Lena Dunham’s War on Women

If pop culture is on your radar, the Breitbart.com  deconstruction of a losing battle in Lena Dunham’s War on Women is worth your time.

Dunham’s  best seller “Not That Kind of Girl”, contains a number of departures from reality, as well as a story of sexually abusing her own sister.  Among these stories is a claim that she was raped by a prominent college republican.

Breitbart’s John Nolte has investigated the details of her story, and found it to be inaccurate, with the accused not matching Dunham’s descriptive highlights.  The named individual, very unlike Dunham’s “memory” of her sex contact,  has had to retain a lawyer, and disappear from social media.   Memories of the famous Tawanna Brawley case come to mind.

Lena Dunham continues to allow the named individual, who says he never met her, who does not match her physical description, who did not graduate when she said he did, and who did not work where she said he did, to twist in the wind.

Dunham refused to press charges in a claimed case of rape.  Either she is lying about rape altogether, or she has allowed a criminal (whose name and description do not match)  to remain free to repeat his crimes.  Both of these options harm other women.

Racial Profiling of Sex Abusers by the Media

John Nolte of Breitbart.com is among those noticing that the media seems much more quick to paint Black men as rapists than White Men.

He holds up Bill Clinton as the top example of the molester in chief, who has been given a pass and a good deal of protection even up to today against the accusations of rape and sexual imposition, brought against him by Juanita Broderick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey.   Nolte points out that Bill Cosby does not enjoy media protection against 30 old charges of rape brought by a pair of women.  They are ready to throw Dr. Cosby into the trash heap of show biz history.  Likewise, dubious, and far less serious charges against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain brought a firestorm of career damaging assault from the mainstream press.  It seems as though the media is more than ready to take down a public figure who is Black, on sex related accusations, but is very protective of the White guy.

Added to Nolte’s list is the tepid media coverage of horrendous accusations brought by both males and females who have recalled being molested or raped by members of the Hollywood elite.    It’s expected that “An Open Secret”,  Amy Berg’s  documentary film addressing the sexual transgressions carried out against underage kids in Hollywood,  is not going to get much distribution.

After branding conservatives as automatic racists, it’s time for the media to face up to its own, painfully obvious, racial bias and the damage caused to women, caused by holding Bill Clinton, White-Boy-molester-in-chief, as the top rock star of the Democrat party.  Maybe it was his steadfast support of abortion that earned him this armor coat of  media  protection.

Sex News from the Left

Child abusers at the American Academy of Pediatrics are touting the IUD (indwelling coathanger) as the most effective form of birth control.   Yep……. PEDIATRICS.  And in  light of this, remember that the medical records of  12 year olds in New York State can be held as private from the parents, and that there is no enforceable age of consent in the state of Washington.That’s one more salvo from the lefties in their never ending effort to groom girls as sex toys.

In another corner is Camille  Paglia, offering another of her controversial opinions that will surely bunch up the panties of feminists on campus and off.  Camille is the odd liberal who recognizes that there are certain evils that government and institutions can’t fix with their thought control.  In her latest opinion piece, she reminds the girls that the need to be vigilant and practice self defense will never go away.  The campus thought police will never be able to eradicate the evil propensities of sexual predators, says Camille, while once more reminding her readers that men and women are inherently different.


Anti Rape Activists are Allergic to This Prevention Measure

Anti-Date Rape ‘Undercover’ Nail Polish Changes Colour When Drinks are Spiked with Rohypnol and GHB.  is worth a click.

Four North Carolina State University Students are working on a solution to the use of spiked drinks for date rape.  They’re developing a nail polish that exhibits a color change when exposed to such things as Rohypnol, GHB and Xanax, which are sometimes used to tranquilize a woman so that she can be sexually abused.  The prospective product is funded by the school’s Entrepreneurship Initiative, and is further described as Undercover Colors on Facebook, and the newly formed company is seeking further donations to produce nail polish.

Most telling is a response coming from the left, (which traditionally abhors a solution).   Rebecca Nagle of “FORCE Upsetting Rape Culture, and Tracey Vitchers of SAFER appear not to  like any rape solution that involves self defense on the part of the woman.  Activists who would scoff at the idea of education for sexual abstinence, paradoxically  believe that guys who “at risk for committing sexual assault” (sic) can be educated to avoid this practice.

Pharmer, always a fan of self defense and any measure that helps to solve the problem, congratulates the four students, Stephen Gray, Ankesh Madan, Tasso Von Windheim and Tyler Confrey-Maloney,  on their creativity and wishes them success.


