Dr. Benjamin Carson proposes health care reform at National Prayer Breakfast – Arlington Conservative | Examiner.com

Dr. Benjamin Carson proposes health care reform at National Prayer Breakfast – Arlington Conservative | Examiner.com.

  Dr. Benjamin Carson wants to reform health care in a way that would work.   His plan is so simple, he could relay in in less than a minute. (The media focused on sleepy Obama and yawning Kerry, and not on the most important part of the National Prayer Breakfast, Dr Carson’s speech).

This 2008 Presidential Award of Freedom Winner is Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins hospital.  Dr. Carson’s three point plan is built around a medical savings account that returns control of health care back to the patients.

Dr Carson also spoke against the dangers of political correctness.  Below is his speech. LISTEN UP!!

Get to know more about Dr. Carson’s  upbringing and career HERE!  Kudos to his Mom.