Wisconsin Republicans: “Get Er Done”

With Democrats absent, Republicans advance collective bargaining changes – JSOnline.

A bill limiting Collective bargaining for public employee unions has passed the Wisconsin senate without presence of the Democrats.   In order to allow this vote to occur,  spending portions of the bill were stripped, and the regulatory portion affecting union bargaining was passed  while Democrat senators  were still  AWOL.

The unions and Dems are screaming bloody murder of course.

Pharmer dials 911 to call a Waaaaaaaaaaaambulance for them.  😉



National Labor Relations Board accepted Free Advertising from Google

Union-Controlled NLRB Suddenly Pulls Google Ads on ‘How to Start a Union’ | LaborUnionReport.com.

The National Labor Relations Board, a governmental agency,  is funded by YOU,  and functions to encourage unionization.   It was noted that they had been running ads on Google, to this end, (worth big bucks) since 2008.

Observers figured that this was  $$ funded  $$ by You the taxpayer, and published this assumption.  This caused the NLRB to put a “fact check” on its site, announcing that those ads  were a free donation from Google.

Laborunionreport brought  up the second question as to whether the government run agency is supposed to accept freebies from a private business.

And THAT perhaps is what  caused the Google ads to suddenly disappear.  🙂

So check the links and follow this very interesting story of More Impropriety from the Union-fed Obama administration.

See the screenshots of these now disappeared Google ads.

Thanks to the folks at Shopfloor.org and Laborunionreport.com for keeping a sharp eye out for us.  Could be that if you ever want to see them or the Pharm anymore, you’ll have to search on Bing ;-).

Now that the Union ads have come down from the big wide world web, perhaps Google would like to consider running them on a private intranet to teach its own employees how to unionize.  Wouldn’t that be fun?



Union Demonstration in Ohio

So many good websites……… so little time. Look at Truth About Bills. These fine people bring you the following video of a classy union guy, discussing the SB 5 rally in Ohio.

This video might offend  if you are sensitive to the language used in R rated movies.   The star of this video knows no other kind.  (Plus, Pharmer thinks he’s a little trashed.)

Indiana Teachers Union Rally

There is no disguising this monochrome teachers’ union problem.

The Union teachers don’t like competition from Charter schools such as the Charles A. Tindley School providing options for students, and a great  push for minority students due to its location.

Scroll down to yesterday’s “FIXING THE SCHOOLS, post  and ask yourself why the Union has a problem with this??

In Indianapolis, 28.4% of the population is comprised of Blacks.   It is also noted that most  have moved outside of the IPS public school district to suburban areas.   This Teachers’ Union rally does not look normal.    Pharmer suspects that  the charter school teachers know their enemy.

Wis. Gov. Walker calls Democrat boycott a ‘stunt’ – Yahoo! News

Wis. Gov. Walker calls Democrat boycott a ‘stunt’ – Yahoo! News.

The story behind the story is that teachers took their students out of class for this event to support teachers unions, and many of the students had no clue why they were there. Meanwhile, Democrat legislators left the state in order to delay voting on the bill.

Since we can no longer have people who make less than union workers, supporting the retirement plans for union workers, in addition to their social security,  there will need to be reform. This will happen without the democrats who were bought and paid for by unions.

The Union retirement plans are going bankrupt.   The working people of America cannot afford to support plush early retirements.

Watch the Tea Party driving legislators back into Wisconsin.

Related stories of Union mismanagement:


