Your friendly Pharmer has been laughing at Jeb Bush’s speech, extolling the social virtues of immigrants to the U.S., and citing statistics about the strength of their families and their FERTILITY, but even more amusement is obtained from those who would derive offense from his artless expression of the facts.
If one compares the total, natural born population of the U.S. to the total of the the imported population, there is little doubt that his claims about comparative fertility are true. The U.S. is below replacement rate, and requires immigration to sustain its population.
That liberal idea of abortion on demand has cost us about 55 million Americans, and that does not count the losses due to earlier chemical abortions and artificial fertility reduction. There is no doubt that those (conservative extremists) who don’t employ surgical and chemical birth control are making more babies.
Jeb Bush is interested in increasing the tax base of America. He thinks it would be wonderful to have more money to spend, and sees immigration as a means to get it. Pharmer thinks he has a point, but is not seeing the whole picture. If Jeb were really business minded, and interested in a fast tax base recovery, he’d be thinking of how to trade out the less fertile leftie voter base, for the more fertile immigrants. The conservative extremists plus [immigrants (minus criminals and terrorists)] could be amassed into one giant baby-making machine. 😉 😉
The real problem with the Republican party, and its Jeb Bushes is that they aren’t serious about addressing the social and economic problems of the U.S. in any coherent or rational way. They’re just casting about for temporary sources of new income to keep themselves in power. Jeb Bush doesn’t exhibit sufficient moral leadership to preserve the U.S.A. as a place where immigrants would come to seek freedom, pursue happiness, and build America and themselves up as successful examples for the rest of the world to imitate.