Community Organizers Back the Flotilla to Gaza, Sez WND

Labyrinthine and byzantine is the plot and purpose behind the Flotilla attack on the Israeli naval embargo of Hamas-stuffed Gaza.

All aboard! Obama pals back violent Gaza flotilla.

Aaron Klein,  of WND, who is actually stationed in Jerusalem, not on the internet like so many reporters, explains the embargo and the bogus nature of the “AID” to the Hamas in Gaza.

Israel allows shipments of actual aid to this region, but has made intensive effort to stop the flow of arms.  Israel’s navy offered the flotilla activists the opportunity to ship the aid materials to Gaza, but was met with violent response.

Klein contends that the Hamas leaders are not smart enough to engineer such  smear of Israel’s image as the flotilla has been.  He tested his idea that this had to be the work of community organizers, and has found a link to old time friends of Obama, through the Free Gaza Movement.   He identifies Bill Ayers,  Bernardine Dohrn of the Weather Underground, and Jodie Evans of Code Pink as accessories to the conception and planning of the flotilla.