Live Action Films Busts a Fourth Planned Parenthood Facility for BDSM advice to ’15 year old’

In the fourth video of the Sexed series, Live Action Films busts Planned Parenthood, Eden Prairie Clinic in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN.  The Planned Parenthood employee in this vid gets pretty graphic and conveys the general idea that any sex related activity that is ‘consensual’ is normal, and OK.

Click here  to view
Click here to view

A full length and much more explicit version can be viewed at the Live Action site.

Live Action Exposes Planned Parenthood Porn #3

Click Here for the third installment of Live Action’s film series exposing the kink-porn type of sex ed provided at Planned Parenthood.  This video features the Columbia Willamette Affiliate in Portland Oregon. The particular branch is Planned Parenthood Clackamas Center, 16068 SE 82nd Dr, Clackamas, OR, 97015.  Plans to close this facility (and two others in Gresham and Salmon Creek) were announced on June 3 at the Columbia Willamette affiliate’s website.

Episode 3 of Live Action Films series: Planned Parenthood Exposed
Episode 3 of Live Action Films series: Planned Parenthood Exposed

Unedited (full X-rated content) is available at Live Action, behind an age restricted wall of sorts.  It might be too gross for You Tube.

Dr. Susan Berry has more details at Breitbart.com about  your tax dollars at work, teaching underage girls about kinky sex.  The silver lining is that even with federal and state tax money, Planned Parenthood is finding it necessary to close and consolidate facilities.

More Kinky Sex Ed at 2 Colorado Planned Parenthood Facilities -Live Action Films

Live Action Films, has released the second video in their Planned Parenthood Exposed series.  This episode shows a woman, posing as a 15 year old girl, being given detailed counseling on Bondage and Discipline, as well as Sadomasochism.   Two affiliates of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, in Littleton, and in Lakewood, Colorado, are featured in this film.

Planned Parenthood is  50 shades of NASTAAAAY.    Pharmer’s recommendation is for people to go to a real health care provider for their reproductive medical needs.

Two affiliates of Planned Parenthood of Rocky Mountains are BUSTED for giving kinky sex advice.
2 affiliates of Planned Parenthood of Rocky Mountains are BUSTED for giving kinky sex advice.

Full length footage is available at PlannedParenthoodExposed.com

Pervy Liberal Democrat Candidate Offers Money for Nude Pics of Female Hunter

Kendall Jones has received plenty of vitriol from the left for posting hunting pics on social media.  Topmost in the heap of slime are the tweets from Mike Dickinson (liberal democrat congressional candidate in Virginia).   He’s offering $100,000 for nude photos or videos of Kendall, because “she deserves to be a target”.

Don’t expect the voyeur-perv Dickinson to be asked to apologize, or to suffer much criticism.  Abortion supporting libs are permitted to abuse women in this upside down world.

Mike Dickinson attacks Kendall Jones
Mike Dickinson attacks Kendall Jones

Alternative news scoop is that Facebook has deleted some of Kendall Jone’s hunting pics, but has allowed a “Kill Kendall Jones” page.

It’s just another skirmish in the left’s unending war on women.


Planned Parenthood Exposed (Again) by Live Action Films

Most often, perverts are not so easy to pick out of a crowd.  There’s  the recent case of the respectably employed EPA bureaucrat who spent 2-6 hrs daily watching porn at work, and was even paid a bonus for job performance.  There’s the Seattle anaesthesiologist who’s license has been suspended due to his alleged habits of sexting during surgical procedures, and use of  medical images for personal gratification.

Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood dresses up fashionably and appears at high level political fundraisers, acting like a normal human.  But look at what her organization does.  The blood of innocents is just icing on the Planned Parenthood cake.  The organization relentlessly pushes a sex agenda which is designed to isolate children and teens from their families, and feed a need for their most lucrative abortion services.

Live Action Films is presenting a 2014 summer video series on the strategy and methods used by Planned Parenthood to market their services to the 66 percent remaining  children who survived their abortion mills.

Using Planned Parenthood’s preferred  twitter hashtag #sexed is one means to pass on this information to your fellow human beings.   Tweetfest is on June 11. Learn more HERE. 

Watch the video for a preview of what’s to come.  Bear in mind that this series will discuss some R and even X rated things, so viewer discretion is advised.

Planned Parenthood Exposed #SEXED
Planned Parenthood Exposed #SEXED