Let’s Applaud When Catholic Bishops Do the Right Thing for Pro-Life Values.
The above linked article is by Fr Thomas J. Euteneuer, of Human Life International who informs us that Bishop Robert Vasa of Baker Oregon has removed the Catholic affiliation and insignia of St. Charles Hospital in Bend Oregon. The reason why is their refusal to stop doing sterilizations. That would be artificial birth control, and you know what the Catholic Church thinks about that.
One wonders what might be in store for the Catholic affiliated hospitals which are distributing the morning after pill and doing the so-called “therapeutic” abortions.
The Vatican has been moving in some more conservative Bishops, here in the U.S.
There are now seven bishops who won’t collect for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, due to it’s distribution of funds to charities which do not adhere to Catholic values. Expect more of this.
And yes………. Catholic hospitals, time to wake up. With the Catholic affiliation removed, the funding sources will have to change somewhat. There will be increased dependency on the government, and decreased private philanthropy. RU-Ready for Chaaaaaange!