Obama’s CDC Stops Bad Fruit, Ignores Abortion Drug Deaths | LifeNews.com.
The CDC has recommended that people avoid cantaloupe from Jensen Farms, Colorado, which is suspected to carry Listeria, a bacterial cause of potentially fatal food poisoning. Cheryl Sullenger points out another governmental double standard, (much more egregious than the selective enforcement of the migratory bird protection laws highlighted HERE).
13 deaths and 72 illnesses have been attributed to eating cantaloupe from the Colorado farms. Laura Anderko, a food safety specialist from Georgetown U. suggests that people should throw away their cantaloupe if they’re not sure where it’s from.
There’s no such governmental reaction to the deaths and adverse effects suffered by users of mifepristone and misoprostil. The abortion regimen is still being promoted as safe, after reports of 14 deaths and 2207 adverse effects associated with use of the drugs.
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