influence over the leadership of the party. Think of the party as a giant Colon filled with precancerous polyps (the RINOS). It’s time for a full length colonoscopy and polyp removal process.

This article explains the process of becoming a precinct committeeman and influencing the party at the local and national level through your votes. It does not take much time or effort to do this. Apparently there are a lot of committee vacancies to be filled. Check it out if you have a couple of hours per month to spend on a Republican colonoscopy. Get out the hose and remove the precancerous RINOS!

Replace Boehner
A number of conservative groups are encouraging Congress to replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House. Rep Louie Gohmert has thrown his hat into the ring. A recent poll suggests that 60 percent of those still calling themselves Republican favor a new Speaker.
Yours truly has dropped email to Rep. Luke Messer, asking him to oppose Boehner as speaker.
Conservatives please write to your representative today and suggest some fresh air for Congress.
What Cantor Defeat Means for American Citizens
Not much, says Rep. Luiz Gutierrez, (D-IL). Obama can move forward with immigration amnesty without the help of congress. He’s King. Most Americans with part time jobs can forget about working full time in the near future and earning more than the bottom level health care, or owning a dwelling. The crony investors who have the ear of Obama have decreed that they need cheaper labor, and so he will get it done, while at the same time securing a permanent underclass which will vote for big daddy government.
The current minority populations of American citizens are being screwed too, as they will have to compete for jobs with those for whom the employers don’t have to buy Obamacare. American citizens cost more to employ, as a matter of law.
Al Sharpton, a big proponent of immigration amnesty, is calling the Dave Brat victory over Cantor a threat to civil rights. He long ago abandoned Black Americans as a demographic group in favor of open borders and what he calls “immigration rights”. Possibly Black Americans, who wish to maintain or augment their jobs and business, are ready to dump the Rev. Sharpton. He’s doing them no good at all.
The stark reality remains, that the federal government has lured underage immigrants to travel to America, unaccompanied by an adult, with the promise of goodies from the government, subjecting them to all sorts of abuse along the way, and upon their arrival. This realization, that the government actually advertises to lure illegal immigrants, is much of what propelled the underfunded David Brat to such a shocking victory over Eric Cantor.